Tagasi lükatud

HTML5 audio and video

Dzre 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 aastat tagasi 0
Support for HTML5 audio and video uploads and embedding (within reasonable file sizes of course).

Imagine posting a small video clip instead of a cumbersome 256 color GIF.

This won't work before the codec debate ends, but it would be a nice feature if and when HTML5 audio and video finally pick up.


Tagasi lükatud
Sorry, but this will not be happening anytime soon. We want to focus our efforts on becoming the best platform for images, and not neccesarily all types of media.
Tagasi lükatud
Sorry, but this will not be happening anytime soon. We want to focus our efforts on becoming the best platform for images, and not neccesarily all types of media.