Delete my picture from an imgur link
I sincerely apologize for asking newbie questions. Rest assured, i have referred the FAQ section before posting my query below.
I have been trying to get in
touch with imgur support for a while to delete an image from a link. I had even emailed this concern via email to
support@imgur.com, but received no response or reply.
I even sent a PM hoping for some response from the administrators.
had uploaded this image to my account and after uploading it, i deleted
the image from my account. But it still shows up in the link. I cannot post the link here for privacy reasons. The
Request deletion link does not accept links ending in .picture-extension format
I would like to have my image deleted from the link ASAP due to privacy reasons. I would be truly grateful if you could delete this permanently from the link.
Please reply if you would like me to post the link or email the link to you.
I would be truly grateful if you could help me resolve the issue as early as possible
Thank you.

This happens because our CDN, Edgecast, gets backed up and does not remove images. The images have likely been removed from the Imgur server, but not from the CDN. The only thing we can do is continue to pressure them. http://imgur.com/removalrequest accepts URLs in picture extension format and is the best way to get your image removed.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This happens because our CDN, Edgecast, gets backed up and does not remove images. The images have likely been removed from the Imgur server, but not from the CDN. The only thing we can do is continue to pressure them. http://imgur.com/removalrequest accepts URLs in picture extension format and is the best way to get your image removed.