
hyperdesktop has a win 32 trojan, is this what I am to expect from your website? I am a new user and will wait for your response. I am at khransdell@hotmail.com. KHR

Kenneth Ransdell 14 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 12 years ago 4
Immunet caught the trojan, a win32 trogan which is quarantined now.
Please advise as to what you know of this. I download all the time and this is the very first time Immunet has caught a trojan for me.


Hyperdesktop is not infected with a trojan. It's safe to say that your anti-virus is giving you a false positive.

This is my scan report: http://i.imgur.com/kd0F2.png
Hyperdesktop is not infected with a trojan. It's safe to say that your anti-virus is giving you a false positive.

This is my scan report: http://i.imgur.com/kd0F2.png
Thank You Alan, I suspected such, as ad-aware pro and iobit 360 antivirus reported nothing, just Immunet. Should I junk it, do you know of it? Anyway, thanks, I will redownload and ignore Immunet for now. Have a good day Sir.
The two products I would recommend are:

Microsoft Security Essentials (if you can install it on your machine!)
Panda Cloud Antivirus

Both are free and provide solid protection!
Yes I use M.S.E. and have tried Panda Cloud, the latter of which caused me problems but MSE I like. Thanks again.
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