
gallery shows broken images. image filename suffix url rewrite broken?

xPi il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0

two images on gallery show the "not found or deleted" image


http://i.imgur.com/ya4M6.png = 404 File not found

http://i.imgur.com/ya4M6.jpg = 200 OK


http://i.imgur.com/kf0QJ.png = 404 File not found

http://i.imgur.com/kf0QJ.jpg = 200 OK

not sure if this happens on all image servers. i.imgur.com =


New layout is broken in Firefox 3.x

EdLolington il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 12 ans 0



Not sure how possible this is, but a feature that allows you to "Play" .gifs instead of them playing automatically would make loading pages with multiple gifs much quicker.

Daniel Dryer il y a 12 ans 0

I think this would be a decent feature. I've seen something similar on the Tumblr android app.


OAuth Error: ExceptionRequest failed with code 401: The consumer_key "xxx" token "yyy" combination does not exist or is not enabled.

shabith Ishan il y a 13 ans 0

I have register as authenticate API and when i try to use it it gives me below error. 

ExceptionRequest failed with code 401: The consumer_key "xxx" token "yyy" combination does not exist or is not enabled.

I use oauth-php and I feel like it happen because I request it twice but i don't know how to fix it. (My first attempt to deal with OAuth)

You can see the code below.

Really appreciate your help on this.



Another stupid idea

Don Estoppel il y a 13 ans 0
Maybe downvotes should cost points. That way, downvote trolls with negative points can't keep downvoting other people until they earn some upvotes themselves.

Love your site, but since doing microsoft updates

aliceb732 il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans 0
last night, I now find the box that shows all the thumbnails and lets me choose "next" or "previous, is now at the BOTTOM of the image im looking at..ihave to scroll UP and down continually... HELP!!! can I move that box back to the RIGHT of the image im viewing?

Firefox add-on for Mac no longer functioning

tmbo80 il y a 10 ans 0

This was by far my favourite Firefox add-on but the other day it stopped working.

At first I received an XML error saying it needed authentication. No worries, I just setup an account (I was uploading without an account before). Okay, so then I setup an account and attempted to login through the preferences panel. No dice. Just the spinner-no-return at the login popup. So nothing.

Any ideas? I'm running 10.9.4 of OS/X and running Firefox version 32.0.3.

Login popup:

Error at upload:

Pas un bug

Accinential voting when typing.

Filip Jakobsson il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0

When typing a comment and I hit either the + or - key the site registers this as a vote. Will there be a fix that disables the feature when a textbox is active? Arrow keys and enter both work as they should though!

Sarah il y a 13 ans

We'll look into disabling this feature.


Login with firefox extension not working

David Rickard il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans 3
I'm getting "The information you sent wasn't quite correct. Please return to the place that sent you to this page and try again."

This is because the token request page in the OAuth API is giving back a 200 with the response text of "OAuth Verification Fail... [1] => \n [2] => \n)\n"

But no request token. I tried logging in and uploading an image (like another user said worked) but that didn't help me.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans
I'm really sorry about that. That was an error on our side. It was fixed shortly after you posted this.

"Top gallery captions see all" link broken

Jay Ott il y a 13 ans 0
Hi Imgur! The "Top gallery captions see all" link in my Account Stats page is broken! Takes me to the 'file does not exist' page. :'( 
Pas un bug

I am having a weird issue where I can only see the first two images of an album

Kendrah WithanH il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 1
Any time people link to an album, I can only see the first two. The rest will not load but I can see the thumbnails on the right. The only way I can view the images is to go to "browse" and click on each individually... It's been like this for a few days now.
Sarah il y a 13 ans
Try turning off the Troll Emotions extension. 

First of all, thanks for everything. My serious suggestion: Is there a system or can there be a system that blocks users with a specified amount of negative Karma? Or even just removes their ability to downvote? it would help with career trolls and bots.

jrid il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 12 ans 0

 Some people are really nasty and will downvote every comment a person has ever made just because they find it fun. I work hard for my karma doing photoshops and have no chance of front page because I choose imgur over reddit. I feel if I get targeted I would give up on karma because I sometimes spend an hour on one photoshop and get minimal response due to never getting in fast enough. If I lost it all my enthusiasm would be well and truly quashed. Cheers for listening, I hope I at least get a reply. Long live the IMGUR

Sarah il y a 12 ans

We actually have that in place already. Users with certain negative karma cannot participate in the gallery. 


iphone browser

Brian Ashe il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0
I tried to upload to imgur.com using the iCab browser (which does support file uploads) on an iPhone and was told ".. the iPhone does not support uploading files from Mobile Safari." I have my User Agent set to 'standard'.I clicked to switch to the 'standard' view (as opposed to mobile) and it almost worked but didn't. (Something about the layout and/or JS made it so I couldn't click 'upload' after I had successfully browsed for a photo.) If you could make it work, that'd be awesome. If not... well, you're still awesome anyway. Thanks!
Sarah il y a 13 ans
Noted. Thanks! 

Impossible to associate my own anon album to my new account

Cftebh Bbbhhbj il y a 12 ans 0

I anonymously created an album, then I registered and logged. While looking my album, it seemed to be associated to my new account.

Instead there was no way to associate it!!! I had to recreate it! So please add an "associate to my account" button!

Plus: feedback submission doesn't work with Firefox 16. I had to use IE (bleah!)

À l'étude

API Upload returning only image, rather than JSON/XML

Josh Bergasse il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 12 ans 0

I'm using Python to upload url images, instead of the site, since you have to enter each url one at a time now and instead of  the expected JSON/XML response, I've been getting the entire image back. It's been awhile since I've used the API, but I don't think I'm doing anything wrong:

api url is: "http://api.imgur.com/2/upload.json"

adding api_key, image and type as parameter to my POST request.

Here's the code, minus a filename and API key http://pastebin.com/X1vYNdvw

À l'étude

Imgur no longer works on small monitors / firefox

Michael_google gmail_Gersten il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 1
GRR. PLEASE, get rid of user ehco. It is causing me nnothing but trouble.

And I cannot even create an account over there. I have to use google sign in. PLEASE get rid of them. They do not use BrowserID -- which is the only system that lets people sign in without being tracked by big companies, and I no logner trust google. User echo deleted my first attempt to send you feedback. PLEASE get rid of them.

Imgur no longer works on small monitors. I have a laptop, 15 inch. I keep it at 72 DPI. That means 640 vertical pixels. That means 570 for the app. That means less for the inside of the firefox window.

And imgur is no longer working right.

I see stuck nav bars on the top, that mess up page up/page down. I see the bottom edge of a graphic under it, so I assume that there are controls there.

I cannot work with albums. Attempting to create an album gives me a panel that is too tall to fit on my screen, and I cannot scroll it -- you now have things fixed in place and they don't fit.

I cannot upload properly. Attempting to upload multiple files from the front screen gives me apparent success on the first one, and failure on the rest -- but in reality, none have uploaded. And attempting to upload from the images page is also a failure -- I say upload, select my picture, attempt to group them into an album, and when it's done the pictures are there, but the album is empty. And if I try to edit the album to add images it just gets stuck on loading.


Order of Album Thumbnails (if there's multiple pages) is sort of confusing

Joshua Kwiatkowski il y a 12 ans 0

Hi, let me try to explain with the help of a picture: http://imgur.com/Dfmgo

My expectation when getting to the second page would be that the image in the lower left is the last of the album, as this was the order I got through the pictures on the first page, so I'll have the picture on the top right active and wonder why hitting the right arrow key doesn't do anything.

IMO it'd be less confusing if the 2 pictures from the previous page just wouldn't be there, that way each page of thumbnails would behave the same as the first one would.

P.S.: I love your site! <3

Pas un bug

Upload fails. Every time.

anonymous il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 2

 I use Mozilla Firefox 15.0
Whenever i try to upload an image (png or jpg), it fails to upload it.
The upload starts, goes up to 100%, but then:
When i use the flash version, it redirects me to imgur.com/?error
When i use the html version, it gets stuck at 100%

EDIT: I restarted Firefox without addons and the bug was gone. Sorry for the false report :(


Opera support for Pasting Images to Upload?

Sushubh Mittal il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 2
Drag and Drop works in Opera. But copy pasting feature is not working. Any idea what is lacking in Opera wrt this new functionality? 
Sarah il y a 13 ans
Just checked into it. Apparently Opera doesn't support HTML5 clipboard functionality, so unfortunately you won't be able to use it with Opera. 

New version lacks functionality of old

Mathew Walls il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans 1
The new version of the site doesn't seem to allow you to upload from files and URLs at the same time. Is there a way to go back to the old version?
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans
The new version does indeed allow you to do this. In fact, you can choose files from your computer, then add URLs of images, and then drag and drop files and upload them all at the same time. Are you clicking "Done" after entering your URLs?

Images blocked to PtP?

dstankol il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans 0
Is it a bug or a conscious decision that Imgur has blocked images to a certain website known as PtP? I am by no means objecting this, it is, after all, your site, your bandwidth etc, you call the shots. I just found it to be odd of you, of all people, to block images to a website that is, shall we say, of questionable content, even though, I'm positive, 90% of Redditors use similar sites every day.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans
It clearly states in Imgur's Terms of Service: "Hotlinking to file-sharing, torrent, and pornographic sites is prohibited." We're usually very lenient on this sort of thing, but it turned out that passthepopcorn was also using an incredible amount of bandwidth and resources. (The ToS also states: "keep in mind that this is a free service, so please be nice to our servers.")

Since it was violating the ToS, and it wasn't even nice about it, we decided to block it. I hope you understand.

The complete ToS is located here: http://imgur.com/tos

Authenticated Upload via Javascript

alex bob il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 13 ans 6
Hi, I am creating a webapp in javascript simply for myself to upload images to imagur under my account. I currently have the anonymous setup fine and working well in javascript. I have tried using both OAuth and cookies for a javascript authenticated upload but I haven't been unable to achieve any success, also OAuth isn't really the right technology for what I would like to do (since it is specific to my account). Is this anyway I could do this/ anything you could implement in the near future?

Thanks :)
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans
It sounds like the Cookie auth is what you need. How come it's not working for you? Could you send some code over to me so I can take a look?

Some of the comments do not match with the image.

Brian Bauman il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0
When I am viewing an image and change to the next, the comments do not refresh. I am using the latest stable version of Chrome.

To replicate this, hit the right arrow twice rapidly. From what I've seen, I believe it is interrupting a javascript call, then not calling the same function since it thinks it is already running, but I don't know any of the code. I don't know if it does the same on other browsers.

Improve to Imgur Uploader Mozilla Firefox add on

Luis Fajardo il y a 11 ans 0
In reference to the great add on Imgur uploader 1.0.6 for Mozilla Firefox, can you
add to the right click menu options the possibility of selecting png (as default) or Jpg?. Right now the only choice is png but it is very heavy in some forums for those who have low-speed internet. That would ease the number of users of the add on


enfant terrible. il y a 9 ans 0
Why are the options for the thumbnails sizes gone? Please bring it back!! I want to post pictures but not in their full size!!

link in description?

James Orth il y a 10 ans 0
I'm trying to add a link in the description for an imgur image. It's not working. The link only shows in plain text. I can't seem to find any info on markup or anything. What am I doing wrong?

OAuth - explicit username?

itsnotabigtruck il y a 13 ans mis à jour par shaqman il y a 13 ans 3
When authenticating to Twitter via OAuth, the "screen_name" query string parameter can be specified as part of the authorization URL in order to log into a particular account. This is necessary so that the username can be stored together with the OAuth token as part of an "account entry" on the Nokia N9 that's displayed in the system settings.

Is it possible for an application to specify the user account that needs to be authenticated? If not, would it be possible to add this functionality? (It would be most convenient if the parameter were named "screen_name", but any value would do)


Limitations on posting from Homepage and Account page?

Sushubh il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Kangenwater Spray il y a 10 ans 3
I believe uploading from the account backend has no limit on the number of images. The limit I believe was 40 on the homepage. Is this correct? Any plans to remove this limitation in the future?

Also, please mention the limitations of HTML5 uploads. I remember you answering it on Twitter. Would be nice to have the details here.

Comments help?

Anna Hutt il y a 12 ans 0

silly question but I cant see how many votes a comment has. I can see the points it has but not if its been downvoted at all - not even my own comments in my account stats. Am I being dumb? tried it on both mobile and original sites accessing from a tab. Thanks in advance for any help

Ps - I love you imgur you're awesome and brighten my day! Xx


Breaking and upload failure all the time.

Fayleh Marie il y a 13 ans 0

What the heck imgur :L You keep breaking my images and failing to  upload all the time. It's on and off, its horrible. I never know when it's going to work or not. Don't force me to go back to photobucket, i hate it.


Problem with the large thumbnails.

L2 PT il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0
Is there something wrong with the large version of the thumbnails? Most of my large thumbnails stopped working.

Uptime and reliability problems

Sushubh Mittal il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 3
I am sure I am not alone in noticing the issues with uptime and reliability of the service. 

I am not sure when you switched to CloudFlare but it does not seem to help the cause. I hope you are using the business or enterprise edition because pro/free versions are not really suited for a size as big as Imgur.

My issues with Imgur are basically these two: 

My dashboard does not load the images in my account 9 out of 10 times. I have to reload the page and hope that it would process and show me the recent images. I understand that I have way too many images in my account that might be causing this issue. I even mailed Sarah to switch my Pro status to a brand new account so that I can start with a blank account. It is not done yet. 

My second problem is the reliability of the uploader. It was unreliable before skipping around 2-3% of the images on large bulk uploads. It is now horrible because of the site unreliability. I prefer to use a third party app (ShareX) and I get a failure rate of around 10-15%. It is a major headache considering the limitations on API powered apps. 

I hope you are doing something about this. I do not expect priority access because I am a paying customer but downtimes like these are really messing up the joy of using this fantastic service. Do not make me look for alternatives. 
Sarah il y a 13 ans
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I believe Alan has emailed you back.
Pas un bug

The r/athiesm gallery updates on one computer, not another.

Toke Olsen il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0
The imgur.com/r/athiesm gallery is not updating on my main computer, but updates just fine on my laptop.
Sarah il y a 13 ans
Sounds like something with your computer.  Please make sure that your browser is fully updated, you have javascript turned on and you may want to disable add-ons/extensions.  

It should be possible to copy the URLs of all images in an album without having to do it one by one.

Russ Khroma il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Sushubh Mittal il y a 12 ans 1

This would help me a great deal. I made a script in excel to wrap urls in code. This speeds up my project. But the tedious part now is copying each url individually. I have hundreds of albums. 

For example a box with the direct links to the images on each line. If this was a paid feature, I would continue my subscription.



Please bring back [img] tags

Teo Färm il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 13 ans 1
the [img][/img] tag option after uploading a image has been removed. I used it quite a lot and so do many others who use certain forums.

Allow premium users to save image/album to their account for permanent saving?

Jun Vũ il y a 12 ans 0

I see some images/albums and I want a quick way to save it to my account to archive it. Please make it possible.


Can't upload anything

r q il y a 12 ans 0

For a couple of days now, I haven't been able to upload any images to the site. I'm using Chrome. It will start the upload for a second or two, then just redirect back to the main page, with "?error" after the URL. I managed to upload something in incognito mode earlier, but now that's stopped working too. Very frustrating. 

Pas un bug

the site is down way too long sometimes.

thewuz il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 12 ans 0

someone will send me a link and when i try to view it the site will say there's too much sit traffic one second, and the next second it will be under maintenance during a lack of traffic. it will switch between these two messages over the course of three hours before i can see the link i was sent.

Sarah il y a 12 ans

We have been having some database issues the past two days. Direct links will still be active even when the site is down. 

Pas un bug

problem after changed saving location

Nora Thiess il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 12 ans 0

After I changed the saving location for my screenshots they aren't automatically uploaded to IMGUR anymore at all?? :( http://osxdaily.com/2011/01/26/change-the-screenshot-save-file-location-in-mac-os-x/ 

Sarah il y a 12 ans

Not sure about this. We don't do any automatic uploads. 


Imgur tshirt?

John T Smith il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 12 ans 0

Why no tshirt? Google this and up comes zazzle with some crap shirts. I know I saw a pic of an imgur employee with a legit shirt. Where shirt? Apologies for this 4-chan-esq grammar.

Sarah il y a 12 ans

We are in the process of creating a store. 


Breakdown of user reputation points (ex: how many from upvotes, uploaded images, comments, etc.)

Jeff M il y a 11 ans 0
I think it would be cool to see a breakdown of my user stats, such as the example I provided above.  Maybe just being able to click on the reputation point total for each user and seeing how the points are broken down, so you can see how many points come from comments, upvotes, uploaded images, etc.  I'm not sure if it's even possible, but it would be cool to see.
Pas un bug

Album layout, why can't I scroll with the arrow keys?

Rob il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 13 ans 0

After the recent changes I find myself unable to scroll through images quickly by using the arrow keys. Before the changes this was not a problem.

By this I mean, right and left arrow to jump to the next image in the line without having to scroll.

For instance, this album: http://imgur.com/a/twSo9#iM2ls

Using Firefox 7 on Linux.

Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 13 ans
You can...not sure why it's not working for you.

Gifs not playing in ipad Safari

Erik Anderson il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Damian McCracken il y a 10 ans 1
Looks like there is a new gif player feature on the mobile site which works on my iPhone 5 but not on my iPad 2 :(

Is it possible to dissociate and album and all its images from your account but for the album to keep existing and be accessible?

MaxRavenclaw il y a 10 ans 0
Hide from account should be the way, but for some reason the change is undone after a refresh. I select edit and album -> hide from account. I get this:

Hide Album From Account

Are you sure you want to hide this album? It will still be accessible through the link, but it won't show up in your account. You will also no longer be able to edit it.
After I click I'm sure it disapears. Hit F5 and it's back there.

Images are not viewed

retopologyst il y a 10 ans 0
Hi all. i have an album in imgur but not viewed my images now. what the problem? i check with two diffrent browser but there is same problem. i added a screenshot. pls help me...

Image 150

Pas un bug

EVERY imgur page I view keeps giving me a popup to upload images.

Nuke223113 il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 12 ans 0

 For example http://i.imgur.com/TBqh2.png. I cant view ANY page without this happening.

Sarah il y a 12 ans

We're not able to reproduce this. Please make sure that your browser is fully updated, you have javascript turned on and you may want to disable add-ons/extensions. You could also try it from another computer or browser to see if you have the same problem.


View count stuck on 0

Michael Jean il y a 12 ans 0

For the past four or so days all my images uploaded show 0 in the view counter and  0 in the downloaded counter.  I know they are being seen and downloaded.  I've tried using both Safari and Firefox both show same result. How can i get the counters to show correct numbers?


How can I add some text to an existing image

Len il y a 10 ans 0
How can I add text to an existing image, have tried but it doesn't seem to keep the text. I hit apply then save and it doesn't save the text.

edit title/description menu has a glitch

Jeremy Comer il y a 11 ans 0
In the new layout when you click on one of your own images (which btw is really nice) there is a slight glitch on the drop down menu for options.  The text for edit tile/description is messed up.
This pic shows what I mean.
