
How to post thumbnails on bbforums?

Lika Sadradze 13 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 2
Hello. First of all thank you guys for amazing job you've done!
I am trying to post a forum thumbnail, but it just wont work. And why there is no such option on img url list?
Sarah 13 years ago
While you are looking at the links to the images, there are a few options including small square or large thumbnail. Select the one you want and then copy the "linked BBcode" URL.

PROBLEM: You get a link directly to a JPG and have no way of finding the photographer attribution, caption, or comments. SOLUTION: A "find by filename" or "reverse lookup" feature where you paste the JPG filename and it takes you to the full imgur page.

FilmTraveler 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 2
This link could be under Tools, or in the upper-right, wherever. Solves the only problem I have with this otherwise great service.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago
You can already do this really easily. Just remove the file extension on the end of each image and it will take you to the page with info about the image.

Archiving the selected albums

VaNnOrus 10 years ago 0
When albom mark "archive" - it will close (it will be impossible to add images). The album move to menu item "archive" from "albums" and hidden from dropdown list in "images".

Sorry for bad english.

who posted this picture!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aaron Moynihan 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 1
http://i.imgur.com/i3bHj.jpg Pls anything will help PLS!
Sarah 12 years ago
We respect our users' anonymity. 

Cannot Reply

L Dedlock 10 years ago updated by agenbolakaki 9 years ago 0
Hi There - I cannot post replies to comments while using imgur on my PC. I tried both Chrome and Firefox. I can post comments, just no replies to comments.

Change things back please or fix bugs.

Mark Keen 12 years ago 0

Imgur has been the best image hosting service since the day I discovered it. But now I'm having to find an alternative. I'm having issues since the update which doesn't seem to have done any good. 

When uploading pictures it will hang at 100%. When uploading multiple pictures it will upload them but only show me one image and I don't have access to the others. At first all the images were rotated vertically automatically and it took me almost an hour to rotate them using imgur. Counter rotating them using windows explorer before upload made no difference.


When clicking a imgur link in another app, how come the imgur app isn't a choice to open it?

Zachary Baer 11 years ago updated by Nancy Jorden 11 years ago 1

Or that I can't search for users or albums, buy the exact url code in the app, to get there more directly

Not a bug

Issues with upload, image details, and more while logged in on Chrome

Tristan Harward 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 12 years ago 2

I continue to experience issues in Chrome/Mac (13.0.782), even after I e-mailed you a couple months ago, told you about them, and you said you might have fixed them :)

I recommend you simply download Chrome, open your site, log in, and attempt to get the URL of an image to copy.

Invariably there's a "cboxOverlay" or "cboxTitle" DIV that's block-level and overlaid on the entire screen or on top of a single JS popup. It blocks mouse clicks and interactions. I have to right click "Inspect Element" and remove the overlaid DIVs to get it to work, and oddly enough, this doesn't affect the page layout or function in the least.

Test in Chrome - you've got to trust their rendering above all others, given the crazy Acid tests it passes... and it's becoming even more popular than Firefox. I'd be surprised if you didn't see exactly the same bugs. Thanks!

Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago
I just tested the site using the exact same version of Chrome, and I did not experience this issue.

Could you please try it on a different computer? I have no doubt that you're having trouble with it, I just can't reproduce it.

Almost all of the images I try to view come up with the "image no longer exists" pic... (America)

Lindsay Garman 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0
Virtually everything I try to view on Imgur (linked from Reddit) come up with image no longer exists or is unavailable.  This has been happening for a few days now and it's been making browsing Reddit near impossible, since I mostly go on for the pictures. :/

Sorry to bother you with this.
Under review

'edit title or description' option available immediately instead of in new window

bookfawn 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

I'm also obsessed with you but I would like the 'edit title or description' option to be available automatically instead of having to click through to a new window. thx!


When I search old pictures it ALWAYS takes me back to the new ones. Its awful.

Sheena T English 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 0

When I search old pictures it ALWAYS takes me back to the new ones. Its awful.
Sarah 13 years ago
How so? When you are clicking 'next'? 
Not a bug

User is a spam-bot, and is annoying. "me91629"

ninjewtsu@gmail com 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0
This user has been posting religious ads for the past two days, on a LOT of new pictures.

Sarah 12 years ago

Thanks for reporting it!


visited links

Anel Karovic 12 years ago updated by Michael's FreeBees 11 years ago 2

I'm new to imgur. Is there any way to see which pics I have already seen?

If not, please add a "hide read" button somewhere on the page so people can browse easier...


Problem: "Could not get link from server"

Nobita Chàng 10 years ago updated by Paige Katherine 10 years ago 1
I'm having an issus.When I try to upload a image to server by Hyperdesktop, The tool reply me "Could not get link from server". Please help me, how can i solve it?

Don't Delete Images from the Gallery Due to Downvotes

Nicholas Viggiano 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

There's been a tendency lately for people to downvote images due to lack of understanding about the topic presented, or a personal dislike toward the topic, despite the actual quality of the image. This causes perfectly good images to be lobbed out of the gallery because the users who would actually upvote weren't online at the time. So, the obvious solution is to not auto-remove images due to downvotes, but only for requests for deletion, for actually offensive/inappropriate images.


Broken image

Christina Adamiec 12 years ago 0

 I'd like to why.. And when I can get it back! http://i.imgur.com/RxEoC.jpg


Mobile site notifications

Amanda Gillispie 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 0
It's great that we now have notifications of replies on the mobile site, but there need to be 2 improvements.

1st is that we need to be able to clear all notifications in one or two easy clicks, as clearing each individual one will require at least 2, often 3 or more clicks per notification (which is a lot when I reads that I have 56 on a mobile phone).

2nd is that the notification numbers need to have parity with the same number on the full website. Again, using my situation as an example, I have 0 reply notifications currently on the desktop site, but my same username on mobile is reading as having the above-mentioned 56.

Hopefully these issues will be addressed soon, but the first is definitely of higher importance in my opinion. Thanks guys!
Not a bug

cannot view ANY images. is my IP blocked? Pls help

Shobhit Srivastava 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0
Sarah 12 years ago

We do not block any IPs. Perhaps try changing your DNS to Google's Public DNS or Open DNS.


Imgur is the best site i ever seen x3

zeka767676 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0
Thank you so much Imgur team, ive been using imgur for already 6 months and i use it every day. Stay that way you are now, its perfect site ^.^
Links to pictures are short and that is awesome, easy to upload pictures, also stylish looking too :3
Sarah 12 years ago

Albums broken when zooming on chrome

Tim Etler 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 0
When viewing an album on chrome, if you zoom in or out (mostly with out), navigation will not offset images properly.

To reproduce:
1. Go to an album in chrome with more than a couple images (at least 4?)
2. Navigate through images using either the arrow keys, or clicking images directly.
3. The images are shown in between images instead of being fully in the frame.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago

Hover Zoom Error

Mark Cowan 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0


I'm running the Hover Zoom on Chrome. For a while now I've noticed that sometimes when I hover my mouse over a thumbnail in Imgur's gallery a different image will pop up (exhibit A - http://imgur.com/qTKNP) Or sometimes there'll be an image not found error message. 

Clicking the thumbnail does lead to the correct image, so that's no worries.

Always enjoy your website.




There does not seem to be any way for visitors to see my album descriptions

Michael_google gmail_Gersten 13 years ago updated by Sarah 13 years ago 0
While I can enter an album description, I cannot find any place where it is displayed other than the "enter album description here" point.

It does not display in my list of albums
It does not display as a mouseover on my list of albums
Sarah 13 years ago
The album description can be seen when someone views your album. It is at the bottom under the image number and the share options. 

i would like to ask how i can get my picture on the site

matt ray 12 years ago 0
i would like some help getting my picture put on the website
Under review

Elantra ad played audio without asking, letting you know.

Peter Zerbe 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

Deleted Pics Still Active

treeofapples 12 years ago 0
Hi, i deleted a couple pics a couple days ago from my gallery yet those links are still active. Is this normal?
Not a bug

Uploading Screenshots Only Works Intermittently

Best Jobs 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

 I've been trying to upload screenshots with both FF and Chrome using the plugin and the image doesn't upload.  Here's an example of one I just did http://imgur.com/46zne

I'm also having some trouble with uploading images manually today too.  I uploaded 4 images and they showed up in the edit screen but disappeared after I saved it.

Sarah 12 years ago

Try disabling add-ons. Does that change anything? 


An atta boy from a grateful user

Dave Mailloux 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0

 I just really wanted to thank you for all of your hard work in making this site reliable, easy to use, and a boatload of fun. It's been terrific using your site, and I look forward to whatever you have in store for the future. Kudos!

Sarah 12 years ago

:) Thanks! 


Can't select the next image from an image, have to click "browse" then the image I want.

jr_ 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0
All from the site update. Using Firefox 13.0 on Linux.

Sagan never said "...billions and billions".

cvhcox 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
He corrected that on Carson one night and then proceded to write a book titled, "Billions and Billions" to put it to rest once and for all.

Registered users should have bandwidth priority over users who are not signed in

Paula Chuchro 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0
We are the ones who cultivate the community. :) It would be nice if we could continue to enjoy the site over those who come to view and leave.

Just thinking :)
Sarah 12 years ago
Unfortunately it doesn't work like that :/

OC Gallery?

theegyptian 10 years ago 0
Here's my idea: If the same image is already on imgur it would not be included in the OC Gallery. But any new images are included in this gallery. I think it would be good because it would promote oc and all these reposts get annoying after a while.

Better highlight on selected images

Sushubh 14 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 years ago 1
If others agree...

The yellow border is not very visible on light colored images.

It would be great if selected images get a more prominent highlight...
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 years ago
Done! Check it out :)

is it possible to delete images from galleries? there's no delete button anymore!

Pauline 14 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 years ago 0
in the new gallery layout there doesn't seem to be any way to delete images anymore
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 years ago
I'm really sorry for the confusion. The image management page has changed a little bit. The changes include many new features, but some stuff has also been moved.

Please visit this page to find out how to delete your images, and to see the rest of the changes/features: http://imgur.com/blog/2011/02/12/new-account-managment/

Account holder loses "URL upload" option

Braden McGrath 13 years ago updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago 4
If you don't create a free imgur account, you get an option to upload directly from a URL.  This is handy for rehosting images off of a 3rd party site where you don't want to steal their bandwidth when you post the image on a forum.

Once you have a free account, there's no more option to use the URL "upload."  Minor pain in the butt.  Would be nice to see this fixed or added.

Problem solving challenge.

Assad Z 9 years ago 0
I was wondering if we could have a problem posted onto the front page once a month and together we would try to solve it. Doesn't have to be realistic e.g. zombie apocalypse or alien attack. I just thought it would be fun to see peoples suggestions.

Footer links on homepage

Liam Bigelow 12 years ago 0

Since the imgur homepage auto loads new images in the gallery when you reach the bottom, it's near impossible to access the footer links.



Not sure how this'd be fixed while staying... minimal, but it's an annoyance scrolling have half a second to click a link before it disappears. 


Image pop up problems.

Tijmen Kervers 12 years ago 0

When opening an image link from the captions the window has artifacts and upon closing it the whole screen turns grey. Latest chrome version, Windows 7 64 bit, 1366*768


Please stop the child porn

s 12 years ago 0

Hi Alan/Sarah. 

I love this site and the people on it and you guys for creating it. I also welcome the new changes. But unfortunately these new changes are inviting some sick twisted weirdos that post paedophilic images that just pop up. And I'm not exaggerating either. I have reported everything each time but this is really getting out of control. Could you please try to remedy this. There is no love lost between us as I still love you guys and fully understand that your intentions with these changes were for improved interaction between users and the site itself. But this scares the shit out of me and is vomit inducing. Thanks guys, Loads of love to you as always. 


Hugs all round


Next>> in Gallery Captions tab does not work.

Caloonese 13 years ago updated by agenbolakaki 9 years ago 3
Go to the user profile.
In the gallery Caption tab
select either newest or highest rating
scroll to the bottom of the list
click on the "Next>>" button.

Expectation:  to see the next page of captions.
Reality: get nothing.

failed the same way in both sorting order.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 years ago
Thanks so much for letting me know about that. I'll fix it ASAP.

Sort album by image shot time

Maciej Kuśnierz 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 0


Can you add option to sort images based on their shot time?

In image metadata you can read time when it was taken.

For example: Image 13


Please just go ahead and create a forum so I only have to read funny comments on images and not 1000 phone numbers and other dumb stuff.

Bud Flooring 12 years ago 0
I want to look at funny pictures and read funny comments, not a million posts about dates people go on and their phone numbers and stupid personal information. Please create a forum so these posters can be isolated there and I only have to read funny comments.

Can't upvote or downvote on android devices

Rebecca Cronin 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
Hi there,

I can't upvote or downvote on my android htc incredible or my nexus 7 tablet. The images for the arrows are wrong and when I click on them, nothing happens. However today I realized this is ONLY when I view the "mobile" version. The "original" version/view seems to be fine.  Any help for this? It's been like this for weeks. Thank you.

Under review

Disable keyboard shortcuts while typing in text fields (comments and replies)

Caroline Wren Martin 12 years ago updated by agenbolakaki 9 years ago 1

I like that you can use the +/- keys to upvote and downvote, but too often I'm just typing a hyphen in a comment and accidentally downvote the image. Any way the up- and downvoting could be disabled when a text field is activated?


Batch uploads from account backend failing miserably. Works fine using ShareX.

Sushubh Mittal 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 1
A batch upload of 30 images results in 10 failed uploads. Upload speeds are fine. Connection is stable. No such issues using a third party app like ShareX. I avoid using ShareX because it does not generate proper code for embeds. 

Faster image upload

Maciej Kuśnierz 12 years ago updated by Sarah 12 years ago 1
I have fast connection. 120Mbps downloadn and 100Mbps upload.
But upload of 3MB images takes forever.
Can you speed it up a bit?