

ONX McONX 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 0
I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate the new gallery format, because it doesn't make any damn sense. everything is out of order. can we PLEASE go back to the way things were a few days ago? i swear, i'm addicted to flipping through the gallery, and this new way i have to flip through old content all the time. i just want to see new stuff all the time.



I don't understand. Nothing is out of order, it's just displayed a little differently because they are broken down by days. There was no separation by days in the old version -- it was just all lumped together.

If you want to see all the new stuff, click on the "new" link and everything new from today is right there. Then if you scroll down, you get more days with stuff sorted by the newest.


I don't understand. Nothing is out of order, it's just displayed a little differently because they are broken down by days. There was no separation by days in the old version -- it was just all lumped together.

If you want to see all the new stuff, click on the "new" link and everything new from today is right there. Then if you scroll down, you get more days with stuff sorted by the newest.