
Select All option for selection of multiple images!

Sushubh hace 14 años actualizado por Kangenwater Spray hace 9 años 2
The new backend is pretty awesome. The only thing missing is the Select All button that can be shown for functions like delete/edit/code generate. Please consider this!
Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 13 años
Thanks for another excellent suggestion, Sushubh. I have plans for this, as well as a "Deselect All" link.

Change of Caption in Gallery submitted picture.

Vera Hafstrøm Fandrup hace 12 años actualizado por Ngakali Gugel hace 10 años 0

I have submitted an image to the gallery and now i wish to change the caption of it. I have tried changing it under "change caption/description" when clicking on the image in "my images". It says that the caption is now updated - but when i go to the image in the gallery, its still the old one? how do I change it? 

And another question - how come it is not possible to view the description on the submitted image?


Autmatic image titles from filenames

Maciej Kuśnierz hace 13 años 0
Can you add option to create image titles from image file names?

Can't comment

Molly Goodspeed hace 12 años actualizado por kirana paramitha hace 10 años 0

Imgur won't save my comments, no matter how many times I resubmit them or reload the page, they never go through, and I never see them again. Half the fun of the website is leaving comments, and I haven't been able to since I got an account! Is it because I'm using an ipad??



Tara Freelander hace 13 años actualizado por Sarah hace 13 años 0
these past few days imgur has been down for maintenance frequently and for long periods of time. I just wanted to let you know that, it makes me want to cry for the rest of my life and burn cities to the ground. I miss imgur :(
Sarah hace 13 años
Please don't cry :(

Statistics and information

cece hace 14 años actualizado por Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 14 años 1
For each gallery and image there would be nice with some statistics. How many viewers and traffic each day etc. for galleries and images. Refere links would be nice too.

Don't know what more to add right now.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 14 años
I just release the account statistics page that should help with this. You can find it by hovering over your username when you're signed in.
En revisión

User Ranking System

Cyclone hace 13 años actualizado por Sarah hace 13 años 0
A way to see user rankings would sure be nice, I'd love to see how I rank (reputation-wise) compared to other users.
Sarah hace 13 años
I will add it to the list.

Blur option

dan2020 hace 14 años actualizado por andorem hace 9 años 2
I would like the option to select a rectangular area in the image editor, and blur it. This way I could easily blur faces and car license plates when I edit my uploaded photos.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 13 años
Imgur uses Aviary for the advanced editing. If it doesn't have a blur option then there's nothing I can do :( However, there's a rectangle option, so you could just black it out instead.

Broken Links

J Street hace 14 años actualizado por anonymous hace 10 años 10
Like 99% of the images I am trying to upload today have broken links that give me a 502 error message.

I can upload and edit the pictures fine, but when I get to the final screen almost all of the link are broken.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 14 años
After some research and probing, it appears that the problem was isolated to one of Voxel's DNS recursors. This issue has been solved and all links should be working again.
En revisión

Slideshow feature when browsing the main gallery

Jonathan Klinkby Jørgensen hace 13 años actualizado por Ngakali Gugel hace 10 años 4
Sometimes I'm just too lazy to click next when I'm browsing all the top pictures of the day and it would be totally awesome with a slideshow feature.

I read that ones own albums have the option to enable slideshows.
 so it shouldn't be too hard to add it to the frontpage.