I have another hero that I can add to my list

Slick Willie 12 ár síðan 0

I have another hero that I can add to my list of hero's...My grand daughter tops the list though.... A big KUDO to you for giving your all so that I can live free...From one Vet to another I STAND AND SALUTE YOU FOR ALL YOU GAVE.


Restrict access to profiles

lgtshop 12 ár síðan 0
To prevent abusive behavior, restrict access to profile pages to a trusted list of Imgurians. Anyone wanting to see another's profile page would have to ask permission, and their actions would be logged.
 If someone does become abusive in this fashion, only Imgur would know their identity in order to avoid personal retribution.

Captcha is broken in Google Chrome?

Sushubh Mittal 11 ár síðan updated by agenbolakaki 10 ár síðan 0

I have a Pro account. Yet I am forced to fill the captcha multiple times a day. The problem is that sometimes the captcha does not appear. Batch uploads halt in the middle because the service requires me to prove that I am a human but the captcha popup does not appear at all. Right now is a good example. No matter which screen I use, the image does not upload. Stuck with a pending message. 

Image 23

I am on latest Chrome Beta right now. I have seen this behavior in the past on Stable and Dev builds too. As a result I moved to a desktop app (ShareX) for my uploads. I tried using the web uploader today after reading about the new enhancement (failed uploads are automatically retried) but apparently it is still broken. Image 23


Is there any way to just copy an image on imgur to your own account without uploading it and wasting precious disk space?

Ian Muench 12 ár síðan updated by Sarah 12 ár síðan 1
Just wondering if this is possible. So I see an image posted to imgur that isn't mine, I want to use it as well but want to keep it in my albums. Is there any way to sym link it to my account to use it in the future? Or is the best way to just upload it to my account? Not sure if that makes  sense.
Sarah 12 ár síðan
If the image you like is in the gallery, you can upvote it and it will be saved to your "liked" folder. Otherwise there is no way to do that. 
Not a bug

Feedback problem: After leaving a feedback there's no place to go

Michael_google gmail_Gersten 13 ár síðan updated by Sarah 13 ár síðan 0
During the feedback process, you never actual change pages or update the URL, or anything.

The result? When you are done entering a feedback item, you are looking at a page with your new feedback, only.

There is no "Back to Albums".
There is no "Send additional Feedback"

The only option is the browser "Back" button, which goes back what the user thinks is 5 pages (certainly about 5 actions -- at least it seems like that.)
Sarah 13 ár síðan
This feedback forum is not a part of the imgur.com site, which is why there is no "back to albums" button. 
Under review

Single uploads in backend are not appearing without a reload

Sushubh Mittal 12 ár síðan updated by Sarah 12 ár síðan 0

This has started happening from earlier today. I thought it was Chrome Dev Channel build released earlier today but it's happening in Firefox too. 

PS. This happens on single uploads done through Copy/Paste feature. 


Comment Question p.2

Matt G 12 ár síðan updated by Sarah 12 ár síðan 0
I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. I'm confused by the following thing, however: when I read other people's comments, when they refer to someone else with a @soandso, you can click on that text to access their profile. When I type @soandso, it is just text that doesn't link anywhere. Is there some technical wizardry going on (e.g. typing something like <a>@soandso</a>)? Do you need an imgur Pro account to do this? I feel like everyone knows but I don't. Thanks again for the help! 
Sarah 12 ár síðan
You just need to write it at the beginning of the sentence and it will automatically turn into a link. 

Properly attribute images sideloaded from Flickr

Jake Rome 12 ár síðan 0
When an image is "Sideloaded" from Flickr attribution should go to the photo page (like: http://www.flickr.com/photo.gne?id=6697327163 ) instead of the direct url (like: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7013/6697327163_b1ea2f48f3_b.jpg ) . The ID the number in the filename before the underscore.  Example taken from http://imgur.com/wGpDM 

No voting option?

Charlotta Tjärdahl 13 ár síðan updated by Sarah 13 ár síðan 0
Why can't anyone upvote or downvote my picture? Does it need a certian amount views? There is not even an option...
Sarah 13 ár síðan
Upvoting and downvoting is only for images in the gallery. Images cannot be added tothe gallery. They are automatically placed in the gallery when they havereached a high number of views and have been mentioned often on the web. 
Not a bug

details are missing

fucker321 12 ár síðan updated by Sarah 12 ár síðan 1
Sorry , but image details are missing.
Image , I uploaded have details about camera settings and GPS coordinates.
But after download , these details are  missing . It was details important for people , who download the image .
Sarah 12 ár síðan
we strip EXIF data