Under review

Copy pasta...

Perb123 13 years ago updated by seo blas 9 years ago 12
I have no idea if this is possible but I would love a function that lets you upload an image by just pasting it without saving it locally first.

Madness seen on the Internets --> Printscreen --> Imgur --> Ctrl-V --> Done.


Under review
It looks like this is possible with some new HTML5 features. If enough people ask for it here, then you'll have it!
this should be possible at least in browsers like chrome. you can do it in gmail (in chrome) right now. 
Under review
It looks like this is possible with some new HTML5 features. If enough people ask for it here, then you'll have it!
if possible, it would be awesome. a lot of folks use imgur for screencaps and saving them and then uploading them makes very little sense if it can be made to work like suggested in modern browsers. a lot of people have already switched to firefox and chrome. 
The option to crop the screenshot would be nice of course.

Please do this. :)
I think the functionality you are talking about is like this. http://uploadscreenshot.com/  They use java, but it should be possible using HTML5


this says that it currently isn't possible without java or flash, but afaik html5 allows it with canvas

Any news about this one? 

I wish they couls have in on ingur like there is on http://snag.gy/
As long as such functionality is not supported by the service itself, you can use this Greasemonkey script:

Right click copy shortcut/copy hyperlink paste into upload from web. This is already possible. Why would you want to printscreen?
Because sometimes you want to capture stupid shit on the net that isn't a picture, like this:

This feature exists now!  Click the upload button on the top toolbar!

This feature is implemented and working for a few years already. Maybe this should be closed now.