
Raise the size limit on .gif's

Dolfi Onii 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Sarah 12 jaar geleden 0

 The size limit should be raised from 2mb to 3mb, as that is the average size of a gif. Makes it extremely annoying and difficuly having to go into photoshop and shrinking them into a horrifically small resolution.

Sarah 12 jaar geleden

We offer increased 5mb on pro accounts. 


hi-res images

Juha Hakala 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Sarah 13 jaar geleden 0

Where are hi-res images?  1920*1200 or atleast near it.


Sarah 13 jaar geleden
You can click "download full resolution" to download the highest resolution provided by the uploader. 

How about locking the topbar at the top of the screen so that it's always there

Axeliin Fitzsimmons 11 jaar geleden 0
like facebook.

upload from the web after being logged in

Cody Henschel 14 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 jaar geleden 0

This is a duplicate, however the other is marked as closed and it shouldn't be.

When logged in, the upload button only is to upload from computer.  There should also be a upload from web button there.

Asking users to navigate back to the home page or use an extension are not solutions.  The functionality is there, it should be easy to access right after logging in. 

Also note: there is a need to manually type in the address again as there is no link to the "non-logged in" hope page once logged in.


Imgur converts pictures less than 1 MB

Tup3x 14 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door lee arron 10 jaar geleden 8
Imgur seems to convert pretty much any picture that is even less than 1 MB. As far as I know, that shouldn't happen. It ruins the picture. How do I know that this same thing will not happen if I plan to subscribe?

Add Image API Album

Jeff Johnson 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 jaar geleden 3
I didn't see a way for adding an image via the API to specify what album the image should go into. Is this possible?
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 jaar geleden

Yes, that's possible. Check this out: http://api.imgur.com/resources_auth#account_albums_id


mobile problems

Ariana Lewis 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Sarah 13 jaar geleden 0
I emailed new photos from my phone but imgur wont upload them. :( it has only allowed me to upload three photos.
Sarah 13 jaar geleden

GIF allowance is way too small by today's standard. Consider sextupling?

Darren Dormouse Lynch 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Sarah 12 jaar geleden 0

GIF allowance is way too small by today's standard. Consider sextupling?


Bug - Album Image Deletion Option Missing

Brandon Ritch 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 12 jaar geleden 1

Hi there,

When uploading multiple images to an album, there used to be an option to delete an image from the album (I believe the text was "Add or remove images"). I currently can not find any way to delete an image from an album. Please take a look!