Code boxes shift in the beta release

Sushubh Mittal 12 years ago 0

This shift is annoying. I personally prefer the original system where hover selected the text and you could just copy. I guess you had changed it for Tablet PC users?

I have checked this in Chrome and Firefox. Both react similarly.

Could you please not run ads that open google play automatically?

Chris McIntyre (aryst0krat) 10 years ago 0
I'm totally down with you guys running ads in general. I understand you need to make some money for this to be viable. But these ones are hella intrusive and really disrupt the imgur experience.


Andy Beals 13 years ago updated by anonymous 10 years ago 5
It would be nice if imgur exposed the exif information in a photo.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago
Sorry, but exif data is striped on purpose to keep the anonymity of the uploader. This will not change.
Under review

Albums in horizontal layout are unviewable on the iPad

fakey faker 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 1
Screen shot here:


Sorry for not rotating.

The images appear to be covered up by a big black box.

This is especially apparent in the /r/PhotoEdited subreddit (http://photoedited.reddit.com) (NSFW!) where every post is an album in horizontal format.

All other album formats appear great without any problems.
Sarah 13 years ago
Thanks for the report. We're working on it. 

My image statistics haven't updated in the last 24 hours...

Steven M 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 1
Since uploading yesterday morning, the image has about 900 votes on Reddit... How is it that it still has 0 views?

Sarah 12 years ago
Our CDN is having issues and therefore none of the views are being processed. They promise they're working on it, so we're waiting. 

Also, I love that portrait. 

A web browser button to add a image from other web directly to our albums, similar like WeHeartIt.com

Álvaro Gorjeando 10 years ago 0
Right Click or install a web browser button to add a image or group of images in a web directly to our albums, similar like WeHeartIt.com

Direct to gallery cooldown?

ScientistSalarian 12 years ago 0

 I really like that the new gallery allows for the community direct upload.  I'm fine sifting through the pictures in the new/time filter.  The only times I start to get annoyed is when someone image dumps like 5-10 images in a row, taking over the page with 10 pictures of the burn they got from cooking today, or 10 versions of the same sketch. Would it be a good idea to have a short cooldown between direct to gallery uploads, even if it only were for a minute or a few?


"Imgur is over capacity!"

Heidi Swensen 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

I get the "Imgur is over capacity!" message almost every time I visit the home page. Surely something can be done about the excessive over capacity? I'm missing out on all latest viral gold. PLZ HALP

Sarah 12 years ago

You may want to try clearing your cache if you seem to be experiencing that for extended periods. 


please fix the button issue

Keath 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0
Sarah 12 years ago

Yes! You can share your image to the user-submitted section. If you reach a score of 200, it will be added to the main page.


How to create sub like reddit?

Jaspreet Singh 10 years ago 0
I want to create sub in imgur similar to reddit. I have create sub in reddit and want to create in imgur with same name.. Please let me know how to create one..
Under review

Show the resolution of the image you're viewing.

Throstur T 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0
I'd really like to be able to see what the full resolution of an image is. It's rather inconvenient having to download the image just to see what resolution it is - especially when I find it's too small.

Gifs don't work after upload

Games By Vex 10 years ago 0
When I upload gif and I try to share on Imgur my gifs doesn't work. In "images" is the same. I can see only 1st frame, but gif doesn't play

Is there any other way to process payment besides PayPal?

Miguel Fernandes 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0
Sarah 12 years ago

Sorry, PayPal is currently our only method of accepting payment.



ALis :D 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

I love you guys, and the new features are blowing my mind. It actually shows that you care. <3

Oh and the 'Praise' category just made my day.

Sarah 12 years ago



The video ads! :(

Gambit87 11 years ago 0

Hey guys, I didn't have ad blocker on imgur because I understand if you need them to make some $$, everyone does, but when I enlarge a picture, and your video ad still shows and hides what I want to see, and keeps playing on repeat? sorry but now I see no ads at all on imgur! 

http://imgur.com/r/funny/0biwnzx was the page I had enough, but it had been multiple images that the video ad for some car thing kept playing. 


"View in Gallery" link for images that have already been submitted to the gallery

Jeremy Danger Hunt 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 2

once an image is submitted to the gallery, i can't figure out a way to easily find it and view any comments that may have been left on it. a "View in Gallery" link for each image that has been submitted may help this. it would simply add the "gallery/" in the url. 

Sarah 12 years ago

You now have a submitted images tab in your gallery profile. 


Download album not working

Isaac Rosenberg 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 1
When I try to download this album, inside the folder I get porn photos. I think this type of thing has happened before. But what's going on?

Small PNGs changed to jpgs when uploaded, even retroactively

Drew J 11 years ago 0

Hey! Recently, imgur started uploading all my pngs as jpegs (adding the jpeg artifacts) while leaving the file extension the same. This happens not only on small images (like http://i.imgur.com/9d6OZiu.png - you can see the lossiness, and it wasn't even close to 1MB) but also to OLDER images which were previously lossless after upload (such as http://i.imgur.com/HxIDdK0.png which was many months ago a 16KB file that uploaded lossless). What's the deal? How do I start uploading lossless PNGs again?


HTML5 audio and video

Dzre 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 0
Support for HTML5 audio and video uploads and embedding (within reasonable file sizes of course).

Imagine posting a small video clip instead of a cumbersome 256 color GIF.

This won't work before the codec debate ends, but it would be a nice feature if and when HTML5 audio and video finally pick up.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago
Sorry, but this will not be happening anytime soon. We want to focus our efforts on becoming the best platform for images, and not neccesarily all types of media.


lgtshop 12 years ago 0
Post the user ID of downvoters. They'll have to behave more responsibly then.
Not a bug

get your shit together, it's getting pathetic with the downtime!

Jules 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0
i hate that we always have to add the jpg tag at the end of links for it to work. you should really get your crap together.
Sarah 12 years ago
The site has been back up and running for a while. Maybe you need to clear your cache. 
Under review

Have "left" and "right" change enlarged photos. [feature request]

Dmack901 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

I love the ability to scroll using "left" and "right" keys, but if I have a picture enlarged/zoomed, then the one's behind it scroll/switch while zoomed picture stays the same. Anyhow, thanks for the great service!


Generated thumbnails of small indexed images have distorted aspect ratio.

Nathan James Anderson 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0
I have a couple of of images that are stretched weird and cut in half.
An album with the images that have the problem.
Under review

Stop the facebook invasion

Ann Keene 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

Alright....so i'm sure you know that the direct upload button has led to some horrible things. There have been a lot of people joining imgur for the sole purpose of spamming/flooding the gallery with crap. We can downvote or report them, but that gets tiring. I was thinking that the number of uploads one can make should be limited to their 'reputation' points. I mean, start off not being able to upload any at all, be able to upload 1 a day once you're trusted, etc. That way, people integrate to the community a bit and get to know what imgur's all about. This unlimited uploads policy is being abused in a big way.


Faster deletion of downvoted items from Gallery

Adam Wallace 12 years ago 0

 Items that receive too many downvotes should be removed after fewer downvotes especially since everyone and their can can upload directly into the gallery. I used to browse the gallery for the best images of the day, not everyone's images that were cool at the time, but you had to be there.


Categories for Likes?

the lost princess 12 years ago 0

Hi there! First of all, great work on the website and major props for creating (and responding to) a forum like this!

I've been wondering: Would there be a way to allow users to create categories to sort their Liked entries? It would be helpful for when you want to revisit a specific image, but don't want to rifle through a month's worth of Likes to find it. Or maybe implement a "Favorites" section that we can add categories to?

Thanks for taking the time to read this <3 You guys are awesome.


Subreddit browser no longer updates

tmsimont 10 years ago updated by Sushubh Mittal 10 years ago 1
The /r/subreddit galleries haven't been updated since the imgur design transformation... check out any imgur subreddit browser and notice nothing is new even though new posts are being added to reddit to these subreddits

browsing old pictures

Caloonese 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 8
Is there a way to go back a few months to see old picture?  I am new to imgur and like to see older postings that I miss in the past 4 years.  However, when I use the "NEW" mode to browse the pictures, hitting the arrow key will not move me to the earlier post. Instead, I was redirected to the list on the right pane.  I tried scrolling down the NEW page and look for older postings, but as soon as I click a picture, it brought be back to the top and it takes forever to scroll to posting from just two months ago.  Going back 2 years is totally impossible.
Not a bug

Window size problem

Olga Burmakova 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

I have just started using imgur and it looks quite neat. But when I tried creating an album I discovered that on my small laptop screen, I can't get to 'create' button, because the window looks like this: http://imgur.com/IvZXd and I can't scroll down.

Sarah 12 years ago

We have designed the site to be viewed on a regular sized screen, which is at least 1280x1024, so the rest of the page is being truncated on your screen. Unfortunately there is really nothing we can do for this right now. Sorry!


noo the Net 10 ad makes noise!

Holly Lemen 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0
Makes noise. KILL IT WITH FIRE


Om Nom Nom 13 years ago updated by anonymous 10 years ago 3
Most reddits are available except for the special ones such as
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago
Awesome suggestion! I'll see what I can do.

Can't sign in with Google.

Niles 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 1

Attempting to sign in with Google dumps me at a blank page with address beginning https://imgur.com/signin/google?openid.ns=

Refreshing the page takes me back to the sign in page.

Under review

Insight into how the site works (code wise)

Freeze Dried Pop 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

It would be really awesome to find out more about how the site is setup code wise, particularly when you add new features. For instance a blog detailing how you setup the paste to upload feature would be really cool


Would it be possible to view the page numbers at the bottom of the page as well as the top?

Allison Ziegenhorn 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 0
Would it be possible to view the page numbers at the bottom of the page as well as the top? Also, can there be a "view all" option next to the page numbers?

It would be nice if pressing enter after an image was chosen to upload would start the upload process.

Austin Ayers 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 1
I'll typically type the first few characters of the file name for an image I want to upload and then press enter; it'd be nice if I could double-press it to automatically start the upload so I never have to leave my keyboard.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago
Great suggestion. I'll get this worked in.

While there are 4 different ways to layout an album, there is only one way to layout the list of albums

Michael_google gmail_Gersten 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
I would love to have a list of albums that has the cover picture and album descriptions, just like an album having a list of pictures with descriptions.

In other words, treat the "cover pages for the albums and album descriptions" as an album. Let the user set its layout.

Gallery bug?

mattias svensson 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 0
Hey, so when I click on "Browse" on the main page it looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/jNFZb.png
But for some others, it looks normally: http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/1618/imgur.png

I am using Firefox 5 and Windows XP. It worked excellent the day before.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago
Are you still having issues with the gallery? I haven't had anyone report any other issues with it.

I have to say that in the last fortnight Imgur has become a pain in the arse.

Clive 12 years ago 0

Showing the same shit all the time!


Having a problem viewing an album of mine.

Kerry Wilkinson 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

Basically getting a 404 when clicking on the album from my album list, not really sure what the deal is since I know it's there. And it's just that one album.

Sarah 12 years ago

Please email support@imgur.com. 


RSS feeds pictures link to malformed urls

Dennis Bijlsma 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 1

Links to pictures in RSS feeds start with "//". It breaks subscriptions in netvibes.




Either prefix with "HTTP://" or don't prefix.


scammers use your photos on Dutch sites.

Theo Roozendaal 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1

under this link they offer a camper http://imgur.com/aPWoa6#0

on www.camperscaravans.nl


Add rss url to the sharing widgets

James Evans 12 years ago 0
Of course it's easy to get rss url's on desktop clients, but i'm finding it rather difficult on my mobile browsers (tried FF and opera). A link to the rss somewhere under the pic would be great. In the embed codes or sharing widgets would also work. Cheers

Relatively major bug on image album management screen

Spambanjo 12 years ago 0

I have found a pretty major bug when modifying my image albums

Software: Windows 7 / Firefox 16.0.2 / Avast Anti Virus

Here's how to replicate the error.

  • Add "album 1" and select a few uploaded images.
  • Add "album 2", again selecting a few uploaded images.
  • Return to the album list and edit the list of images in "album 1" by selecting "modify this album" then "add and remove images". Swap out a few images for others at this point.
  • Save the changes and return to the album list.
  • Select "album 2" from the list, the album incorrectly shows the newly modified version of "album 1".
  • Select "album 1" from the list, the album shows the original, completely unmodified version of "album 1".
Hope you can help :)

Download not good

Thành Duy 10 years ago 0
I had trying with iPad and android phone but that not working. Download button not friendly. 1 bad for wedsite

Imgur isn't showing my new replies

Alex Reynard 9 years ago updated by agenbolakaki 9 years ago 0
I see the notification that I have three new replies, but when I click on it, it's only showing older replies I've already seen. I've tried refreshing the page, restarting Firefox, and logging out/logging in. I'm on a fairly new PC, using Firefox 36.0.4

Album image count

klenium 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 0
One of my album has 20 images, but in myname.imgur.com, under tha album's name it says it has only 19 images. After I open that album, in the top of the page the image count is showed as 20, and there're really 20 images. So, the numbers on myname.imgur.com aren't correct.

Do you recycle file names?

Sushubh Mittal 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 1
I have always imagined that you are not doing it. But I just noticed a different image in place on one of my old embeds. It could of course be accidental on my part. Just wanted to confirm! 
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago
No, we don't recycle the names. Each image is has a unique file name that's checked against both available and deleted images.