Images under 1MB are compressed

EvilHom3r 13 ár síðan updated by Mikael Karlsson 12 ár síðan 1
On the FAQ page, it says "if the image is over 1MB then it will automatically be compressed or resized to 1MB", however I constantly have PNG images that are under 1MB compressed into JPEG. Please either update the FAQ with the proper size limit, or fix the algorithm that detects the size so that it doesn't compress images under 1MB. I did some quick testing, and it seems anything over approximately 770KB will be compressed.

Skip already seen images

ReallySmartGuy 11 ár síðan 0

I'd love it if I could browse in a mode where after I saw a submission, i would not see it again.  If browse something popular like /r/funny, or /r/adviceadminals, after going to the front page, i'll see a lot of of the same stuff.  It'd be nice if i knew everything i was loading was new to me.


Non album images

Andrea Mariani 12 ár síðan updated by Sarah 12 ár síðan 0

When I select to see Non Album images, it will also show me the images that belong in an album.


Can I use imgur as "cdn" for layout graphic elements?

ephestione 14 ár síðan updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 ár síðan 2
As the subject says: I cannot seem to find anything against it in the TOS, anyway does it bother you if I use PNG images hosted on imgur as background and CSS sprites of mywebsite to offload some HTTP requests? I am testing it now and seems to work very fine, and I am also giving credit to your site, just let me know if you would prefer me to stop doing this ;)
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 ár síðan
Actually, in the ToS, it states "Website elements such as gradients and share icons." as something that's not allowed. Sorry, but you may have to find your own commercial CDN for something like that. If I see it, then your site may be blocked from hotlinking.

Hi, I have a suggestion for the "update to gallery" feature

Cedric Bikond 12 ár síðan 0

Here it is:

How about having a "buffer" gallery with no comments nor sharing options. and only registered members of imgur get to see it.

Only up/downvotes and reporting possible. If a picture doesn't meet a requirement of N upvotes or is reported, it will never be commented on and disappear from gallery. That would help take care of spam and "bad quality" uploads.

Just my two cents, that's it.


The links at the bottom of the homepage are a bit useless with automatic loading of pictures

CaptainCapslock 12 ár síðan 0

With the dynamically loading photos when scrolling to the bottom of the site, it's super hard to click at any links at the bottom of the page. Maybe you should put the links somewhere else.


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Join 2015 with converting GIFs to WebM

Jonty Sylvester 10 ár síðan 0
I suggest making a built in converter so when GIF's are uploaded they get converted to webM

Cant log in with Google.

Shea Bethell 9 ár síðan 0

Hi I have had an account for ages. I recently tried logging in to upload some images and when I click the google icon it gives me the mini page asking for permission and I click allow. After that absolutely nothing happens. I cant reset my password cause I don't have one it just sends me an email to my gmail telling me to click on the login from 3rd party. Its a circle of nothingness really....


Beta Activation Link Error

Sushubh Mittal 12 ár síðan 0

 The link I got in the backend used my account URL. This resulted in a 404.

Not a bug

Found an ad that autoplayed audio and video.

Joshua Gonzales 12 ár síðan updated by Sarah 12 ár síðan 0

The ad had the following url/anchor: http://up.bidsystem.com/adfeedback.php?siteid=53361&adid=602340&pubid=37761

The ad was for the California Monopoly Lottery Scratchers.

Sarah 12 ár síðan

Thanks, we'll try to find it and get it taken down.