That new layout is different and I don't like it.
Hey the new layout is okay, but I don't really like half the page taken up by popular images. I would rather just have the uploading page. Maybe stick those images on another page. imgur.com/popular or something.

Firefox not always showing animated gif images.
This page shows all images in IE and Chrome but not in Firefox.
Tried a blank test profile and tried the beta version of Firefox but it still doesn't work.

Noisy Ads

Ads with sound
at 21:04GMT on 30/11/2012 I was subjected to at least three adverts on your site which unsolicitedly played sound. The ad units were for Strepsils, Air Wick and one more which I do not recall.
I used the silence button on each ad, but after that ad had finished playing and a new one loaded, the new ad began playing sound.
Please can imgur not use intrusive ads with audio, or make the mute button persistent.
Kind regards,

Thanks for letting us know! We'll try to find those and get rid of them.

I am not able to use the facebook log in feature anymore.
I am not able to use the facebook log in feature anymore. Is there anyway I can get help? Every time I log in with it I just get a second blank page. Nothing loads.

This is an error on Facebook's side. Please email support@imgur.com to have your account dissociated from FB.

I absolutely hate the new layout
I like the simplicity of the old one. I hate being bombarded with pictures when I just want to upload one.

Judging by the FAQ, "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here!" (Annie reference.) Is there a way to create sub-albums? (Not sure if that's what Cameron W is requesting or not.)

What happened to all of my liked images? I only have the ones from today.

Imgur albums in chrome do not work properly.

Report button for images does not fit the style of other buttons. Looks out of place.
The report button should look like the other buttons, right now it looks out of place being jagged.
For example,

Impssible to get to the bottom of main page
When I tried to scroll to the bottom of the main page to get to the footer links such as suggestions. It kept loading new images making it impossible to actually click on the links.

It should load 5 pages and then automatically truncate unless you request to see more images.

any plan to provide oembed api interface
It will be really interesting that you also provide oEmbed api interface for your images.

That's a really good idea. I've just added it to my todo list. A blog post will most definitely be made when it's released, but it should be sometime next month.

Where is the EXIF data?

Please don't turn this into Facebook or Xbox Live with a ton of added features used for stroking people's ego.

Growth stats
Can we see more statistics on users, comment numbers, points per post, etc over time (days, months, years)? I think it'd be cool to see the growth of imgur in a more graphical way than just looking back at posts from a year ago.

I think there needs to be a mobile app

new imgur
today i clicked on the try the new imgur button, and to my dismay, the top of my page is all screwed up now. every time i look at an image, i have to scroll down through a bunch of crap at the top to see the image, instead of being able to click next like i used to. any way to close out the stuff at the top?

Bug: Album pictures disappear
Whenever i open an imgur photo album and click on an image, it blinks up for half a second and then disappears. That means i always need to click an image very fast to see it.
EDIT: I restarted Firefox without addons and the bug was gone. Sorry for the false report :(

Sort comments my NEW option
Quick suggestion, if you could have a tab on the comments to switch between BEST and NEW comments it would help a lot. Nowadays most of the comments getting best comment are ones that were there close to first, so a lot of funny/witty comments are being buried. Thanks for reading!

individual image options needed in album view
please make link choices and editing dialog accessible in all instances of image.
especially in album view, where there are now no options for individual images except zoom and download. this necessitates wading through all uploaded and unorganized images just to get access to links or to edit an image

Hyperdesktop says "Cannot Get link from Server" Please advise.
Please advise

Link Twitter to existing Imgur account.

Webp image support

cant login via Firefox or chrome or IE (using Facebook login)

User Message System

Ability to hide albums

Loading Albums
On pages that have "albums" like this one http://imgur.com/gallery/PxrQe would it be possible to have the link at the top, or when you click the link that the missing pictures would just load below the pictures you've already scrolled though? Thanks!

Alan, will you stop by and give another AMA...
when your site hits #2 picture site in the world behind flickr? Your not far off are you? Only imageshack left to beat and trending strongly? Where do you get your rankings?
My question for AMA:

Browsing random images only shows about 20 images.
After ~20 images, it starts over from the beginning of those 20. Refreshing or leaving Random and going back doesn't seem to fix it. It's only been happening over the last week or so, don't know if it's intentional.

Subreddit links appended an extension don't work.
On redditp.com I append a ".jpg" to any imgur link to display the image directly. This doesn't work with links such as http://imgur.com/r/aww/x9q6yW9
Also, when you remove "/gallery" from a gallery you get a redirect loop. E.g. http://imgur.com/xcaYL

403 Forbidden on jsfiddle.net
Loading images from http://fiddle.jshell.net/ seem to have been blocked for some reason. Why this, did you suspect a DDOS attack?

Option to disable comments
I'd like a setting to disable comments on images, it makes imgur take longer to load.

Title doesnt change when i click "Next"

Mouse side scrolling has a double assigned functionality.
Here is an example url http://imgur.com/gallery/ExxXR
if you were to use the scroll wheel left or right, it will cycle to the next image in the gallery in addition to scrolling around the page.

Down votes

tags and filters
I propose a tagging feature that can also be used to filter in/out images.
We all love different things, but many "appropriate" images are either uninteresting, startling, or just damn annoying. Imgurites should be able to post their pokemon, Community, lolcats, spiders, Emma Watson, Minecraft, shock/horror gifs, whatever, but I think Imgur is getting popular enough that we can no longer generalize about the collective preference of the community. Especially with the new ability to directly upload to the feed, it would be really nice to automatically filter out the images that we definitely don't want to see. I think the community can be trusted to properly tag images and police tag abuse for the most part.


imgur images shown as broken
for some reason, since yesterday my computer can't see any imgur image at all. and they only show up when i use proxy.

Create an option to order the comments on their post time
It would make me moan like an elderly orgasmic sheep if we had this, and it would solve the problem of the good-but-new captions being at the bottom.

How about more user levels?
Well then. I don't know why my first edit didn't take.
Anyway, those of us with 50 or even more than 100 thousand could use another "level/title" to work towards :)

Please prevent users from downvoting comments that no longer appear on the corresponding image's page via user profiles.

Repost Button
Due to the new User Submit functionality (which i love! thanks) there are obviously a TON more reposts out there. It is impossible for users to know that pictures they find on facebook/reddit/4chan/etc are actually from Imgur or that they have been recently posted on Imgur from the same site. Unless one monitors the New User Submit 24/7, you can never know unless it is actually on the Most Viral page. Thus, I would like to give my idea of a Repost Button to be placed next to the Report/Spam button. This would allow people to report reposts from the last 48hours(just an example) without having to downvote people(not their fault they want to share something with the community that was recently shared, or at least not ALWAYS their fault) or without reporting it as Spam or Abuse(which should be saved for the gore/porn/etc).
You are smart people, I am sure you can work out the gritty details if you decide to move forward with this idea. Thanks for listening/reading!

Stop hosting child porn

What about a link from each individual notification to its parent comment? Makes it easier to catch up on a running comment tree from a few days or weeks back.

abort or restart failed upload
I've just been trying to upload some pics using wireless on the train. When the wireless drops for a considerable time (say thru a tunnel or in a dodgy area), the current pic seems to fail/hang. Unfortunately I can't seem to abort or restart that pic, so I then have to restart my entire upload queue again, which gets a bit tedious.
Would it be possible to add an option to restart/retry/abort these failed or hanging uploads?

Make Imgur Albums work on browsers with javascript disabled!

Caption box broken

Customer support service by UserEcho