Images under 1MB are compressed

Skip already seen images
I'd love it if I could browse in a mode where after I saw a submission, i would not see it again. If browse something popular like /r/funny, or /r/adviceadminals, after going to the front page, i'll see a lot of of the same stuff. It'd be nice if i knew everything i was loading was new to me.

Non album images
When I select to see Non Album images, it will also show me the images that belong in an album.

Can I use imgur as "cdn" for layout graphic elements?

Hi, I have a suggestion for the "update to gallery" feature
Here it is:
How about having a "buffer" gallery with no comments nor sharing options. and only registered members of imgur get to see it.
Only up/downvotes and reporting possible. If a picture doesn't meet a requirement of N upvotes or is reported, it will never be commented on and disappear from gallery. That would help take care of spam and "bad quality" uploads.
Just my two cents, that's it.

The links at the bottom of the homepage are a bit useless with automatic loading of pictures
With the dynamically loading photos when scrolling to the bottom of the site, it's super hard to click at any links at the bottom of the page. Maybe you should put the links somewhere else.
bloghelpsite statsappsfeedbackrequest deletiontermsgo proapi

Join 2015 with converting GIFs to WebM

Cant log in with Google.
Hi I have had an account for ages. I recently tried logging in to upload some images and when I click the google icon it gives me the mini page asking for permission and I click allow. After that absolutely nothing happens. I cant reset my password cause I don't have one it just sends me an email to my gmail telling me to click on the login from 3rd party. Its a circle of nothingness really....

Beta Activation Link Error
The link I got in the backend used my account URL. This resulted in a 404.

Found an ad that autoplayed audio and video.
The ad had the following url/anchor: http://up.bidsystem.com/adfeedback.php?siteid=53361&adid=602340&pubid=37761
The ad was for the California Monopoly Lottery Scratchers.

can someone please delete my photo for me.. is there an admin here?


Screenshots of web pages
It would be nice to be able to grab a screenshot of a web page through a URL. Could even allow web developers the ability to quickly see how a page will look in various browsers. It would also allow quick and easy mirrors of a page before it gets taken down by Reddit traffic.
I don't see it being needed by many but it's something I could use almost every day.

Firefox 14 not loading pictures at bottom of page
when using Firefox 14 and scrolling down to the end of e.g. /r/awww there is the circle at the end of the first page but Firefox won't load pictures of the 2nd or 3rd page.
No addons are active that would affect the function of imgur. Any suggestions?

Allow for short HTML5 video's (instead of animated gifs)

Auto Rotation Recognition

Imgur already auto-rotates all images with the Orientation set in EXIF data. Is it not working for you? If not, could you send me over an image so I can look at it? My email is alan@imgur.com
EDIT: Never heard back. Closing...

Upload to albums through email

I can't see uploaded image in Mozilla Firefox (3.16.13 & 4.12b). WHY? i wait for an anwer

Typing over 140 chars now limited, please revert Jeremy Comer
I know we've never been able to submit more than 140char comments, but we could type past that limit and then edit the comment to fit. But as of a few hours ago I've noticed that when you hit 140 chars text entry is blocked.
This is really annoying! Being able to write what you thought and then edit it to fit was a really nice feature. It's much easier to edit a sentence when you've written the whole thing (reword a few things, replace "and"s with & etc). But now you have to edit while in the process of trying to write it.
I don't think this is a bug (although you guys do seem to be having some issues right now, comments in gallery profile not loading, comment points not updating), it feels more like an intentional change. So Please, pretty please with a small kitten on top, can you revert the text entry of comments back to how it was.
ps (since around the time of the code breaker challenge, I can't leave imgur open in Chromium browser as it start using aroung 40% CPU. Firefox is fine though, but I have other FF issues that I'll report later if I have time).

The 'New and Improved' Imagur sucks, man.

PLEASE can I buy an imgur hoodie?
Seriously, I would pay a pretty insane sum of money for one, and I know i'm not the only one...

What are the 'procedures' in place for downvoting? Because it is rampant daily. Maybe have a limit of how many times a person can downvote in a day, and undoing the downvote does not add back to the daily bucket.

can you no delete my pic i dont have an account and bin uplading for 5 months and found out about you six month rule just today

Messages & Votes

For the past couple weeks, whenever I upvote it opens the my profile's gallery in a mini-window as if I were opening a picture. Anyone else having this problem. I'm on chrome.

Are you logged in when trying to upvote? If so, try disabling add-ons and then let me know what happens.

Trouble signin using the API
I am working on a plugin for windows live writer using .net. The plugin tasks is just to upload images to imgur instead of the default location.
So far, I have successfully created the code to upload using anonymous API's but when I am trying to use the OAuth version, it seems I couldn't sign in.
Here is the error:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><error><message>The consumer_key "xxx" token "yyy" combination does not exist or is not enabled.</message><request>/2/signin</request><method>get</method><format>xml</format><parameters>oauth_consumer_key = xxx, oauth_n</parameters></error>Currently I am signing in with the access token that have been retrieved and stored. Am I doing this correctly?
Anyone know something that I might be doing wrong?
It turns out that I did a logical error. The inputted key was the wrong one. Now I've fixed it and got another error.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><error><message>No username was sent</message><request>/2/signin</request><method>get</method><format>xml</format><parameters>oauth_consumer_key = xxx, oauth_n</parameters></error>Honestly, I dont understand whoch username should I send. I mean, the point of using OAuth is to delegate the users identity to a key, right? So, I don't really know which username to send or how to retrieve the username.

Random Function
Hi. Just want to say, love the site. Just wondering if its possible to improve or update the random image function? It seems like the same pictures repeat several times in a relatively short duration browse, which probably shouldn't happen considering the amount of images hosted on your site. Thanks very much for your time.

No images load
Ever since the site update the gallery has failed to load for me, I can view directly linked images but other than that everything is blank, I assumed this would sort itself out after a few days but it still hasn't been fixed, and judging by the amount of comments and voting it's not a common issue

Can you try changing your DNS settings to use either Google's Public DNS or Open DNS? More information on that can be found here: http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/ and https://store.opendns.com/get/basic

imgur only allows viewing 1 or 2 images every 30 minutes
I can only view 2 or 3 images from imgur.com, even images in the same album only 2 or 3 will download, after that imgur.com stops responding and any further attempts to view anything on imgur.com return a 404 for up to 30 minutes.
As such, I can no longer view images hosted on imgur
It's been a couple of weeks now, is this ever going to be fixed?

This does not sound like a bug on our side. You may want to try updating your DNS or checking to make sure you don't have any add-ons interfereing.

share on reddit problem
the share on reddit links gives an i.imgur link which becomes a self link once it gets to reddit. Could you fix it so that share on reddit link gives imgur linkes instead?

Imgur Album order

Changes within Imgur
Why have you made all these changes that seem to be problems. Imgur used to be so easy to use.

I've not heard of the images not appearing before. Are you sure you're signed in? What browser and operating system are you using?

Few question about pro
1 If my pro account expires (forgot to pay, decided not to pay, payment issues) what happens to images considering there are more than 225 limit? If they are "bumped out" will they be restored if I subscribe once again?
2. Do jpeg images go through compression down to 80 jpeg quality in pro accounts (I mean if originals are LESS than 5MB)? There were some mentions about quality adjustments but I can't see anything like it in my account.
3. Only PayPal? I prefer using my Visa directly.
Thank you, and sorry about my English.

Editing album, the background continues handling arrow keys

XFN links on profile pages

Create album from existing album.
There are a few features that could facilitate this:
1- Duplicate an existing album: Duplicate Album A, then edit the duped album and rename it Album B
2- The ability, when you're viewing an image in an album or wherever, to have an option that allows you to add it to an existing album.
3- The option, when creating Album B, to select which of your existing albums is the source of the images.
Thanks for making Imgur my #1 choice for image hosting. I hope my suggestions don't seem too picky, but these features would really make organizing your images so much faster and easier.


I can't uplaod URLs to imgur.

Next button of picture jumps to first picture in stream, not to next picture in time
- Browse to http://imgur.com/r/unixporn
- select a picture from the first page, e.g. http://imgur.com/r/unixporn/gGo4PZ9
- you see in the right box the correct next picture (the picture before this one was submitted)
- all working
- Browse to http://imgur.com/r/unixporn
- select a picture from page 3, e.g. http://imgur.com/r/unixporn/DkdGj8X
- you see in the right box the first picture of the stream
- fail :(

Cant load pictures what do?
Pictures just plain don't load, everything else does fine, just not the images. Using ffox 4 and vista. I have tried in other browsers, still nothing and when clicking a direct link to an image it wont work either. I have even tried on a different computer and still nothing loads.

upload queue button not working
When I go to my images page the upload button wont appear, it remains as the spinning "waiting to load" icon. clicking on it doesn't seem to do anything either. I upgraded to pro, still no luck.

Also, make sure you have Adobe Flash installed and working correctly.

site optimization

Image description autocorrect?
The description I wanted to put in:
"DiskMark interface on Outdated Penang Uncle blogspot dot com"
But imgur "autocorrect" it to:
"DiskMark interface on Oudated Penang Uncle blogspot dot com"
Not only on one images, but all of them in this album:

Uploaded images showing up very small when direct linking in Chrome

Reply Issue
I loaded a page and started reading comments. I found one to which I wanted to reply and wrote out my response. Upon hitting "save," the page hung. I was able to figure out that this was because the person to whom I was replying had deleted his comment in the meantime. Fair enough, but it turns out that my comment still wound up getting posted. Instead of appearing as a reply, however, it appeared on the top level as if it were a comment submitted directly in response to the picture. Seems like the comment should just be rejected in that case rather than posted to the top level with no context to make sense of it.

Build the community by adding achievements/trophies/ribbons etc. for completing certain tasks
I thought of a few examples:
Newbie - uploaded your first image to imgur
Whack-a-Mole - downvoted ten 1 vote posts to 0
Butterfly Effect - Upvoted a 0 vote post to 1, which then went on to get over 1000 upvotes
Curator - Upvoted a hundred images
Philanthropist - Upvoted a hundred comments
Downvote Fairy - Downvoted a hundred comments
Forever Alone - Maintained negative reputation for a week
...the list could go on. Each badge would have a little icon and would be displayed on your user profile once awarded.
Sorry if this is a bit outside of scope for Imgur, and I also realise this would have performance implications on the server farm, but it just occured to me while I was thinking about user rep. I think it would encourage people to get positively involved more and would give other users a quick idea of what you're like from looking at your profile.

Zoomed images
Customer support service by UserEcho