Full resolution -view is too many clicks away in embedded galleries
Currently you have to click the settings-tab in the top-corner. It should be only one click to view a bigger version of the image. Like as simple as clicking the image itself.
Also, I think the options should be "View bigger image" (not full resolution) and DOWNLOAD full resolution. This would make much more sense.

Cannot view uploaded images without visiting front page first
This effectively renders the "remember me" checkbox mostly worthless,
since I have to either re-enter my login info or navigate away from the
page, then come back, in order to do anything.

Error 403 on image download

Whatever happened to your minimalist site?
You were great Imgur, you're why I never went back to other hosting sites with annoying ads or "HOTTEST PICTURE" 'feature' nobody cares about. I had the hardest of times trying to reach the "Feedback" link because the damn site keeps loading pictures and pictures, when all I want to do is upload 1 single file. I understand you need traffic to pay the server and the domain and stuff, but you didn't have to convert it into a copy-cat of other sites, and your users come mostly from reddit! Honestly, isn't that enough traffic?
Please go back to the "Simple Image Uploader".

I've noticed when browsing randomly the pics tend to advance automatically every 5 seconds. Is this a bug or a feature? How can I fix either?
That is to say, an automatic slideshow feature which I do not want. Cant find a way to disable it in my settings.

have hidden images actually be hidden

Blurry image thumbails in album view.
Image thumbails in albums looks very pixelated. This looks very bad.
I can see that you are resizing 90x90 thumbnail to 135x135 box. That is the reason it looks so bad. Please fix it. Either generate bigger image or make that thumbnail smaller. But don't stretch this small image to fill bigger box.

Ability to copy forum (mesage board) links for all images right after upload
That + an "Auto Resize" option when you are not logged in would be "The Panacea" :-)
I mean, right after finished upload in this screen:
You have someplace where you can direct copy something like this:


Logins via Google appear to be broken; "The page requested is invalid" error
Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to https://imgur.com/signin
2. Click "Google" under "Use another account"
3. Google Accounts page indicates "The page you requested is invalid." You are not logged in to imgur.

Avoid visually ambiguous characters in URL

Floating Done Button?

This is the BEST image site EVER made .

no url tag in bbcode image links

imgur images show as broken images at veehd.com

I want my purple links!

Try testing it on a different browser.

block spam comments
A huge amount of the spam comments are coming from "new" users posting about a few specific sites (datastat.org) - it seems like it should be fairly easy to disable or delete comments that use these few specific URLs...

Images Fail to Upload

Big images doesn't show right in chrome when zooming
When I make click on it to see it bigger, it actually shows a very short, very wide distorted image.

Zoom image & links - bug
I can't see the link of my image, but this only in RockMelt browser, in other browser this work. When I click on a image for zoom and links, the page become white.
I use the last version of RockMelt, Beta 4.

Arrow key navigation in gallery

Talking advertisements

Thank you!! <3


the previous and next buttons aren't working since the comment section change yesterday...

My screen resolution is too small.
I cannot transfer images to albums from the main screen because my netbook screen is literally too short vertically to show the transfer button. I also cannot move the transfer window. Is there a way to get around this?

Before and after image comparison slider

You should put in a way to link to comments

Title changing issues

Totally the best image uploading site i've seen yet

Is there a way we could subscribe to albums?

Dynamic Scrolling - never ending page
You can never get to the bottom of the page in the gallery, if I wanted to submit feedback, I can't ever reach the links because it always refreshes before I can click!

Maybe allow keyboard shortcuts to up- and downvote comments?

Bug in imgur Beta
Ever since I opted into imgur beta, the site isn't saving a cookie. Thus I must log in anytime I close my browser. Any way to opt out?

The beta period is over and the site is permanent. Do you have cookies enabled?

The site looks crazy and is not functional for me.

The flash version works exactly the same across all platforms and browsers -- it even works in IE6. The HTML version will look the same as the Flash one on a modern browser, but you'll see the difference if you visit it in IE7-8.
The Flash version also processes the image before it's uploaded, so that it actually ends up uploading about half the data (for larger images), thus making them upload a lot faster. For the HTML version, it needs to upload the entire thing first, and then process it on the server side.
Overall, the Flash version provides a more standard way of uploading that works for everything. It's also way faster for larger images.
In time, the HTML version will be the default, and the Flash will be the backup (once I figure out how to do the client side processing in canvases and JS). However, right now, browser support for new HTML5 features just isn't there yet. Way too many people visit the site on outdated browsers, and I think it's important to provide the same experience across all browsers, no matter the version.

A public gallery of images that anyone can use to respond on Reddit.
Example in Reddit if I type in /r/ a list of subreddits appear.
My idea for imgur if I type in imgur.com/public_response/*.* depending what I type next a list of public available response images appear, just the names, not the image itself.
Instead of having people create albums that hold the same images have a public album that hold only 1 image that 100's of people can link too.
Of course I would also include a small adverting icon to generate some revenue.

Welp, a lot of the Javascript dies when using Firefox.
If I try hitting the 'next' button in gallery mode, I get an error saying 'b' is undefined in console. The arrow keys also don't seem to work in Firefox.
Aside from that, I love the latest addons, so keep up the awesome work! :3
Love yah all.

images downsized
my imgur images are downsized to something like 1024 x ??? if the image has more than 1024 width, making larger images(like from sfw porn reddits) very hard to see. reinstalled pc(for another reason) and same thing. help.

Image preview out of order
The order of the image preview in the upper right doesn't seem to have anything to do with the Next and Prev buttons anymore. It's all over the place, going backwards or skipping.
Example: I go to Imgur.com, preview shows that fireflies picture is first. I click on it, and it shows me fireflies. I click next, and it shows me the same fireflies picture again, but reorders the preview so that fireflies is the last TWO pictures, and the next picture is now the third last preview, etc. going backwards.
I click Next, and it goes backwards to the roller coaster picture that was second in the original gallery order. I keep clicking Next going backwards towards the "first" picture in the preview, which is the pancakes picture, but it skips it and then completely changes the order with new pictures. If I then click Prev it changes the order again, etc etc..

This is due to an issue with our CDN. They say they are working on it at top priority.

Politics/Religion on Imgur
Some people vehemently dislike seeing any posts on politics or religion in the gallery. I for one don't mind, and even enjoy getting into nice discussions. However, no one likes to wade through the endless "Why is this on imgur?!" & "I thought we said no politics on imgur" comments...
So one Idea I had that might make things a little better for everyone involved would be an toggle-able account setting that hides pics in the gallery that were from r/politics, r/atheism, and essentially all the political and religious boards of reddit. I know it won't hide 100% of the this content from people who do not enjoy it, but it would eliminate the vast majority of it having to be seen by people who don't want to see it.
So the people who don't like politics don't have to see it, and the people who do don't have to read the endless complaints. I'm not sure how hard this would be to implement, but its just a quick idea I had.

Sorry, we don't want to take something out just because some people don't want to talk about it. Some people don't like cats, but we'd never remove r/aww right? :)

IP Banning users with multiple accounts
Lately the User Submitted forum and been more r/gonewild than anything else. I've noticed in the last few weeks that people are creating new accounts to spam the gallery with NSFW and other extremely graphic content. In just the past week I've seen nude images of 3 women get posted by their ex-boyfriends, I've seen a 40-something year old woman post a "masturbation" album with pictures including closeups of her "lady bits", and I've seen another user upload images of extremely disturbing bestiality porn. People are doing this for one reason: They can create throwaway accounts to spam the gallery then go back to their main account and don't have to worry about facing any consequences for their actions.
In my opinion, people who do things like this should be IP banned to keep them from further disrupting the community with these types of images.

Download key on Numpad
4 and 6 are Left and Right gallery scrolling. + to upvote, - to downvote.
8 should be to Enlarge (same functionality as Enter), and 2 should be to Download full resolution image. (Think up for enlarge, and down for download)
If not, at least consider adding a key to download full resolution, i wouldnt mind, just as long as there is a key for it! Thanks.

Add the ability to turn OFF arrow key navigation in album layouts.
In Firefox 14, W7, when I press one of my arrow keys in an album layout, I'm taken to the next image. This isn't a browser bug (such as caret browsing being turned on) because the page actually "animates" down to the next image.
On a standard 1366x768 laptop, this means I cannot read any of the image captions and is incredibly frustrating.
Pressing the up or down keys results in the entire page going to the top or bottom, as if I'd pressed Home or End, respectively.
Strangely I do not get this behaviour using Chrome.
Please add the ability to disable arrow key navigation entirely as I prefer to have the default controls in my browser back.

download album does not contain all images
Hi when im downloading an album (this ) I dont get all the images in the album, this has happened before with other albums. please fix this :)

Real World Marketing
I think you guys could CLEAN UP if you had a store for stickers and other imgur merchandising. I like the idea that there are still a lot of people out there that do not know what imgur is, and it would be the coolest thing ever to run into a fellow imgurian on the street. It's like our own fight club, but we tell people about it, sometimes. (ok a lot)
It has become such a daily activity to visit your site everyday for anyone who works on a computer, if feel we are a strong underground community. Imgurians all get the same jokes, non-visitors have no idea what we're talking about. It'd be nice to be able to identify another winner at the internet immediately. Just a thought.

When downloading albums, prefix filenames with their index in the album
Sometimes this isn't a problem, but often albums are ordered in a particular way intentionally. It would make more sense to prefix filenames with their index in the album when downloading them as an album, ie., "1 - (imgur filename).png," "2 - (imgur filename).png," and so on. This preserves the album ordering when sorting these files by filename, while also preserving the imgur filename so the individual files can be looked up later.
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