Your comments

try uploading it on a third party site to confirm there are no issues with the image itself? 
if you are uploading it from the dashboard, try it from the homepage as well. 
I can think of only two reasons. 
Either the server was overloaded at the time. 
File was corrupt. 
I can confirm that Imgur uploader is not perfect. I tends to give error on some uploads. Hell, I sometime get a failure rate of 5-8% on a batch upload of multiple images. 
Did you try uploading it again? 
Hello... It has been an year. I see you declined the other request here. Any chance you guys have changed your mind? :) 
album links have /a/ in their links. 
last few days were great. dashboard loading problems and failed uploads have returned today. around 5% of uploads are failing on average. 
Righto. Store the deletion link and run it whenever you want to destroy the image. 

Same problem here. A lot of images are showing redirect loop error in Chrome. I ended up deleting a bunch of images from a blog post because I thought they were dead (from the days I had a free account). Now realizing that the images were simply not appearing. :| Here is an example:

Just noticed Twitter is now showing Imgur hosted images properly. Is this new or I missed it before?
Yeap. Looking at the popularity of Imgur hosted images on the web, it is a surprise that Twitter has not officially supported it by itself! This looks like the alternative way to get it done. 
It is always a good idea to have links to your own domain which are totally under your control for campaigns. That ways, you have the ability to change the final link by editing the redirection on the links on your own domain.