comments below image only showing on first instance (or after reload)

Tomas Amby il y a 12 ans mis à jour il y a 12 ans 1

For some days now, comments below the post are only showing on the first instance (user submitted or most popular, alike), none after "right arrow" or clicking "next".

Have to reload each page to see them.

True for Firefox 22.0 + NoScript, AdBlockPlus as well as Safari 5.1.9 (also using AdBlock + NoScript), both on Mac OS X 10.6.8 and Mac OS X 10.7.x.

Newly installed GoogleChrome on 10.6.8 (with AdBlock and an Extension similar to NoScript) doesn't require reload ("normal" behaviour).


Thx, tom

PS: Or should this resolve when being logged in?


Uploading to my album

Nick Sutton il y a 12 ans 0
Is it possible for someone else to upload images to an Imgur album that I have created? Thanks

I want my "thumbnails" to be wide.

Michael_google gmail_Gersten il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0
Right now, all thumbnail images seem to be square-ish (probably 4:3 if I measured).

I want to have wide thumbnails.

I do *NOT* mean letterboxed. I mean wide. Without top/bottom bands.
Sarah il y a 13 ans
There are more thumbnail options for pro accounts. 

Not getting confirmation of email based uploads

Sushubh Mittal il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 2
Images are uploaded. But no confirmation mails are received. 


Cosmo Franco il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 3
I made an upload on this site and I have repented, because I saw that he could no longer go back to delete the photograph ago, and liked to do
how can I do this?


Sarah il y a 13 ans

If you would like to have an image removed, you can use the deletion links you were provided with upon uploading. You can also use the "request deletion" link: imgur.com/removalrequest. 


Im trying to load an album, but it'll only load one picture at a time.

ElChiguire il y a 10 ans 0
What can I do? It's anout 20 shots, but I can only load one at a time with my iPad. I was able to load several at a time with iOS7, but I just recently loaded iOS8...

New Images in Gallery

Zach Bach il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0
Often, throughout the day, as new images are added to the gallery, they are added in random spots in the gallery. Is there a way to make it so the gallery is updated in order as the day progresses? I will randomly find pictures that I missed/didn't see because they were placed in the middle of the gallery.


- Zach  
Sarah il y a 13 ans
The best way to look for new images is to check the new tab rather than the hot tab. They are placed randomly because their rank is determined by view counts and votes, which could place them anywhere on the gallery initially. 

Would be good if OEmbed api includes information about thumbnails

Esteban Feldman il y a 12 ans 0

Hi, RedditPics Here... making another lib for Ruby and found out that your OEmbed info doesn't provide the thumbnail link... would be awesome to do it, so I can use the OEmbed API.

http://www.oembed.com/#section2 Response parameters 2.3.4

thumbnail_url (optional)

A URL to a thumbnail image representing the resource. The thumbnail must respect any maxwidth and maxheightparameters. If this paramater is present, thumbnail_width and thumbnail_height must also be present.

Could you? Please... Thanks a lot.


linking to yahoo id doesn't work, says i need to choose a url and i'm set

qkk il y a 13 ans 0

but then an error saying i must fill in an email address comes up.  there's no email field


Where can i find the list with all reddits?

Ivan Kurtlakov il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0
I want to see pics for specific reddits for example real girls. Is there any way i can see all reddits?

Best regards,
Sarah il y a 13 ans
There is no complete list. Those subgalleries create themselves based on subreddits. So it's likely that if there is a subreddit, there is a subgallery. 
Pas un bug

Uploading through Tor error

JP Cantalino il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Kara Markić il y a 10 ans 2
I keep trying to upload an image to my account, but it says that I am using the TOR network. I have TOR and Vidalia completely disabled. I rebooted and still no cigar. Uploading through TOR shouldn't be an issue. Especially in censored countries.
Sarah il y a 13 ans
We're really sorry, but due to the large amount of abuse we've seen coming from TOR IP addresses, we can no longer accept uploaded images from people using TOR or running TOR relays. The TOR detection is based on DNS which typically takes a day or two to refresh.


Tri Handika il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0


Why do the quality of images get worse?

Crystal Tang il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans 0
It used to have a slide bar to adjust quality after uploading the image, but now it's gone. All the quality of JPG images are not as good as before. Do you guys change the settings? I am the kind of person that really cares about the quality of my images. I'm glad that I've found imgur, but now it makes me a little bit disappointed because the same situation happened to me once before (by another famous image uploading website). Any solutions for my concern? Thank you.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans
This never changed. The quality slider is still available, you just need to select "Edit" before you upload. Or, if you're in your account, select "Edit Images".

Sometimes the images are compressed if they are above 1MB in size, but again, the compression settings have not changed in over a year.

Curious about downvotes

Brandon King il y a 13 ans 0

It won't let me comment on any pictures...

Rachel Davis il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Christopher Wilson il y a 10 ans 5
Am I a bad Person?
I tried reloading the page several times, but my comment refuses to save... It's rather heartbreaking, really. : (
Pas un bug

gallery profile

LenaNC il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 12 ans 0

I am new to your site. I submitted three pics to the gallery. Only two show up in my "gallery profile." Why is this?

Sarah il y a 12 ans

The other one may have been downvoted and removed from the gallery. 


como suvo mi foto a esta pagina??

Felino de la Sierra il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 1

A person stole my photo altered the photo with imgur

Lisa Hayes il y a 12 ans mis à jour il y a 12 ans 1

A person using imgur.com stole my photo......altered the photo.......http://ami.msapps...id1149380975........their iser id


Preview box with copy options does not show in google chrome

Follow Me il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0
In google chrome when I  click the image thumbnail, the preview box that lists all the copy options does not show. All I get is a blank black page and have to refresh the page. To get my images to display on other websites I have to ctrl + click the box and right click + copy url of image. It works perfectly fine Firefox. This problem seems to have come out of nowhere.
Sarah il y a 13 ans
That's weird. We're unable to reproduce that problem though. If you can give step-by-step instructions as to how you're getting that error, we can try to be of more help. 

Is there any way you could replace the click-to-copy buttons with elements that hook into flash, instead of actual flash objects?

Sean Reese il y a 12 ans 0

After I copy a link I usually use a keyboard shortcut of some kind, but I can't use most shortcuts when a flash element is focused.

If it's possible for the flash element to give up focus after it does the copying, that would be great too. Or even test for HTML5 clipboard APIs and just fallback to flash. Anything that doesn't break keyboard shortcuts.

Also, thanks for being an image ninja.

Pas un bug

Editing my pics.

Hannes Fury il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 2
Number one: I absolutely dig this website. It is just clean, uncluttered, useful easy-to-access feautures and great looking.

With that said, I cannot get the "advanced" functions from picture edit in albums to work. All it gives me is the black gray field where I assume the editing workspace should be shown. I'm on Chrome, Windows 7, using gmail login for my imgur account.
Sarah il y a 13 ans
Try disabling add-ons. 

Chrome addon broken

Joe Hawker il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0
With the Chrome addon, the recent Chrome update broke the addon and now when I drag in the file it just opens the file rather than uploading it.
Sarah il y a 13 ans
The Chrome extension is a third-party tool. You will have to contact the developer. Sorry. 

Gifs of top comments

Ryan Friedrich il y a 11 ans 0
I realize that the bandwidth would be enormous if all gifs were animated, but could you make the gifs on the sidebar with the top comments be animated?

Display Reddit poster

David Campbell il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0
Display the reddit user who posted and the other images they've posted.
Sarah il y a 13 ans
Not all of our users are using Reddit. Images are uploaded anonymously so they cannot be tracked back to a specific user. Users can share images in albums if they want their account to be visible. 

exellent wallpaper

ਨਿਮਾਣਾ ਤੂਰ il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 1

i.imgur.com no longer displays correctly on linux based browsers

Thomas Girard il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans 1
I can reach links fine from a windows machine but my ubuntu linux machine cannot resolve the host
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans
I definitely would like to resolve this, but we're having some trouble
reproducing the issue. Can you use 'dig' or
'nslookup' against i.imgur.com on a computer that is having the problem?

"Forgot Password" page blank

Winston Chang il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 1

I forgot my password but after entering in the email, I believe I used, it brings me to a blank https://imgur.com/signin/forgotpassword. Signing in with Google with the associated email gives me a similar blank page. How can I reset my password?


Sidebar vote colour

Alex Cranfield il y a 10 ans 0
I don't know id it's a bug or not, but the colours of my votes on the sidebar are no longer visible. I hope this is only a temporary thing as it's my favorite UI feature on imgur.

How do I link my Facbook Account to existing Imgur account?

Gabriel Chan il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 13 ans 1
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 13 ans
Your Facebook and Imgur accounts need to share the same email. Once they do, just click the Facebook button and it should work.

Hitting s while in my own album conflicts with Google Chrome's "search by image" hotkey feature.

RayRay Avid Lebon il y a 11 ans 0
In Chrome if you hover over an image, press s then right click your mouse it will search using that image. However, Imgur has it's own hotkey assigned to "s" while in my own album, preventing me from looking up information about photos/landmarks/sources/art/objects. I can't turn it off under settings and it is incredibly frustrating. I want to turn hotkeys off!

SUPER weird... I keep getting logged in as username: Vexal? What the heck.

Paula C il y a 13 ans 0
SUPER weird... I keep getting logged in as username: Vexal? What the heck.

The delete button on the image view don't seem to work.

Samantha White il y a 10 ans 0
Selected a few images in my image view, pretty sure I clicked delete and not hide. But the image is not deleted, the direct link is still working. Tried on a few image and it is the same.

Where are the bad comments going?

David Ryder il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans 0
If two trolls downvote a comment it has no chance to survive.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans
I'm really sorry about that. It was a bug in a recent update, but everything is fixed now. Please let me know if you continue to have problems with it.

Refresh idle timer for image deletion in PHP

ephestione il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans 2
To prevent auto image deletion by imgur, would a simple PHP code like:


be enough to reset the "idle timer"? My freecycling website uses your API, and if users renew listings (each 60 days) I would also like to refresh images... if listings expire (no renewal after 60 days) or users ask for deletion, I always call the deletion URL of pictures with this method, so I just want to make sure images stay on imgur as long as listings are on my website :)
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans
Yep, that will work. However, you could also use cURL and grab only the headers. This would be much faster because you wouldn't have to wait for PHP to grab the whole file.

Please remove the upvote/downvote buttons from your comments when viewed on your profile. I recently made a light hearted post about downvote fairies, and have received over 130 downvotes from trolls going to my profile and downvoting everything

Chris Phillips il y a 10 ans 0
I recently made a light hearted post about downvote fairies, and have received over 130 downvotes from trolls going to my profile and downvoting everything. Yes they're 'just' internet points, but most people like getting upvoted (and so most people don't like getting downvoted). It's disheartening to be punished by trolls when you make legitimate posts to try and engage with the imgur community.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans
Uppercase letters are completely valid in URLs. In fact, most websites have case-sensitive URLs - including Imgur.

Allowing uppercase letters means that there are many many more filename permutations which means we won't have to extend the length of our filenames for a long time.

There are no plans to make the URLs lowercase. This is not a problem with Imgur, it's a problem with sites that ignore uppercase filenames.


ONX McONX il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans 0
I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate the new gallery format, because it doesn't make any damn sense. everything is out of order. can we PLEASE go back to the way things were a few days ago? i swear, i'm addicted to flipping through the gallery, and this new way i have to flip through old content all the time. i just want to see new stuff all the time.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans

I don't understand. Nothing is out of order, it's just displayed a little differently because they are broken down by days. There was no separation by days in the old version -- it was just all lumped together.

If you want to see all the new stuff, click on the "new" link and everything new from today is right there. Then if you scroll down, you get more days with stuff sorted by the newest.


Getting 403 errors when trying to open images posted to a Google Group from my Yahoo Mail

Moral Delima il y a 13 ans 0
As the title says.  Works when I C&P into a new window, really annoying.
Pas un bug

Really miss the older "uploaded images" page

Brakos Jacob Saverson il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 0
Been using the newly-designed uploaded images interface... it's sluggish on my old computer, and I can no longer right click to copy the image URL. Any way to get the older design back?
Sarah il y a 13 ans
To get the image URL, you will have to right click and open image in a new tab, or select "generate image links" and then click the images you wish to have URLs for. 

Disappointed about that image...

Lukáš Durila il y a 12 ans 0

I´m really disappointed about this image. I am proud of being a part of Church. I am proud World has people to serve to other people (e.g. by saying "NO!" to sometimes stupid thinking or by showing there´s Somebody else- Higher than people)... It gives me a power and energy to loving and serving people such as they are.


mobile version is having issues with the gallery.

Luigino Alberto il y a 10 ans 0
Everytime I'm in the gallery it keeps repeating the images after I scroll to the next one.
Pas un bug

Upvote comments bug?

Daniel Espinoza il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 12 ans 0

Whenever I upvote a funny comment and then came back to see the image, the upvote doesn't show on the image...

Sarah il y a 12 ans

There is a caching delay of 10 seconds on images. 


Imgur Login

Joe Pool il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sarah il y a 13 ans 1
Photobucket never asks for my password when I go to my account from my PC. Imgur ask with every visit. Is this an effort to get me to Go Pro?
Sarah il y a 13 ans
No, we don't really make any efforts to have people go pro because that is totally your choice. There are no gimmicks. Are you marking the keep me signed in button? 

Please stop linking to imgur when I copy the direct link to my photo

pepperjinks il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Alan Schaaf (Founder) il y a 14 ans 1

I upload a photo and copy the direct link. Instead of the direct link text, I get

<img src="PHOTO" alt="" title="Hosted by imgur.com" />

when I paste.

It's rather obnoxious. I wouldn't mind if it weren't the direct link, but this is getting in the way.


Accidental commenting

James Fiorvento il y a 12 ans 0

Pressing the "Enter" key while commenting automatically submits the comment. For me, this can be quite annoying, because I often accidentally hit "Enter" while trying to input an apostrophe or quotation mark. This leads to half-finished posts, explanations of said posts, and than trying to post it again correctly this time. 

So, my humble idea is that pressing the "Enter" key should not automatically submit the comment.


Do Pro slideshows have an imgur watermark?

Marcus Round il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Samuel Stow il y a 10 ans 3
When you create an album and choose "embed album", there's an imgur watermark at top left. Is this removed if I'm a pro user? Because that would be quite nifty.
Sarah il y a 13 ans
The logo is there even with pro accounts.