"Newbie" here! How do I add text to my posted pics???
Site navigation may be good for geeks - but this newbie has a rough time!

You may need to download an image editing program or use a service along the lines of Quick Meme.

Is Imgur down right now?

I don't know why all the images from imgur can not be loaded from my country (Vietnam). All the links are dead, no one else can see them, but my friends who live US got no problem at all... Is this on your end or our ISPs?

We have not blocked Vietnam from this end and things should be working properly. Check with your ISP.

WebP Support
WebP is gaining traction. Imgur is a brilliant service. Any reason why it doesn't support it?

Can't share my imgur pictures by selecting "Share on X"
X = The site that I want it to share to -- Reddit is what I mainly want it shared to.
When attempting to select Share to Reddit or anything else, nothing happens. When I click on them it just clicks them and nothing happens like I said. I am running Google Chrome without any extensions. Do I need an IMGUR google extension or?

This is a SEXY website - I'm so glad I found out about it!
PS - I love you.

When using the Chrome extension "Hover Zoom" and viewing the imgur Gallery, when mousing on thumbnails if the thumbnail image is part of a Gallery (multiple images) and the name is the same and another users uploaded image, it will zoom to that users image instead of the Galleries image used in the thumbnail. hope that makes sense

javascript buttons broke everything, it hurts to browse imgur now

You should make an app for smartphones and tablets!

Getting a white page instead of seeing images in some albums.

I feel I should say something special about Imgur.
Imgur, you have been in my life for 7 months now and... Will you marry me? Ha, just kidding. I like the updates, so keep em coming!!

Can't down vote without error, yet I can up vote.
It seems without fail after I post a comment, I get an error if I try to down vote someone in the same comments. Yet, I can up vote others and the score is immediately applied.

How to receive link for Huge Thumbnail?
settype($imgur_original, "string");
With this code i receive link for image with original sizes. But i need receive link for Huge Thumbnail - 1024/1024.
please tell me that code use for Huge Thumbnail? same as $imgur_original = $xml->original_image;
Thank you ...

How to make the viewing experience more user-friendly

I suggest to make a direct link to my own Non-album images.
When i go on "http://lucaxvi.imgur.com/all/" i can select 'Non-album images', but when I refresh the page All the images come back. So I suggest to make permanently Non-album images in that page by making a direct link to them or by adding a new issue in profile's settings.
Sorry for bad english.
Luca (lucaxvi).

Uploads stuck right before finishing.

Button to see referred comment (@user)

Advert try to infect me
Just had an image try to infect me via Imgur.
Was caught by Avast Anti Virus under Win7 with Firefox.
Link: http://m.addthisedge.com/live/t00/250lo.gif?1pr1uko%26uid

Problem with "liked" images

Large Thumbnail

Tums ad starts with sound, and disables scrolling while being played.

how can i do that the peoples can write comments?

Please, I need to have two pictures deleted asap from imgur that

I just thought about i would also be cool if we could share youtube videos.
Like if i post a link so it becomes watchable.
I know Imgur is filled with good people, who can share ideas or message to the world.

You have one announcement - NO I DON'T

longer comments allowed?

Problem with images being forbidden - think you've blocked us?
Recently we've found we're getting the forbidden message on a rugby forum. I found a previous bug message (link below) and suspect it's something similar. Unfortunately certain posters have the occassional fondness for boobs and posting pics of them. Can you please confirm if that's why we're being blocked and if possible unblock us.
I have posted a message asking them not to use it for 'naughty' pics in future. And as an aside quite a few of us had said enough is enough with the boob pics a few weeks ago so I think it should be fine in future.
The previous message is http://imgur.userecho.com/topic/103132-imgur-images-show-as-broken-images-at-veehdcom/
And the forum is a rugby (sport) forum - http://forum.planet-rugby.com/viewforum.php?f=3
Many thanks,

Why can't I log in? It just freezes on the loading ion whenever I try log in

Prompt at the top of my page won't go away and is crazy annoying. Also I can't upload images.
There is a prompt at the top of my screen asking to upload images that won't go away. This makes browsing so cumbersome that it's not worth it. I then tried to upload an image and the page freaked out. I go to my "images" page and EVERY LINK (even to return to the gallery) opens up an image folder on my computer... WHAT?! I did try turning it off and turning it on again (IT Crowd WHAT?!) but to no avail. It ended up uploading one of my photos but now I can't get into it to edit or post to the gallery. It's all a mess. :-( Last night it was kicking ass and now I'm sad....

Can't Reach Bottom of Gallery Page

hyperdesktop - says "Could not get link fromserver"
it says "Could not get link fromserver"??

Would be nice if a whole gallery could be downloaded

API uploads broken again?
I cannot seem to upload using browser extensions again. For example this link does not work and loads the homepage.
I am also struggling to upload photos using Ctrl+V from the homepage. It works fine from the backend.

Small bug with Chrome and HoverZoom.
It's really not a big deal, but when using the popular hoverzoom extension for Chrome on the new gallery, it displays some HTML along with the image.
PIC: http://i.imgur.com/trqyK.png

Editing Bug
Imgur is by far the best hosting site i have used and i use if every day to host my screenshots.. thank you!

Fix the Tweet Button

Is the problem with missing image resolved?
I still have images that do not appear. They do not show the Imgur's own missing image message. They just do not appear!

Can't upload images, using chrome beta

Do you know? Screenshoter...
is an Opera extension that allows you to take a screenshot and automatically upload it to imgur.

Enable account holders to disable multiple image sizes!

Customer support service by UserEcho