
You guys are the best long-term image host I know of that doesn't mess with quality of PNG files, but I wanna know, why are you blocking Facepunch? Many images on that site are hosted here and it's a big forum that's good for your business.

Jordan Lambert 13 years ago updated by Dona Arshita 10 years ago 2
Recently, Facepunch has been blocked by you, Imgur, for no reason apparently, so Facepunch is blocking you. I don't understand why but is there a reason you chose to block Facepunch? The forum has around 60,000 members or so and is unbelievably active with images all over the place.


Facepunch has been unblocked. 
Already deleted my account, guess I'll just have to go use a better image host.
Facepunch has been unblocked.