
I'm trying to upload images from computer and it seems to be logging me out.

Pixi Glow 12 year бұрын жаңартылды 12 year бұрын 2
wtf is wrong with imgur? I'm trying to upload images from computer and it seems to be logging me out - causing the upload to fail.  I'm having to upload images to my photobucket page to upload from web and it's taking over 10 minutes for a 30Kb gif.  If I'm going to have to use photobucket anyways, then what is the point of even having imgur?
Now it's not even uploading from Photobucket.    WTF!!!!!
And what is with the site always being overloaded?  
If the site is actually down for maintenance or something - then just say that!  
And post what times & days the site will be down for regularly scheduled maintenance.