Your comments

I've gone ahead and just removed the footer links from the gallery page. You can still find them on every other page on the site.
You mean like this?

Just change 'p' to whatever you want. However, the maximum is 200 because that's as far back as the gallery goes.
Actually, here you go:

Just change 'p' to whatever you want. However, the maximum is 200 because that's as far back as the gallery goes.

Ok, thanks. That's much more useful :)

I'll add a "skip to page" link this weekend. Hopefully that will solve the issue.

I don't understand. What don't you like about it? Are you just used to the old version?
Sign in first, then use the uploader on the homepage. Anything you upload while signed in, whether it's from the backend "images" page or the homepage, will go into your account.
That's an awesome idea! I'll see what I can do.