Under review

Any chance we can specify a background image (from our account) to display our albums images against?

Alex Zavatone 12 years ago updated by Sarah 10 years ago 3
Any chance we can specify a background image (from our account) to display our albums images against?
I'm creating images for iOS development with transparent backgrounds and displaying the shadowed areas against black just looks ganky in the JPEG thumbs and you can't see the shadow when it's against black.

MB a "Thumbs as PNGs" or "don't resample thumbs to JPG" option as well?
Under review
I wonder whether some imaging tools can help with that? I am testing with the related imaging SDK these days. You can also google it and select one whose way of processing is simple and fast to help you with the related work. It will be better if it is totally manual and can be customized by users according to our own favors. Remember to check its free trial package first if possible. I hope you success. Good luck.

Best regards,
"I wonder whether some imaging tools can help with that? I am testing with the related imaging SDK these days. You can also google it and select one whose way of processing is simple and fast to help you with the related work. It will be better if it is totally manual and can be customized by users according to our own favors. Remember to check its free trial package first if possible. I hope you success. Good luck."

Hi, Aaron. Your suggested image tools and SDK is not free. Just wonder whether you can suggest some free resources. That would be appreciate a lot.