
is there a problem with imgur as i cannot access albums - over capacity since yesterday

steve blunden 11 år siden opdateret af Reza Rahmati 11 år siden 1

s there a problem with imgur as i cannot access albums - over capacity since


No feedback after submitting to gallery; No images showing up under "Submitted images"

Will Powers 12 år siden opdateret af Sarah 12 år siden 1

I tried to submit to the gallery an image I already had uploaded. First I had to verify my e-mail (no problems there). Next I went to submit the image again and after clicking save on the "Is this title okay?" prompt all I see is a very tiny box with an 'x' in the center of my screen. The rest of the screen fades slightly as if it were displaying a linked image in the comments, but no other feedback.  Not sure if I am missing something, but it appears I am unable to submit anything to the gallery at this point.


403 Forbidden

Carlos Domingos 13 år siden opdateret af Sarah 13 år siden 3
I've been having people saying they can't see the pics I linked them to, this week, and today not even I could see them using the links I posted. Every link gives me the "403 Forbidden" message.
I even altered my settings to make everything public, but didn't work.
Sarah 13 år siden
It is against Imgur's terms of service to hotlink to a pornographic website. 
Under vurdering

Would it be possible to have a count of your top captions and/or under your gallery profile and/or account stats show which captions were top?

Michael Edkins 13 år siden opdateret af Sarah 13 år siden 0
Would it be possible to have a count of your top captions and/or under your gallery profile and/or account stats show which captions were top?
Under vurdering

Another vote for SVG

M Wedin 13 år siden opdateret af Sarah 13 år siden 0

I want to submit another vote for SVG.

It has been a part of W3C's standard for years. I fail to see any reason for excluding it.


Deteriorating comments

Peter Sargent 12 år siden opdateret af Sarah 12 år siden 0

I've used imgur for quite a while now, and have enjoyed using it very much. But recently I stopped using it for a while - today is the first time I've been on in a few weeks. Since coming back, I've noticed a number of changes (all of which I initially thought were improvements) - the 'OP' label in the comments, comment-sorting etc., but now I've noticed that there are many fewer comments, and, in general, they're not nearly as funny. It seems to me too sudden to simply be because of a coincidental decrease in users, so I'm wondering if it's somehow because of the changes that have been introduced. One of the things which made me switch from Cheezburger to imgur for my internet procastination purposes was the amusing and more open comment section, but now I might start to look into other sites instead.

Sarah 12 år siden

User activity has never decreased. There are more images to view now, so you may be seeing a spread in comments among all the images. Commenting is most popular on the "most viral" images rather than the "user submitted images," so you may try checking there. Please email me at sarah@imgur.com if you would like to talk more about this. Thanks!


Give users the possibility to set a custom number of images columns

Paolo Kuzminksy 11 år siden 0

As you can see here: http://i.imgur.com/EYyJAbx.jpg (res. is 1440p) there's a lot of free space. It would be nice to have a setting that allow us to set a custom number of images columns to fill the empty space.


Firefox addon -> upload to album

asdf 13 år siden 0
The Chrom{e,ium}-version of the Imgur addon has the ability to upload directly to an album. This is something the Firefox-version does not, and therefore more or less renders the addon useless for me since I almost always sort my images. Would really love to have this feature in Firefox aswell, thanks! 

Let viewers leave comments/captions under my galleries?

gifwiz 14 år siden 0
I couldn't find any settings to turn on where viewers could submit their comments/captions under each gifs in my galleries. It'd be fun to read those!

moving target

Caloonese 14 år siden opdateret af Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 år siden 0
What is the point of putting the links at the bottom of the browser window when the screen will scroll up  as soon as you reach the bottom?. It is like chasing a moving target. It makes sense for them to be on the home page though.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 år siden
I've gone ahead and just removed the footer links from the gallery page. You can still find them on every other page on the site.
Ikke en bug

PNG file changes to JPG when uploaded

Kiana Gordon 13 år siden opdateret af Johanes Gultom 10 år siden 6
I'm trying to upload a PNG image, but when I do so Imgur changes the file to JPG, even after stating it is PNG while uploading it.  It only ever does it on the one image.  I can upload smaller ones as PNG and they remain that when uploaded, but the file that keeps changing is only 0.98MB.  I read that the max size for a PNG file is 2MB, so why is it changing?

I really need it as PNG as I need the transparency.  Not to mention that the quality is severely diminished as a JPG file.
Sarah 13 år siden
Sorry for the inconvenience. This is by design. When a PNG is too big, it gets converted to a JPG. 

Email uploads support zips and rars. Support them through the web interface too!

Sushubh 14 år siden opdateret af Sushubh Mittal 13 år siden 1
Would be nice to have the ability to upload zips and rars! 

Some downvote options

Tom Beggs 13 år siden opdateret af Jobzzle 13 år siden 1
So there are a couple of posts on the problem of downvoters already, but there are a couple more viable suggestions for how to deal with the issue. I think it's something that needs to be looked-at, as there seem to be users who just downvote everything, without even reading what they're striking.  It's leaving a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths.

A couple of suggestions on how to deal with the issue:
First, we could get rid of downvotes all-together.  Upvotes would decide the winner, and offensive comments could be reported.
Another option would be a cap on downvotes:  either you get 5-10/day, or you earn 1 for every 10 upvotes.  Something like that. 

Imgur is a predominantly positive place, and I'd like to see it stay that way!

Thanks for your time and consideration.  

p.s.  You have an engaged community who loves this site.  Why not put a couple of ideas forward, each one as an individual picture in a reserved spot at the top of the gallery, and let us vote on them?...  That'd be cool!


Thank You!!

Christopher Salvarani 13 år siden opdateret af Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 år siden 0
I just want to thank you for this wonderful service!

The fact that you allow cross-domain uploading from flash applications is a godsend! You have made the screenshot button for my online flash game possible.

URL alternate image bug

Anonymous Anonymous 12 år siden opdateret af Kangenwater Spray 9 år siden 1

In the new multi-picture posts on imgur, if you remove "gallery" from the URL it sometimes goes to a completely different picture. For example, http://imgur.com/gallery/tdTp0 is two gifs of a dad on a swing, but http://imgur.com/tdTp0 goes to some random wrestler. Sometimes the alternate picture is extremely NSFW or NSFL. Also, the mobile phone version of imgur chooses to display the alternate picture no matter what.

Shamelessly linking my story of it: http://imgur.com/gallery/KUq6K. A bit more detailed description, and the comments verify it's not just me experiencing the issue


NOOOO!!! Why did you switch to that stupid window-in-webpage zoom feature?!

garbuhj 14 år siden opdateret af Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 år siden 1

That type of BS is exactly what sucks about all the other web image services.  This is exactly the reason why imgur had a reason to exist - specifically because it DIDN'T have BS like that!  PLEASE get rid of it!

When I click on an image to see the whole image, if it's too big my browser automatically resizes it so that it takes up the entirety of my browser window.  But with the stupid window-in-webpage image thing I can only ever see a portion of the image at any time!  That's awful.

I have been a huge fan of imgur since day one and I've promoted your site a lot.  Please don't go down the path of ruining your great site with lots of flashy "upgrades".  KEEP IT SIMPLE AND STRAIGHT FORWARD!

I appreciate the site and the work that you do.  Thanks.

Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 år siden

Nothing with this hasn't changed in around 6 months.

It sounds like you're talking about the zoom thing that's in the gallery. However, it's in the gallery ONLY, and this is because once you're in there browsing through pictures, you don't want to switch to an image-only window with no navigation.

If you are anywhere else on the site then it shows only the image. Not sure why you're bringing this up now, because once again, nothing has changed.


new imgur

Heidi Fischer 12 år siden opdateret af Sarah 12 år siden 0

I used to love Imgur but it's super lame now that you changed everything. You have to change it.


How do you caption an uploaded image?

Anonym 14 år siden opdateret af Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 år siden 3
I did it before but i can't do it again. Please help as i love this site!

Stop rapid-downvoting directly after an image is posted by implementing a down-vote time-limit

DJRD4465 13 år siden 0
I feel that every time a new image is posted, the image is flooded with captions and everyone is trying to get the top caption and steal all the points for themselves, by whatever means. If this means down-voting all other comments that get sent to the bottom. In the aim of equality and genuinely trying to make Imgur even better, maybe it would be an idea to implement a time limit before a caption can be downvoted?

Therefore insulting or rude captions will only remain for a short time (say, ten minutes but the time can get less as Imgur increases in popularity), people who try to ruin Imgur's fair captions system don't get the one-up on everyone else, and people can still up-vote whatever captions they feel re the funniest/wittiest. Just an idea, probably worth a trial run and some feedback on your blog first.

Other than that. Imgur is my #1 website :) All we need now is that Imguraffe ;)

New home page downgrades simplicity. Add an option to opt out of it.

Aaron Feitelberg 12 år siden opdateret af Daniel Bradley 12 år siden 1

Recently, a section for highly popular images were added to the home page, as well as top comments. Now, Imgur is my favorite image-sharer of all time, but part of the reason I enjoyed was is the simplicity and tranquility of the uploading process. I could just click on the bookmark, upload an image, get the direct link, and be on my way. I can still do that, but the bombardment of images on the front page along with the uploader now undermines that peaceful, easy feeling. Your slogan is "the simple image sharer," after all.

I know that there are many people who only visit Imgur to browse images, not to upload them. The new home page is most likely a positive addition for those people. But I also know that there are many others like me who don't want to browse and merely want to upload.

My idea, which I propose humbly and respectfully, is this: add an option to opt out of the new front page and go back to the old one, should you so desire. Some people might even like to alternate between the two. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Comments and voting buttons stopped working in firefox 15 since the new gallery update.

Kelly Turek 12 år siden opdateret af Sarah 12 år siden 0

I can still click on the up and down arrows and post comments, but they don't "stick". When I go back to the image, my comment is gone, and my upvote doesn't count anymore. In Chrome everything works normally, so I'm pretty sure its a firefox problem. I am running 15.0.1, which I believe is the latest version.

Sarah 12 år siden

You may need to contact support@imgur.com

Ikke en bug

Deleted pictures are still there.

Jin Lee 12 år siden opdateret af Sarah 12 år siden 0

I can still see the pictures I deleted when I visit their image url.

Sarah 12 år siden

After they are deleted from our servers, they have to also be deleted from our CDN. If the direct links are still working, it's because the CDN has not removed them yet, but they add the images to a queue and they will be removed in the order they are received. 


New uploaded picture vote

kadieneq 12 år siden opdateret af Sarah 12 år siden 0

I really like the older version of Imgur, close knit community has now been spread out between the different viewing sections. I also understand there is always room for change. I think it would be great for the old style "webs popular images" viewing but a different section for user uploaded pictures. Where us Imgurians can vote user uploaded photos into the popular viewing section. 

Sarah 12 år siden

They are currently different sections. New is all user submitted in real time. Hot is those images that have already proven themselves on the web. Hot sorted by time is the old new. 


let UPVOTES and DOWNVOTES be in seperate boxes

Kaila AndMurat Karadeniz 13 år siden 0
so all the idiot anal licking slime cunts, can downvote all they want, and not hold the fate over a perfectly good caption. - love the hot chick of imgur.

Make gallery submission more obvious for casual users

Frogglin 12 år siden 0

While I am enjoying the "new" imgur, I suspect the casual user is not aware of the gallery function making posts public/for comment. I've seen quite a few which from the caption and content really do strike me as stuff uploaded to share with friends, not stuff uploaded for the gallery. I'm wondering if it might be made clearer, perhaps in the note that says "Upload 1 image into the gallery" - maybe change that to "Upload 1 image into the *public* gallery"

This was really long winded, sorry.


new interace layout

Jeremy Comer 10 år siden 0
Hi team Imgur!

I want to give you some (hopefully constructive) criticism on the new layout. (sorry if "bugs" is the wrong section, but there wasn't a "feedback" option)

The up/down vote bar; How many ups vs downs a post has is a bit of into that is really nice to see, on almost all posts. Having to click to see it really detracts from its usefulness. The previous red/green bar was a really nice, simple representation that you just absorbed without any effort. UI improvements should reduce the number of clicks users make, not increase them.

The padding in the comments text field is somewhat deceptive. It makes it feel like the cursor is not right at the beginning of the field.

The fav icon turning red. well yes I can see that you are going for a classic heart colour, but its so counter intuitive as it's the same colour as a downvote.

v minor points;
The separation between the comments section and image feels like a waste of screen space, and really breaks the visual line of the interface.
The new buttons seem rather old-school and clunky.

I'm sorry these are all negative points, but I'm sorry to say that there is nothing about the new UI that I can get excited about. It seems like change for changes sake and has reduced the easy and intuitive user flow that is part of what made imgur so great.

I really hope that you'll back out some of the recent changes. I love Imgur but these changes really don't sit well.

All the best


Captions disappearing minutes after submitting?

Junk Science Skeptic 14 år siden opdateret af G Edward Matzke 10 år siden 6
Enter caption on a photo with maybe 2-4 other captions, look back a few minutes later and it's gone. Nothing controversial or NSFK.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 år siden
hmm...this definitely shouldn't be happening. Do you have the link to a sample album you can send me?

The lightbox thingy isn't centered.

gone and 12 år siden 0

It's off a bit to the left. Don't hate me.


I can't see my own comments on the front page now?

Seth Peck 13 år siden opdateret af Kangenwater Spray 9 år siden 1
When I'm signed in, none of my comments show up on front page images.  They show up in my profile just fine.  Can anyone else see them?  They aren't getting voted either direction.
Sarah 13 år siden
Should be fixed.


Michael Jennings 11 år siden opdateret af anonymous 10 år siden 2
I keep getting incorrect text on the captcha screen. I would have accepted human error the first dozen times or so, but tried about a hundred times (text and speach) and I still cannot get any of them. I was not sure if I needed spaces between words so I tried both. Still no dice.
I hope this does not mean I am a robot...


List oAuth apps

Pesadilla Cuántica 12 år siden 0

 I have a problem with the oAuth authentication of an app. It somehow got wrong and it can't upload images anymore. I would like to see if it is registered with my imgur account and if it has the right tokens, but there is no page in imgur to see what apps have been authorized.

It would be good to have this page too, for security reasons.


Flash ads causes browser to crash

ludvig guderian 13 år siden opdateret af Sarah 13 år siden 0
Recently your site has begun making my browser crash. I'm pretty sure it's one of the flash ads you have on your site. It happens about 1/3 of the times I visit a gallery on imgur.
I have talked to friends who have similar experiences.
Happens in Firefox.
Sarah 13 år siden
If you come across this ad again, please send it to us at support@imgur.com so we can kill it. Sorry about that. 
Ikke en bug

Unable to Re-Subscribe to Pro

GenieElizabeth 13 år siden opdateret af Sarah 12 år siden 0
I have had a PRO account for a year; it was set to autopay via paypal.  All of the sudden it has gone back to a basic account, I have no access to at least 1000 images, and when I tried to resubscribe to pro, it tells me my "invoice has already been paid."  So on the one hand I'm being shown that I've paid for pro, but on the other hand, am still stuck with the limitations of a free account.  I even created and verified a NEW paypal account to try and renew subscription that way - it said the same thing.  So now I'm really really frustrated.   Is it possible to create a new IMGUR account, pay for pro for that one (since hopefully it won't give me the same glitch), and move ALL of my photos over?  (even the ones that are being hidden despite being in a pro account?)   Sarah you have helped me with this quite a bit and I appreciate it, but I am getting nowhere and I have images i do NOT want to lose.  Can anyone help?
Sarah 12 år siden
The issue with PayPal has been resolved.

If only there was a platform for our group so that they can upload photos to a single account... I guess Imgur can help me... Cant u? :)

Amigos4eva bti 13 år siden 0
I wud like Imgur to have a group account so that my friends can upload photos directly to our account with their own passwords with only one account... It helps when we are trying to gather photos to run as a slideshow in our website....

Have Descriptions and Tags for Google

Alex Miller 13 år siden 0
Listen, when i'm in a chat room or something and a situation pops up, I think of just the image, an image I saw on imgur - so I try to google it but am never able to find it. I wish there was a short description and some useful tags that google to pick up on so when I search:
"Indiana Jones - we are going to die :( site:imgur.com" 

I get what I'm looking for in like the first 3 pages tops. Honestly, it makes life easier and it will be easier for users like me to use imgur more in social situations, like chatrooms and forums.

comments disappearing

Fluffmanzadah 13 år siden opdateret af Sarah 13 år siden 0
I know you have probably heard this before but I've been commenting on images and then after I save and then refresh the page the comment is gone. This has happened for probably my last 6 comments. Just thought I would  inform.
Sarah 13 år siden
Can you email support@imgur.com with your account info? Thanks.

The donation link from FAQ is broken.

Stephanie Donahue 13 år siden opdateret 13 år siden 0
When I click it, I get this: "The seller accepts encrypted website payments only. You cannot pay the seller through un-encrypted buttons. Please contact your seller for more details."
Under vurdering


Matt Kitts 12 år siden opdateret af Sarah 12 år siden 0

I would like the ability to ignore other members. Between spam bots, one-dimensional tired point-farmers, and soapbox history assailants, there's a few people I would enjoy never seeing a post or notification from again.

I realize it may sound anti-social or silly, but it would mean a lot to my browsing experience if I could never read a false fact again.

Ikke en bug

Hi Imgur my firefox cannot upload using new method. Pls can you restore the old html upload UI?

Jerrie low 12 år siden opdateret af Sarah 12 år siden 0

 Hi Imgur my firefox cannot upload using new method. Pls can you restore the old html upload UI?

Sarah 12 år siden

Please make sure that your browser is fully updated, you have javascript turned on and you may want to disable add-ons/extensions. You could also try it from another computer or browser to see if you have the same problem.


I'm trying to upload images from computer and it seems to be logging me out.

Pixi Glow 13 år siden opdateret 13 år siden 2
wtf is wrong with imgur? I'm trying to upload images from computer and it seems to be logging me out - causing the upload to fail.  I'm having to upload images to my photobucket page to upload from web and it's taking over 10 minutes for a 30Kb gif.  If I'm going to have to use photobucket anyways, then what is the point of even having imgur?
Under vurdering

Comment for Albums

Richard Siu 13 år siden opdateret af Sarah 13 år siden 0
Why is there no option to leave comments for albums/images? I have an average of 100 people viewing my album a day... Would love to see any comments they have on their mind...

please explain

Zoe Rima 13 år siden opdateret af Sarah 13 år siden 0
im new to imgur, and i was just wondering if when i set my album to public does that make it totally public? because ive posted quite a few pictures and still have yet to see any comments or likes or anything whatsoever. so either my pictures just suck that bad, or im doing something wrong?
Sarah 13 år siden
Hi! Images are not searchable, so in order to get views on your image, you have to share the URL to either the album or the image. 
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 år siden
There was a partial outage with our delivery network and some images were unavailable. Everything should be fixed now though. Are you still having problems?

I am not using Tor

Fabian Teo 14 år siden opdateret af Alan Schaaf (Founder) 13 år siden 1
I've been a huge supporter of Imgur, having purchasing the Pro account and all. But recently I couldn't upload anything to my account because I'm accused to connecting through Tor.

I'm absolutely sure I am not running Tor on my PC and I can't find a way toi upload images anymore.
Alan Schaaf (Founder) 14 år siden
Hi Fabian,

You must have recently gotten an IP address of a tor exit node, and now the site thinks you're using tor. I think I've fixed the issue, so please check to see if you can upload now.

Gallery Image Req.

Cliqey 13 år siden opdateret af Sarah 13 år siden 0
You probably get this a lot, but I was wondering if there were any specific guidelines for how images get into the gallery. Like for instance I heard there was a threshold of views.. once an image hits 50,000 views or such. Anyway just asking, because I'm trying to get an image in and trying to get a feel for my chances. Also I saw something about that twitter search engine.. do I have to have twitter to get it in?

Also, thanks, Imgur is probably my favorite 'social' site atm.. the community is just amazing (mostly :p )
Sarah 13 år siden
First, thanks! Also, it needs to be largely viewed and shared widely on the web. This could mean on Twitter, but does not have to be on Twitter. But a combination of, for example, Reddit and Twitter. 

302 caching?

Laurence Dawson 13 år siden 0

Hi, I've been using the large_thumbnail option and have come into a problem with what I can only presume is caching.

Occasionally when I modify a URL from: http://i.imgur.com/5hFoN.jpg  to http://i.imgur.com/5hFoNl.jpg 

I get the http code 302, with no redirect link. A simple way to get around this is to wait 100ms or so and try again. I presume in this time, the image is cached to the smaller thumbnail format.

Is this expected behaviour? If so, is my "fix" acceptable?



Extend the session timeout for gallery sorting

Cyclone 13 år siden opdateret af Sarah 13 år siden 1
I enjoy browsing the gallery sorted by "new". That's just my preference. If I've not been on in a while, there's many new images to look at. After a while, I'll notice that I'm seeing the same images with the occasional new image mixed in, as in, there are actual repeats. I only figured out today that what happened was my preference setting expired - I went back to gallery view and noticed it was set back to "hot". If you could either extend the session timeout by maybe an hour, or give us the option to pick a default sort, that'd fix it. Thanks!
Sarah 13 år siden
We will add it to the to-do list. Thanks.

Order Rearrangment for All Images/non-Album images.

Zaziuma 11 år siden opdateret af Sariphusen 10 år siden 0
Could we get the option to rearranging the order of all images/non-album images. We can in albums, so why can't we in All Image/non-Album?

Ikke en bug

IE Issue: The new gallery doesn't update the url in the Internet Explorer address bar when moving to the Next picture.

Joshua Gonzales 12 år siden opdateret af Sarah 12 år siden 0

This problem isn't present in Chrome, at least.


When I click on a gallery image, and then click Next to move to the following picture, the url in the address bar stays the same.


IE needs your special love. :(

Sarah 12 år siden

Imgur uses the JavaScript function called PopState in order to update the URL of the image. IE is a bit outdated and doesn't support this. IE 10 is rumoured to, however. You should switch to Chrome though :)

Under vurdering

Clicking images in the "browse" box only works once. After that, I have to reload the page before clicking another image works.

Chris 12 år siden opdateret af Sarah 12 år siden 1

I use IE10 with no add-ins or special configuration, and visit imgur from reddit links.  While viewing an image, I can click on another imagine in the "browse" box in the upper right, and that image is loaded in the main viewing area.  However after doing this once, clicking on subsequent images in the "browse" box has no effect.  If I reload the page, I get one more click before it breaks again.  I can still right-click to open the images in new tabs, though.


I noticed that by using the IE developer tools (press F12) to force imgur to render using "Document Mode: standards" instead of "Document Mode: IE9 standards", this problem goes away, but the image pages always default to IE9 standards for some reason.  I assume this is related to some headers you use or don't use, but I don't know the details.

Kundesupport af UserEcho