
Link to the top referrer

sirphilip il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 13 ans 1
It would be cool to have a link to whatever page is referring the most hits. That way we could see the reddit thread assosiated with an image if we are browsing on imgur.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 13 ans
More in-depth stats are planned, and there will probably be links to the top 5 referrers. However, there are some other things ahead of it right now so it could be a few months down the road.

Slow upload speed

Maciej Kuśnierz il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Kangenwater Spray il y a 9 ans 0
Now when uploading images that green bar goes to 100% in 2 seconds (4MB picture on 100Mbps Up/Down connection) and then it is stuck it that position for 1 minute before it goes to upload next picture. This is really annoying.

I can't see many of my uploaded images!

Ida Karoline Hagen il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Kangenwater Spray il y a 9 ans 2
I can't see many of images uploaded to imgur now. :(
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 13 ans

There are some issues with people not being able to load images, specifically in Europe and The Netherlands. I've contacted Edgecast (the network used to display the images) and they're aware of what's happening and are working to get it fixed.

Sorry for the trouble, but it looks like things are out of my hands at this point. However, Edgecast is usually really on top of things, so I expect this should be resolved soon.


Add an "edit" button to comments

Cyclone il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Rupiah KiuKiu il y a 9 ans 0

It's really quite simple. If within the first hour of posting a comment (no point in revising by then) you wish to revise your comment, you can. However, comments which have been edited are clearly, and I cannot stress this enough, marked as edited and all replies are marked as being towards an earlier revision. Perhaps allow only a single edit on the comment. If you're worried about people changing the content of their comment after it's become popular, allow like five letters of difference maximum, enough to correct minor spelling errors (swapping letters, forgot a letter, etc.) This can be implemented simply, but it has to be in a way that doesn't allow for ambiguity on whether or not a comment has been edited.


Unable to use back button

Ed Kolis il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 6
Starting yesterday, I've been frequently unable to use my browser's back button to return to where I came from while using imgur. I'm using Google Chrome 18 on Windows 7. I suspect the problem has something to do with ads, as the status bar shows ad URL's when I click back.

enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)

Forrest Oliphant il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Kangenwater Spray il y a 9 ans 10
I made this web app (Meemoo webcam to stop-motion gif) that has imgur uploading with CORS/jQuery (yay!).

Now it would be cool to enable CORS on the server so that my app could load imgur images into the html5 canvas, modify them, and make new images. The future! http://enable-cors.org/

Paste this into Meemoo's source and you'll see the security error from context.getImageData() in the console:

{"info":{"title":"no imgur cors","author":"forresto","description":"c'mon imgur"},"nodes":[{"src":"http://forresto.github.com/meemoo-modules/img2canvas.html","x":140,"y":73,"z":0,"w":330,"h":281,"state":{"dataurl":"http://i.imgur.com/Nlc35.gif"},"id":0}],"edges":[]}

WebM/MP4 Uploading

Tristan il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Kangenwater Spray il y a 9 ans 0
Since Imgur now supports WebM and MP4 formats, why can't we upload these directly? I do a lot of "GIF" editing in video editors, and I have to jump through several conversions and lose quality thanks to GIFiffication because I need to upload as a GIF, despite the fact that the image will end up as a WebM anyway.

Imgur is crawling in the Southeast.

Richard Mead il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Kangenwater Spray il y a 9 ans 1
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 13 ans
There was an outage with Imgur's delivery network (Edgecast). It affected other big sites like LinkedIn and Wordpress too. Everything is fixed now with it.
À l'étude

Search for people by username. Does that feature exist already?

Amber Sarno il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0
A clever comment stuck in my head, and I remembered the username, but not the photo they commented on, so I couldn't find them again.  I looked, but couldn't find a feature which allowed me to search for people by their username.
Sarah il y a 13 ans
Does not currently exist. 

Memory usage

Bryant Drake il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Kangenwater Spray il y a 9 ans 1

There seems to be an issue with how the pages are loaded. Using arrow scrolling the memory usage becomes very high until the OS starts freaking out about memory management and stuff. Same issue with firefox as well as chrome.