
How many views must an image have before people can comment?

John Pesonen 13 years ago updated by Bobbysan 13 years ago 4

Subreddit links appended an extension don't work.

Yuval Greenfield 12 years ago 0

On redditp.com I append a ".jpg" to any imgur link to display the image directly. This doesn't work with links such as http://imgur.com/r/aww/x9q6yW9

Also, when you remove "/gallery" from a gallery you get a redirect loop. E.g. http://imgur.com/xcaYL


Will imgur ever be able to support swfs? We could set this whole thing free!

Gregory Piskorski 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 1
Sarah 13 years ago
It's on our to-do list!

403 Forbidden on jsfiddle.net

Bergi 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2

Loading images from http://fiddle.jshell.net/ seem to have been blocked for some reason. Why this, did you suspect a DDOS attack?


Option to disable comments

Mike Trinh 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

I'd like a setting to disable comments on images, it makes imgur take longer to load.


Title doesnt change when i click "Next"

James Alfonso 11 years ago 0
The tite/description doesnt change after i click next. It just stays the same as the previous image. 

Mouse side scrolling has a double assigned functionality.

Knix 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
The scroll right and left function on the mouse is broken on imgur, it both scrolls through the page and loads the next image. Can you please change the functionality so that it only scrolls around the page.

Here is an example url  http://imgur.com/gallery/ExxXR

if you were to use the scroll wheel left or right, it will cycle to the next image in the gallery in addition to scrolling around the page.
Under review

Down votes

Alex Edwards 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 0
The site is awesome. There are only a few drawbacks. To stem the onslaught of down-voting new captions on new images, maybe you could implement a buffer time for people with a low rank. Like they are unable to up/down vote comments on a new picture for half an hour maybe? That way no one's quality captions will be lost because someone wants their caption to be on the top.
Under review

tags and filters

Jason D 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 1

I propose a tagging feature that can also be used to filter in/out images.

We all love different things, but many "appropriate" images are either uninteresting, startling, or just damn annoying. Imgurites should be able to post  their pokemon, Community, lolcats, spiders, Emma Watson, Minecraft, shock/horror gifs, whatever, but I think Imgur is getting popular enough that we can no longer generalize about the collective preference of the community. Especially with the new ability to directly upload to the feed, it would be really nice to automatically filter out the images that we definitely don't want to see. I think the community can be trusted to properly tag images and police tag abuse for the most part.



Diego Dias 13 years ago updated by anonymous 10 years ago 3
would be a good way to spread the Imgur if it had plugin for vbulletin, where the users could upload images