enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)
I made this web app (Meemoo webcam to stop-motion gif) that has imgur uploading with CORS/jQuery (yay!).
Now it would be cool to enable CORS on the server so that my app could load imgur images into the html5 canvas, modify them, and make new images. The future! http://enable-cors.org/
Paste this into Meemoo's source and you'll see the security error from context.getImageData() in the console:
Now it would be cool to enable CORS on the server so that my app could load imgur images into the html5 canvas, modify them, and make new images. The future! http://enable-cors.org/
Paste this into Meemoo's source and you'll see the security error from context.getImageData() in the console:
{"info":{"title":"no imgur cors","author":"forresto","description":"c'mon imgur"},"nodes":[{"src":"http://forresto.github.com/meemoo-modules/img2canvas.html","x":140,"y":73,"z":0,"w":330,"h":281,"state":{"dataurl":"http://i.imgur.com/Nlc35.gif"},"id":0}],"edges":[]}
Customer support service by UserEcho
CORS is now officially supported on S3: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/cors.html
Example: http://www.corsproxy.com/i.imgur.com/Nlc35.gif
Now you can do it! http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/09/03/aws_s3_supports_cors/
I would love to see this. In the mean time, I guess I have to use corsproxy then, it's not a good idea to rely on a third party service...