
Lysol auto-playing video ad?

Andrew Crawford 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 2
Hi imgur guy,

You were on my adblock whitelist for being so awesome.  But then I got an auto-playing ad for Lysol wipes, complete with sound and video.  Now you're not on the whitelist anymore.


I'm really sorry about that. Imgur has no control over the ads that are on the site -- at all. We work with several different ad networks, and even though I've repeatedly told them not to serve sound ads, some slip through anyway.

Could you help me track it down? What page did you see it on? Also, where are you located?
I'm really sorry about that. Imgur has no control over the ads that are on the site -- at all. We work with several different ad networks, and even though I've repeatedly told them not to serve sound ads, some slip through anyway.

Could you help me track it down? What page did you see it on? Also, where are you located?
I don't 100% remember, but I think it was this URL:

I'm located in TX.
I got the same thing on this url:

it was an air wick commercial and then I think some other videos played afterwards but I had muted it.

I'm in CA.