Option to disable auto-copying of generated links to clipboard

Sushubh Mittal 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 1

It is usually an annoyance for me as it removes whatever else I have stored on the clipboard. 

And, the code copied to the clipboard is usually not the one I need. So, it would be nice to have it as an option at least for logged in users? 

Sarah 12 years ago

Maybe I'm confused, but we don't auto-copy? You can click on those stacked files next to the links to copy. 



Justin Miller 12 years ago 0

I just had an ad start playing audio without my permission (I was on another tab at the time). This is not cool - fix it please!

Under review

Touch-ups to messaging system

Caroline Wren Martin 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 0

I absolutely love having the PM feature. Thank you infinity for introducing that. However, if I may be so bold as to say, it could use a few small improvements. Right now your entire message history is all in one long scrolling page. Could the messages be automatically collapsed, and maybe just headed by the subject, correspondent, and maybe the date? Plus a little symbol for if there is a new message in that thread from the other person.

Thanks for listening to all my crap, you guys are the best. I think I'm fast becoming one of your most vocal (and annoying) users. :P


Random picture days

Kent Nelson 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 0
Hello Imgur Management,

During what was called "The Great Imgur Famine of 2012", there were no new pictures for at least three days. I really thought that the idea of posting up a random day of pictures was a great idea. Since I am a rather new Imgur viewer, it was neat getting to see some past pictures and make comments. I think you should incorporate a random picture day at least once per week. This would allow the stock of new pictures to build up and if need be, it would be a good time for maintenance on your end. I think it would be fun since there are so many good pictures on this site. If this option is feasible and is instigated, I get 10%! :) j/k
Sarah 13 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion! :) I'm glad you liked that. I don't know if we'll ever do it once a week, but you can always click the "past" button and move it to a random past day and start looking around! 
Not a bug

why are my images not being uploaded? three days and slow not no uploads on small .pngs?

Scott Gerling 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 0
Sarah 13 years ago
Seems to be working for us. Please make sure that your browser is fully updated, you have javascript turned on and you may want to disable add-ons/extensions. You could also try it from another computer or browser to see if you have the same problem.

Image tags page for Windows Phone 7

Pasi Savolainen 13 years ago 0
For some reason the browser on Window Phone 7 (a breed of IE9) doesn't allow selecting (and thus copying) text in the textboxes on imgur site. This means I can't copypaste the bbcode to a forum I want to post this image to.
The WP7 doesn't have ability to upload images from browser, so emailing to upload@imgur is a vital use case. Could be actually resolved also by having the upload tags in "image uploaded" email you send out, but fixing textboxes would be more universal?

Selecting and copying of _labels_ (like "HTML Code") works ok.

Past images

Nick Hurley 10 years ago 0
I used to be able to browse imgur's front page from a certain number of days ago. Has this feature been removed?

Just here to Thank you guys, Ihope it will be free forerer.

Alamgir hossain Shemul 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 0
Thanks guys for providing such beautiful image hosting service.

How do you put a Hyperdesktop uploaded screenshot into an album?

heffalump 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 1

Sarah 13 years ago
To add something to album, go to the album and click "add or remove images."

drupal and joomla plugin to upload images automatically

Jan D 13 years ago 0
drupal and joomla plugin to upload images automatically 

I only see front page pictures with Random Mode activated.

TacoCatRaceCar 10 years ago 0
It is driving me crazy. This happens occasionally every few months and lasts for a few days or for a few weeks. I use the "next" button and I simply cycle through front page pictures from the last 24 hours. 

Thank you

Pooponastick 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 0
Yeah, I just have to say thanks. Since I started using Imgur to have a place to keep my stuff organized, I loved it. Everything is smooth and quick. And the changes, I love those too. Don't stop being awesome.

New accont not working.

Eric 14 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 years ago 2
 I keep logging into my new account and all I get is the spinning white circles on the account screen.  Can't upload any photos or do anything.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 years ago
I'd be glad to help you out with this. What browser (with version) and operating system are you on?

This is what the site looks like on an iPad due to the Full Sail University ad. http://i.imgur.com/lvVGe.jpg

Josh Seleski 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 0
Margins are way off
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago
This should be fixed.
Not a bug

everytime I try to watch the http://imgur.com/a/s6dgU#0 album the Friggin BMO ad obscures the pictures. That's just fucked up

Bill Anderson 13 years ago updated by Ludhiana Seo 10 years ago 2
Add blocks the picture GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Sarah 13 years ago
I'm not having any problems viewing that album from this end. Pleasemake sure that your browser is fully updated, you have javascript turned on andyou may want to disable add-ons/extensions. You could also try it from anothercomputer or browser to see if you have the same problem.

.png issue

Joshua Schoenfeld 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1

Most any time I try to change anything on Imgur it sticks a .png label behind the URL and gives me the 404 site. It does this to the blog, account stats, and to the Gallery whenever I change the view settings.


403 Forbidden when opening i.imgur links from Google Reader

Travis Yaremco 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 0
Sarah 13 years ago

Can't sign into my imgur account on the firefox extension

Parn Akuma 14 years ago updated by Kangenwater Spray 10 years ago 2
When trying to use the firefox extension to sign in to my account and upload images to it, the sign in never completes and tells me the information I supplied is not quite correct.

When the sign in attempt fails it sends me to a page that says "Woah there! The information you sent wasn't quite correct. Please return to the place that sent you to this page and try again."

I am able to sign in to my account on the actual imgur website.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 years ago
Great! I'm glad to see the issue resolved itself. Let me know if you run into any more.

Gallery Thumbnail Image Customization

Joe Douglas 13 years ago 0
It would be great if there was away to dictate which image appears as the gallery tumbnail.

Changing permission of albums does not seem to work!

Sushubh 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 3
I created a private album. And tried to embed it. Realized that private albums cannot be embedded. Changed permissions to public. No use, it shows public in settings but they are still inaccessible from private browser mode... 
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago
Are you still having trouble with this? I was never able to reproduce it. If so, could you give me some steps on what to do?
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 years ago
The album and the images are loading as expected. The problem is that the 90x90 thumbnails are being created from tiny little icons. There's no way around this.

Imgur jail?

Tom Anders 11 years ago 0
If someone gets a lot of downvotes on a comment or their pictures recieve a lot of downvotes, they should be put in Imgur jail for a set period of time. 

3D images

Roeland Kooijman 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 0
Is there any chance you will add the option to upload 3d photo's is the .jps, .pns and .mpo formats. Similar to what 3dporch.com does. I would like to keep my 2d and 3d images on the same site instead of having to split them up.

Shuffle loop

Brian Haver 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

When using Chrome Version 22 and IE 9 on Windows 7 on two different computers on various networks over the past few weeks, I am using the shuffle function (great idea by the way) and the next and back keys will reverse functions.  This also affects the keyboard shortcuts.  In addition to this, sometimes I'll only get around 30 pictures and they will just loop in shuffle.  What am I doing wrong!?!


Next/Prev Button not working

Ryan McGinley 10 years ago 0
Next and Prev button is not working when clicked
Not a bug

Three Character Usernames

Gianni Chiappetta 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

Can this be a thing, please?

Sarah 12 years ago

Three characters are reserved for Imgur admin pages. 


Horizontal layout has no way of getting image and embed info.

Adrian Jektvik 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1

When you have Horizontal Layout chosen, there is no way to get embed codes for single images. I feel this should be implemented, preferably right under the image after you have clicked on it.


Any plans to increase API limits for pro members?

Sushubh Mittal 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 0
Just asking? :) 

I understand that 200 photos per hour is very generous already. 
Sarah 13 years ago
No plans currently for that!

List images by age; newest to oldest with stats and a delete function

ShyWriter 14 years ago updated by Kangenwater Spray 10 years ago 4
To help keep within the limits of 250 images it would be nice if a user could also see a text-style listing of them by age; newest to oldest as well as the stats (# times accessed) and have the option to delete at that list. A lot of images I use are posted as info/cartoons in forum Bulletin Board posts. Those posts get deleted after about 4 months so the ability to delete the images that go with that post have aged out and I can delete them if I know which are about the same age.
Thank you for listening.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm actually working on something exactly like this, but it should allow for even more flexibility. It's in beta right now and should (hopefully) be released next week, along with generating link codes for multiple images.

EDIT: This was released with the new account management features.

comment points not changing after clicking upvote

Jeremy Comer 10 years ago 0
Hey Imgur,

I've noticed that when you click upvote on a comment the point value is no longer being updated. It used to be if you upvoted a comment that had one point you'd see it change to 2 (or in some case higher if others had also voted at the same time).

user action; clicking upvote link on a comment
expected result: the arrow changes to green and the comments point value should change
actual result: the arrow changes to green but the point value doesn't change (however on reloading the page the point has changed)
Tested on Firefox and Chrome in Linux.

The ajax request is clearly working because when you reload the page the point has been counted, but when you click up-vote just the arrow colour changes.  I'm guessing that the JS to set the arrow colour runs at the same point as the ajax request is made so that bit is ok. I'm also guessing the response is still a 200 otherwise I'd expect to see your "something went wrong message". So I reckon you've got a bug in the on success callback.

Not a bug

Can you fix that imgur has been down for maintenance for 3 straight days now?

Jen Tilton 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 0
I can't procrastinate studying for finals if you don't fix it!!!!
Sarah 13 years ago
Try clearing your browser's cache. We are not under maintenance. 

add an option to organise favourited images/galleries into albums for easy finding

Chris Bodger 11 years ago 0
there are alot of handy galleries or cool pics i favourite to show people later. but tracking them down again after some time and alot of favourited images later can be difficult. creating albums for favourited images and galleries would make it faster and easier to show someone that cool pic that needs to be shown, or finding that reference gif for word table presentation

Image not loading

Ashish Nepal 10 years ago 0
Images not being loaded in albums except the first few."Load remaining images" when viewing album is not working.Images are not being loaded even though i pressed it many times.Please fix this.

Removing Pictures from Albums

A. Chum 14 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 0
I've tried to remove pictures from albums by 'deselecting' them from the choices given, but every time i hit 'save' none of the removals have been removed.

re type comment if not logged in

Josh Caldwell 12 years ago 0

I type a comment and forget that I am not logged in. Then, I have to retype it after logging in? Maybe store the comment for that page in browser memory and re add it to the box once they log in.

Not a bug

T_T All of my images are breaking

Sug ♥ 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 0
i cant veiw it others cant, and im paying to use this site too :( It wont work on any browser, helppp. I loved everything about imgur until this happened . I hope it's just something immm doing wrong.
Sarah 13 years ago
Can you email support@imgur.com with a detailed description? Thanks!

Lil Bub and Godzilla; they make a hell of a team! Hallelujah!

Jan van Breda 13 years ago 0

Lil Bub and Godzilla; they make a hell of a team! Hallelujah!


Adverts with sound.

Calum Duncan 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0
Hi, I know its a known  problem, adverts with audio (set at full volume) have been popping up a lot over the last few days.
The last two that did it were advertising
  • Finish quantum
  • Strepsils
No audio, or start on mute would be great thank you, as I don't know which tab the sound is coming from.


Sarah 12 years ago

Next time you come across one, can you please send a screenshot of the page you found it on (including the ad) to support@imgur.com? Thanks! 

Under review

Mouse scroll wheel in album grid layout not working properly (no backward scrolling)

dude12474 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

In the album "grid" layout, when you click a picture to enlarge, you can use your mouse's scroll wheel to scroll through the images. Unfortunately, no matter which way you scroll, you'll always advance to the next image, instead of  being able to go back to the previous image when reversing the scrolling direction.

Example: http://imgur.com/a/cbILa/layout/grid#3 (try scrolling up and down with your mouse)


Imgur not working at all!

lash lash 12 years ago 0

Imgur just stopped working for me today. I was trying to upload batch files and it kept erroring out saying " I_O error" so i kept trying and it just failed.  i reset the router, flushed dns, not sure what else to do, any ideas? it just wont work from any browser, i got no AV kit running, etc.  I just started using google dns and it still doesn't work.  What is interesting to note is I can go to some image links if someone linked them on reddit, etc, but otherwise going to the main imgur page just never loads and times out. ANother thing is if i replaced imgur with filmot it works for viewing images but doesn't let me upload.  Any ideas?


+/- Keys not working

Olwen Friesen 12 years ago 0

I don't know if anyone else has been having this issue, but the plus and minus keys aren't working to upvote/downvote... Using chrome, which auto-updates, but we haven't changed anything... Otherwise, keyboard navigation works fine. Wondering if anyone else is having this issue. Thank you!!

Under review

Opera does no longer display an image

Lou Dumo 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 0

 Since two hours ago...


Revision of Terms of Service

Michael Wood 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 1

I'd like to see a little clarification about the posting of NFSW content to the gallery.  Lately lots of users are posting (what I consider to be) NSFW images, including women in lingerie.  They all defend themselves by pointing to the terms of service, which only states that "obscene" material should not be posted.  Obscene is subject to interpretation, as well as NSFW.  I think specific examples in the ToS would help greatly.  Just because one person considers a picture of a girl with 98% of her skin exposed SFW, doesn't mean that everyone's employers will agree.  Thanks for listening!

Sarah 12 years ago

Ok, I will do this. 


i've deleted my images and i want to recover them please help me !

chiraz legende 12 years ago updated by Susanna Moore 11 years ago 2

hi ,

i've deleted my images without knowing that they will dissapear from my forum if i delete them from imagur , help me please how to recover them ?


minha neta

Oliveiros Martins 12 years ago 0

Image I uploaded isn't showing up in my submitted page?

Lyndsey Gerow 11 years ago 0
The image has votes and comments, but is not showing up on my "submitted images" page for some reason.