
Please allow individual captioning of images

Kevin Parry fa 14 anys updated by Susanna Moore fa 10 anys 1
It would be great to be able to add a few lines of image caption to be part of the image's metadata so that when press download my images the caption is included.

Helping Hurts

Andrew Pennebaker fa 14 anys updated by Dona Arshita fa 10 anys 4
In some browsers (e.g. Chrome), it's really hard to get the direct URL of submitted Imgur images.

Intuitively, I should be able to click in the text field containing the direct URL, highlight it, and either right-click and select Copy or press Control-C, Alt-C, or Command-C, depending on the operating system.

Imgur tries to help by automatically highlighting and copying the URL to the clipboard when a user clicks the text field. However, when some browsers evaluate the JavaScript code that does this, they fail to actually copy the URL to the clipboard. Since this fails silently, users may end up pasting the wrong URL somewhere else. The original URL can be irretrievably lost.

The automatic highlighting and copying prevents users from manually copying the URL. This hurts Chrome users among others. Worse, this behavior punishes users for their assumption that Imgur works like any other HTML page.

Web 2 is fine, but a Web 2 page should gracefully downgrade to Web 1 behavior. That's a practical example, here's the theory.

Apple Human Interface Guidelines

P.S. The "Sign in with" pop-ups for submitting feedback don't always work in Chrome.

Reporting users

♫tygirltaco♪ fa 12 anys 0

I know that there is a way to report individual comments, but is it possible to report entire users? Besides posting their name here like I've seen? I've noticed quite a few spammers lately and I just thought it might be easier than going through and reporting each of their individual comments.

I've been told that the ability to individually report posts is better because it allows just the bad posts to be reported and removed, as well as keeping from potential abuse of people getting reported willy-nilly. But if a sort of, perhaps more time consuming or indirect method could be established, I think it would be very helpful when it comes to users who are being used purely for posting spam. For instance something where you have to post a reason for the report and maybe a link to at least 3 or so instances that proves a need for it? I don't know something along that line.

I know you guys are working hard to keep imgur a great place and I love and appreciate everything you do. This is a wonderful site. Just a small suggestion to help keep the community clean and fun.


Support login with OpenID

Stephen Judge fa 14 anys actualitzat fa 14 anys 2
Not all of us like our online identities being managed by the big networks. Give your users complete control of our identities and allow us to sign up and login with OpenID.

Allow viewers to change album style

ScionoftheShrub fa 14 anys updated by Dona Arshita fa 10 anys 1
Hey! Thanks for a really great, usable image host. For daily needs, I infinitely prefer imgur over all the alternatives!

I have a request, though. Often, when I'm viewing an album of images, I like to save them to my computer. Since I use the DownThemAll Firefox extension, which makes things really easy if they're all on one page, when uploaders choose the "Blog Layout" album style, I can download them really easily. Unfortunately, if the uploader chooses another album style, I can't do this.

An option for viewers to change the layout of albums they are viewing would be much appreciated. Uploaders could still specify a layout preference that would be loaded by default, but viewers could select from vertical, horizontal, grid, and blog layouts if they preferred a different style.


add support for google webp format?

Sushubh fa 14 anys updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) fa 12 anys 3
agreed it is not supported by internet explorer or firefox. 

but well... what the heck. be the first image sharing service to support it? 

imagemagick has already added support for it. not sure if it is relevant here! 
This is a little hard right now because nothing seems to be able to detect the mime type, since it's so new. I'll see what I can do though.

security error

Trevor Kidwell fa 12 anys updated by Andrew Y fa 12 anys 4

Keep getting "Upload failed. -230 Security Error"

HAve tried uploading with multiple browsers, no extensions, different pictures, nothing works. 

There will be! I'm currently working on a favorites feature that will save other people images into a special section of you account. You'll be able to do everything you can with these images that you can do with you own, except delete of edit them of course. This includes adding them to albums.

make twitter show your pictures natively in their interface.

Timo fa 14 anys updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) fa 13 anys 1
I know this sounds counterintuitive for your throughclicks ratio, but please try it out a few weeks. You never know what will happen.
We're currently working with Twitter on this. It's all on them to build this feature, but things are looking promising.

UPDATE: Twitter has straight up told us NO. We even had lunch with a guy who was supposedly in charge of it and he said that there will be no more sites added to their interface. I don't think they realize how big of a mistake that is.
Under review

block users

Bishy Bish fa 12 anys updated by Dona Arshita fa 10 anys 6

I just wanted to post here to see if there is there any way that we can get an option to block users. While 99% of the people are Imgur are awesome, there's always those few people in every group that are only there to try to make everyone else miserable. A perfect example of this is someone who made a new account today with the sole purpose of mimicking and annoying another user (as is stated in their profile comment). And now anyone who suggests that he calms down becomes a focus for his childishness as he adds their names to his profile "rant" and goes out of his way to find and reply to comments made by those people. Having my notifications spammed by someone screaming in all caps lock isn't my idea of fun.