Images not loading
The past couple days my browser has been unable to load imgur images. How do I fix this? Any time I click a link from reddit, imgur stalls out and the image doesn't load.

It sounds like your computer is having a hard time resolving the i.imgur.com domain. Can you try changing your DNS settings to use either Google's Public DNS, or Open DNS? More information on that can be found here: http://code.google.com/speed/

405down voteaccepted | Navigate to chrome://net-internals/#dns and press the "Clear host cache" button. |

I think it may be one of the extentions.
If I open the same page in incognito mode, everything seems fine

"Allowing" Imgur in the "Better Popup Blocker" extension worked for me. It's possible other popup blockers may be causing the same issue, though.

Same error here.
I can no longe use reddit because so much of it is comprised of imgur links.
When i submitted a bug report they said to fix my DNS as has been suggested here, which does nothing.
I wish people would stop using imgur and find something that actually works.

AdBlock will cause problems with images loading in imgur. When you navigate to an album on imgur that contains more than three images, chrome will only load the first three. If you click on any other undisplayed image in the album browser in the upper right hand corner, chrome will jump to that pane, but not display the image. If you then refresh the page, chrome will display any images that were previously cached, and the next three images starting from the newly selected image. Disabling the AdBlock extension allows chrome to load the entire album at once.

The problem is still happening. On multiple computers, on multiple OS', on multiple ISP's, Firefox always works, Chrome (or Chromium) doesn't. If I manually click on each image, Chrome is fine, if I try using the keyboard shortcuts, the images won't load.
Adblock isn't the issue, at least not for me. I have the same version of Adblock in Firefox and Chrome. It doesn't cause any issue in Firefox. In Chrome, I get the issue. If I remove or disable it in Chrome, I still get the issue.
By process of elimination, I get two causes. Either it's Chrome/Chromium itself, or it's Imgur.
It's not a big deal as I prefer Firefox regardless, but there are times when I'm using a computer that doesn't have Firefox (or I haven't/Can't set up Sync) and it's annoying that I can't use the arrow keys.

it seems like you have problem in loading images by clicking at the url of the images. i have tried this method to load url of images, you can give a try and hope it will solve your problem. i am using chrome broswers to try this.

I have also tried to load image from URL with the help of some third party image loading toolkits. But I wonder do you have any recommendation about the manual ones which could be customized by users according to our own demands. Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

I guess I should bee ware of these kind of strange extensions, who knows what kind of information it's gathered.

Customer support service by UserEcho
It sounds like your computer is having a hard time resolving the i.imgur.com domain. Can you try changing your DNS settings to use either Google's Public DNS, or Open DNS? More information on that can be found here: http://code.google.com/speed/ public-dns/ and https://store.opendns.com/get/ basic