Not a bug

JPG Comressor not working?

Sushubh Mittal vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Sarah vor 13 Jahren 1

PNG files are never optimized by Imgur during uploads. Today, even the JPEGs are being uploaded in full size even though I have not changed the setting.

Sarah vor 13 Jahren

Sorry, we're not sure what you mean.


give subscription

Jan D vor 12 Jahren 0

imgur needs ability for user to give pro subscriptions to other users.


Rename the "Hide" feature

awkward guy vor 11 Jahren 0
The feature says it permanently hides a picture from an account, however it doesn't explain that doing so means losing full control of the picture.  I understand that the feature has its uses, but it's kind of misleading and isn't reversible, which can cause some problems for people who don't understand it yet, so I feel a different name would be appropriate.

Why some Imgur images doesn't appear in Google Instant Preview

DanielSemper vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Alan Schaaf (Founder) vor 14 Jahren 2
You upload an image to your account, you publish it in your blog, after some minutes, search it in Google, try the Instant Preview and you will only see the Alt text displayed (in the small preview)

Return status code 404

JDW vor 11 Jahren 0
A lot of users on our forum use imgur to post images. We check for missing images to clean up broken links, but imgur returns a status code 200 when an image is not found. It would be great if you could return the proper 404 status code (and afaik it's necessary to comply with the HTTP protocol).

Your pictures make me cry. thankful to know that you care about our countrymen and didn't want him to die. thank you for holding this rally!!

Paula Fuqua vor 12 Jahren 0
wonderful pictures of a rally of peace in Libya


Svetoslav Svetlozarov vor 13 Jahren 0


a theoretical solution to spam robots?

Timothy Drane vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Sarah vor 13 Jahren 0
I notice that lately imgur has become over capacity for most of the day. I can attribute a bit of this to the system thingy that you have to gather the most popular pictures, and the plethora of fellow imgurians. But I feel that spam robots are taking up too much of the servers.

Can you possibly throw in an update that would automatically boot the user from the servers and ban the IP address? 

A theoretical solution:
server is told to boot users if rank hits -100

This solution would be easily patrolled by the imgur community. I do believe that there is little room for abuse due to the fact that most of imgur is very respectable (a bit warped, but respectable)...
Sarah vor 13 Jahren
The best thing you can do is to report the spam caption using the "report" link that comes up when you hover over the caption. We get alerts if the caption has been reported enough times and we are able to ban spammers that way. The downvoting idea is not feasible because normal bad captions (not from spammers) would have the potential to be downvoted to -100 as well. 

Don't worry, the spammers have nothing to do with the overcapacity issue :)

Unable to create album

Sean Monroe vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert vor 10 Jahren 1
I uploaded 5 pictures and clicked on create album, and an album is created with none of the images in it...