
Autoplay audio

Dylan Sonett hace 13 años actualizado por Sarah hace 13 años 0
Encountered an autoplaying video/audio ad from Geico at http://imgur.com/OaTrx.
Sarah hace 13 años

Thank you!

Gabriel Huwe hace 13 años actualizado por Sarah hace 13 años 0
Your website makes my day ten times less boring. Reddit wouldn't be Reddit without Imgur. A huge "thank you" from me and the whole Reddit community.

When I upload gif or a pic, the thumbnail(s) only shows the torso of people.

gifwiz hace 13 años actualizado por Sarah hace 13 años 1
That frustrates me because I do link a lot of thumbnails at reddit and other forums. I really need to adjust the thumbnails so I could show their heads. That way the viewers will know who or what they are looking at when clicking. Thanks.
Sarah hace 13 años
There are more thumbnail options with pro accounts. 

Create a First and Last image in Imgur albums.

Pr Master hace 14 años actualizado por Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 13 años 0
Right now Imgur albums have a Prev and Next button to browse the pictures but when it hit the last one and you click Next it goes back to the first image. This loop would be find in an album with normal pictures but in albums with a lot of similar pictures it just get confusing since you never know if the picture is new or you are just watching the first one againg.

Well that would be my simple suggestion, and thanks a million for this great site.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 13 años
The albums now end without cicling back.

";><SCRIPT>alert(String.fromCharCode(66, 97, 100, 97, 115, 115))</SCRIPT>

es Hopeso hace 12 años actualizado por Mackenzie Goode hace 12 años 1
";><SCRIPT>alert(String.fromCharCode(66, 97, 100, 97, 115, 115))</SCRIPT>



your site is hoplessly broken.. Wont save picture after it finally loads, just a spinning wheel.. Time to look for a better alternative. this sucks balls

vince geisler hace 13 años actualizado por Kangenwater Spray hace 9 años 1
so i upload my image, first off it misreads a 1024x768 image as 4096x something. then it wont show the image in the crop/resize window just a spinning top. then if i click on advanced and crop from there it finally goes, but then when i save it encodes it, then tells me its finishing up, this goes on forever.. You site is/has been hopelessly broken for some time now. Time to look for an alternative for my reddit posting happyness

Ability to change theme

Lily Framingham hace 13 años 0

Shadow banning

Zato hace 11 años 0

Are people shadow banned when they reach a certain negative score? Shadow ban meaning that their comments are invisible to everyone else.


Login via Google OAuth with https enabled is broken.

William Ting hace 13 años actualizado por Sushubh Mittal hace 13 años 2
I just wanted to update this issue. I was using KB SSL in Chrome before. Today EFF came out with their HTTPS Everywhere extension for Chrome:

When using HTTPS Everywhere with Chrome it results in a redirect loop without logging in. Disabling the extension allows login to work fine.

This is related to this previous bug:
En revisión

Embedded gallery doesn't have link to the web-gallery

Juhana Pietari Lehtiniemi hace 12 años actualizado por Sarah hace 12 años 0

I think there should be a link somewhere in an embedded gallery so that you can find your way to the website. For example, the IMGUR-logo could be linked directly to the actually gallery and not to the imgur.com-mainpage? People still see the power of imgur-site even though they aren't directed to the main-page but the gallery itself.

En revisión

Why does down voting even exist?

Josh Bell hace 13 años actualizado por Sarah hace 13 años 2
I feel like it shouldn't even be an option. That way, only comments that people like get voted for. Any other comment would just slip away towards the bottom if no one else upvotes it. Right?

from a direct link of a comment, it's impossible to find a comment's context/parent

-11210 hace 12 años 0

 solution: make the "view the rest of the comments" link expand the thread you were coming from.

En revisión

Upload images directly from album view.

ataraxial hace 13 años actualizado por Sarah hace 13 años 0
It would be great if albums could serve as an organizational tool as well as being a way to view images. One way to achieve this is to streamline the process of uploading images to albums. It would be very helpful to have an upload option available when viewing an album with it automatically set to upload to that album by default.

In conjunction with having all link options available in album views (a suggestion that was already suggested and marked as "planned"), this would make albums much more useful and usable in organizating pictures. After all, why should anyone have to wade through the disorganized image view when they can easily and conveniently use albums to keep everything neat and tidy? :)
Sarah hace 13 años
Thanks for the suggestion! We will review it to be added to the to-dos. 

Broken Buttons

Terry Lovelace hace 13 años actualizado por Sarah hace 13 años 1
Since Sat. I've been able to log on and Up/Downvote captions and pictures, but Submit caption, delete,report, and bad caption buttons have been broken. Java is enabled, no conflict with plugins. Same results on multiple computers. Any ideas?
Sarah hace 13 años
You should see a little green arrow show up. Click that and you will have a report option! 


Stm Graphics hace 13 años actualizado por anonymous hace 10 años 4
hi all.. im new here, and i pressed hide button accidentally, the images are importan for me, plz, i know they are not deleted, the links still works, i need my images because i have embeded with imgur links on face my english is not very good, sorry, i hope you can help me 
Sarah hace 13 años
Sorry, hiding is a permanent action. You cannot unhide. You can delete and reupload. 

links to originals display downsized images

re: semblance hace 12 años actualizado por Sarah hace 12 años 0

links to original images produce downsized images; some, very tiny.

Sarah hace 12 años

Can you give an example? We're not able to reproduce that on this end. 


Your "Login with facebook" is broken.

Jesse Dacumos hace 12 años actualizado por Sarah hace 12 años 0

Your "Login with facebook" is broken. I've tried with Chrome and Safari, with Mac OSX. 

Sarah hace 12 años

It's on Facebook's end. You can email support@imgur to get access to your account. 


NSFW report button

anon_user hace 12 años 0

The new gallery needs a NSFW report button, not just a catch-all "spam or abuse" option.  That way the image can be flagged as NSFW and moved to the appropriate section without penalizing the user as if it was spam or other rule infraction. 


My Picture is blank when I upload it.

Dale Lawrence Wamsley Sr. hace 12 años actualizado por Sarah hace 12 años 0
Sarah hace 12 años

Can you give any more information? Are all images on Imgur blank or just the one? 


How do you edit an image title/description after it's been submitted into the gallery?

Andy Brown hace 11 años 0
The only place I've found to edit the image title/description is in my image gallery, but not in my "submitted" gallery

Hall of famers

Caloonese hace 14 años actualizado por Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 13 años 3
There should be a list of the top posters and top caption writers.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 13 años
Yep, I have plans for this. Unfortunately it keeps falling on the priority list in favor of some other things, but you should be seeing it implemented soon.

With the new mp4 format, saving the "gifs" is basically pointless. There is a viable alternative.

Matthew Brick hace 10 años 0
I browse imgur and 4chan and I tend to save pictures and gifs from both. With the new mp4 format, it's essentially pointless to save them, since I can't properly use them on 4chan, where I have the most use for them. This isn't really an issue exclusive to me though, I'm sure many people find the mp4 format odd, which is why I'd recommend using .webm formatting as an alternative for large gifs. They are much smaller, usually under a megabyte, and can be moved around with a bar, as if it was a video. They can support more than 2 minutes of animation in under 4000 kb, making them a much more attractive alternative to mp4s. 
For more information on .webms the following link is a very good source for it. https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=WebM
En revisión

Descriptions are being cut in the middle when viewing embedded albums

Juhana Pietari Lehtiniemi hace 12 años actualizado por Sarah hace 12 años 0

I only see the first line of the image description when viewing an embedded album on a 3rd party site. This isn't supposed to be so, right? There's plenty of space to display several rows of image description if it's long.


imgur connnection reset in CHINA

Pengfei Ma hace 11 años 0

hi,i'm now using imgur pro service,and i'm a user from China mainland.There is connection reset in CHINA when people view images from i.imgur.com ,and this problem can not be fixed due to the situation of china's internet sensorship,hope you can understand that.I strongly hope imgur can have domain mapping service that people in china to make the images appear like they are hosted on our domains.and this can  avoid connection reset. such like using i.myowndomain.com instead of i.imgur.com .

wait for your reply,thanks.


Revamp comments on multiple-image albums

WeAreTheNSA hace 11 años 0
This mostly applies to PeggySue/Wadget posts, but any long album would do. It would be awesome to be able to have an expandable comments section under each image so users can post comments for each individual image. There could be a "click to expand/click to comment" option under each image so comments don't mess with the flow of the album. But that would be where I put witty comments on long posts--IF I HAD ANY!

Duplicate Image for Editing

Noi Sek hace 14 años actualizado por Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 13 años 0
A 'Duplicate Image' function would be nice, so you can make multiple edits of one image and still keep the original. Mostly this pertains to image resizing in multiple resolutions without reupping.

It seems like imgur has been down for maintenance pretty frequently these days.

Zach Martin hace 13 años actualizado por Sarah hace 13 años 0
Always seems to happen at the worst possible times, too. What's the deal lately?
Sarah hace 13 años
Just doing some updates. We hope to be finished in the next couple days. 

Ads on mobile site

Misty Erickson hace 12 años 0
Pop-up Ads on Imgur mobile are awful. They significantly slow down the page loading and are so frustrating. Please remove them!!

Opera Back button problems since Wednesday

Sean Maher hace 13 años actualizado por Sarah hace 13 años 0
Since yesterday the back button on my Opera 11.62 breaks on some imgur links. For example, going from reddit to http://imgur.com/Xfc9c Some imgur links are fine. It seems to be an iframe issue. Works fine in other browsers like chrome and firefox. thanks.

iOS 6 support HTML file upload

François Proulx hace 12 años actualizado por Sarah hace 12 años 0

Please add support for iOS 6 file upload !


Replies to your comments shouldn't disappear from the message area

BarefootAndFabulous hace 12 años actualizado por agenbolakaki hace 10 años 1

You should be able to go back and look at replies to your comments more than once. Cause sometimes it glitches and won't show me the messages, but since i already clicked on the red flag, i can't see the reply again.

Sarah hace 12 años

You can find all of your notifications under "messages" when you click on your username in the top right. 


Replace existing image

Mason Wan hace 14 años actualizado por Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 13 años 5
Sometime I need to correct images that has been linked to other places. Re-uploading a image will generate another URL, therefore it will be a hassle to update all other places where the image was linked. I would like the replace functionality.

noisy ads

Lynn Moynanan hace 12 años actualizado por Lynn Moynahan hace 12 años 1

Got a few noisy ads today. They're from AFP (no idea what it is). When clicked, they link to http://nuestra.tv/. 


En revisión

clickable image links in private messages

Caroline Wren Martin hace 13 años actualizado por Sarah hace 12 años 1
I love that image links are clickable and open within the same browser tab/window on gallery images. Any way we could have the same feature in private messages?
En revisión

"View context"?

Cameron Kelly hace 12 años actualizado por Sarah hace 12 años 0

So, uh, while you guys are making imgur more and more like Reddit (which I say without implying I'm making a value judgment- objectively, this is the case, though for what it's worth I'm honestly still undecided as to how I feel about it), could you please add a "view context" option to comments (perhaps only available when viewing from a user's profile page and/or the "Replies" screen)? It's the next logical step for the new reply system; when I'm scrolling through a user's comments, and see one that looks like it's part of an interesting or otherwise noteworthy discussion, I shouldn't have to play semantic whack-a-mole to figure out which comment thread contains the comment I'm looking for.


Is it possible to create a regular user name and password after creating my account linked to Facebook?

FISHMANPET hace 14 años actualizado por Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 14 años 0
I created my account by linking with Facebook, but I can't use that account to sign in via the imgur app I use on my Android phone, and I'm guessing I can't use it anywhere else besides the main website, because it looks like you're having external apps do an auth on your website, but that auth doesn't support the other account types yet.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 14 años
I'm really sorry about that. You will be able to sign in to the app via your Facebook account very soon.

EDIT: Signing into Imgur with other accounts from applications (like the android app) has just been released today. Please try again and let me know if you have any more questions.

Download full resolution

Sushubh hace 14 años actualizado por Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 14 años 0
Seems to download images without an extension. At least on Chrome. 
Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 14 años
Thanks for letting me know about that. Looks like it was limited to Chrome, but it's been fixed.

Announcement Notification

Michael Salmon hace 13 años actualizado por Sarah hace 13 años 0
For some time now I've had the little red "1" at the top of my screen telling me that I have an Announcement. When I click on it however, I don't have one! Even then, it doesn't go away! I keep coming back to Imgur and getting excited that I have feedback, only to find I have none. What's going on? :(

Is this still alive?

Max Leater hace 11 años 0

Is this still checked?


Why doesn't the browser follow links dropped on it any more- but when on imgur?

fsdjkfa hace 12 años actualizado por Robert Ginda hace 12 años 1

0. Type about: in your browser's address bar

1. Drag/drop a link into the window

2. Browser follows link

0. Now try an imgur page.

1. Drag/drop a link into the window

2. Browser thinks nothing happened.

En revisión

The new imgur upload sucks. I propose you limit uploads to one per person per day, to keep idiots from spamming the network.

Mike Croy hace 12 años actualizado por Sarah hace 12 años 0

The new imgur upload sucks.  I propose you limit uploads to one per person per day, to keep idiots from spamming the network.  Check out what pylonparty is doing tonight.  It's taking away from the other posters.  Please come up with some way to prevent this spamming.


You guys should consider making a downloadable app for your desktop. Basically create a DOPBOX like app where you can place image files and directly upload them to your albums.

Michael DeMartino hace 12 años actualizado por Sushubh Mittal hace 12 años 1

I don't know how this would work or the technical hoops you would have to jump through to make this happen but it might be something you should keep on the back burner and think about.

Basically just a desktop app that you can directly drag image files into and they get sent to your album onto Imgur. 

You can even have it send back direct links for posting after you have uploaded an image file.


Drag/drop and clipboard support on IE10

Juan Diego hace 12 años actualizado por Sarah hace 12 años 1

Please support drag&drop and clipboard pasting on IE10 browser. Of course I mean in Desktop mode on Windows 8.


still seeing deleted image, album in account stats

Eugene Efremov hace 13 años actualizado por Sarah hace 13 años 0
I uploaded a picture, and put it in an album to make it public.  When it still had zero views and wasn't in the gallery the next day, I read the FAQs and discovered that apparently imgur is for sharing pictures that are already popular on the internet, which I don't fully understand the point of, but whatever's clever.  Because I don't actually want to spam the entire internet with a picture of my dog, I deleted it, but kept seeing my "popular album" with the thumbnail of that picture in my account stats.  So I deleted the album.  Yet it still appears in my account stats.  I can click on it to get a 404, but the fact that the album used to exist, and the thumbnail, is still showing up, which means the thumbnail is still being stored.
Sarah hace 13 años

Images cannot be added tothe gallery. They start, as all other images do, at zero views and votes. They are automatically placed in the gallery when they havereached a high number of views and have been mentioned often on the web, at which point they can be commented and voted upon. Send the image URL of your dog picture to support@imgur.com and we can make sure it's removed permanently. 


I am a HUGE fan!

David Wilson hace 13 años actualizado por Alan Schaaf (Founder) hace 13 años 0
I have been using Imgur for almost a year now and I truly love it! I would never use another image hosting site! You guys and Mediafire are a godsend in a world filled with rip offs like Megaupload/Photobucket.

I honestly think my internet experience would be much different without you guys! I just wanna say thank you!

The only thing I don't like is that you cannot use your site as storage for my images but I guess that is what my harddrive is for right?

why aren't my photos showing up in the gallery

Christian Schlater hace 12 años actualizado por Sarah hace 12 años 0

why arent my photos that i uploaded showing up in the user submitted/ newest first gallery?

Sarah hace 12 años

Sorry, I need more information. Please email support@imgur.com.