
Images not loading even after changing DNS settings

redlightning 14 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 1
I changed my DNS addresses to Google's, and images hosted on imgur.com still don't load for me.


I'm not sure what else we can do then. Usually when people have problems with images not loading it has something to do with their DNS.

There aren't any service outages anywhere right now, so I have a feeling it has something to do with your computer/network. Have you tried loading images on any other computers?

Haven't been loading for me either during the last few days.
I'm not sure what else we can do then. Usually when people have problems with images not loading it has something to do with their DNS.

There aren't any service outages anywhere right now, so I have a feeling it has something to do with your computer/network. Have you tried loading images on any other computers?