
This is, by far, the best image hosting site I've been to.

Val Hart fa 14 anys updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) fa 13 anys 1

Ever since Photobucket revamped and moved itself to such a cluttered and laggy interface, I've been searching for another image host I could call my very own. u n u

I found it on imgur by chance, and let me just say that the site is so aethetically pleasing that I would have loved it even if the navigation wasn't so simple, the options weren't so convenient, or the hosting wasn't so flawless.

So thanks. ; v ; I love it here. You guys did something really fantastic.


Make an Opera Extension to upload images with imgur.com

a b fa 14 anys updated by opera fa 13 anys 3


I'm an Opera user. I liked imgur.com.

Could you make an Opera extension? Opera and Chrome is using same method to making extensions. So it shouldn't be so hard.

Here's an usefull link to making extensions in Opera:



Upload an image from clipboard (like snag.gy)

Linus Sjögren fa 13 anys updated by Stuart Branham fa 13 anys 3

snag.gy has an excellent method of uploading pictures, you just go to their website and press ctrl+v to upload the image currently in your clipboard.

Can we see this on imgur? 


Stay signed in needs to be fixed.

Chris Talley fa 14 anys updated by Dona Arshita fa 10 anys 3
Dear imgur, please fix your stay signed in option.  I must continuously login every time I visit imgur.  kthxbye

You guys are the best long-term image host I know of that doesn't mess with quality of PNG files, but I wanna know, why are you blocking Facepunch? Many images on that site are hosted here and it's a big forum that's good for your business.

Jordan Lambert fa 13 anys updated by Dona Arshita fa 10 anys 2
Recently, Facepunch has been blocked by you, Imgur, for no reason apparently, so Facepunch is blocking you. I don't understand why but is there a reason you chose to block Facepunch? The forum has around 60,000 members or so and is unbelievably active with images all over the place.
Sarah fa 13 anys
Facepunch has been unblocked. 

Zip upload

Maciej Kuśnierz fa 13 anys updated by Dona Arshita fa 10 anys 0
Would be nice to upload zip files.
For example. Zip file name would end up being album title.

a tagging or image caption option

curlywhirl fa 14 anys updated by Ngakali Gugel fa 10 anys 1
So it's easy to remember where the images are from or why they are of interest.

Images not loading even after changing DNS settings

redlightning fa 14 anys updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) fa 13 anys 1
I changed my DNS addresses to Google's, and images hosted on imgur.com still don't load for me.
I'm not sure what else we can do then. Usually when people have problems with images not loading it has something to do with their DNS.

There aren't any service outages anywhere right now, so I have a feeling it has something to do with your computer/network. Have you tried loading images on any other computers?

Do your own logged in views of your images count on the total view count?

Tinka Tinka fa 11 anys 0
If so, is there anyway around this?


cece fa 14 anys updated by SitusBacaOnline fa 10 anys 3
I use an extention to upload images to my imgur account (...and galleries). I would like a zip-function so I could download the images I'd like: all, last week, last month, etc., and even specified images.

Don't know what it would do to the servers, but it takes forever to download atm - unless another feature will be available for me/us to use add-ons like DownThemAll! etc.

Unable to view replies in comments or upvote on the iPad.

Adam Russ fa 12 anys updated by agenseo fa 9 anys 9

Just this past week I've noticed that I am no longer able to read replies in the user comments section or upvote comments when I use my iPad, (aka my $500 Imgur machine). Has anyone else had this problem? 


The new Imgur seems to have broken the Google Chrome Extension here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/naicjelodgogagjjkgepdkjecopegkag#

Sushubh fa 14 anys updated by agenseo fa 9 anys 3

i use this extension pretty much daily. the new imgur seems to have broken this feature.
Under review

FTP-Upload support?

jx47 fa 13 anys updated by Sarah fa 13 anys 1
It would be nice if you could use ftp, as a registered user, to upload your pictures. This would create the posibility to upload pictures directly from apps like Snagit, Jing, Camtasia etc.

Lysol auto-playing video ad?

Andrew Crawford fa 14 anys updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) fa 14 anys 2
Hi imgur guy,

You were on my adblock whitelist for being so awesome.  But then I got an auto-playing ad for Lysol wipes, complete with sound and video.  Now you're not on the whitelist anymore.
I'm really sorry about that. Imgur has no control over the ads that are on the site -- at all. We work with several different ad networks, and even though I've repeatedly told them not to serve sound ads, some slip through anyway.

Could you help me track it down? What page did you see it on? Also, where are you located?

Disable downvotes in the captions for the first 30 minutes an image is in the gallery.

Radical Thomas fa 13 anys updated by Sarah fa 13 anys 0
So comments get only upvotes. By the time the downvotes are allowed, the best captions have already got their chance to shine - taking the advantage away from anyone who downvotes all captions except their own.
Sarah fa 13 anys
We currently have measures in place to combat rapid and excessive downvoting in the comments. 

Add more than one OpenID to a single account

Lo'oris ☰ fa 14 anys 0
I login with Google, and I found odd I wasn't able to link more OpenIDs to my account.

Usually I'd expect to be able to do that.

(that said, at least having one as we do now is great, thank you)

new features

Artur Musiał fa 14 anys 0

we could use reply notification feature, a reply on profile page option, and some buddy system (friend is too big word for it). if you catch my drift.


facebook login problem...

Ryan Cox fa 12 anys updated by Sarah fa 12 anys 2

 I don't know why but logging in with facebook no longer works for me. I really hope this gets fixed soon because I can't access my account at all.

Sarah fa 12 anys

This is an error on Facebook's side. Please email support@imgur.com to have your account dissociated from FB. 


Viewers should get some income by posting there own ads on imgur.

pratik jani fa 12 anys 0

I am a regular imgur user.  but few days ago a question came in my mind that after spending so much time on this site , what i am getting ? and the answer was "nothing". you should give some part of  income to your viewers by letting them post there own ads on imgur


Other image hosting sites are obsolete.

Nando Paz fa 14 anys updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) fa 13 anys 0
The minute I found imgur, it was curtains for any other image hosting site. Thanks for making everything simple, to-the-point, and uncluttered. It's the simple surface and deep options that won me over instantly. Don't change!
Under review

Top Commenters

Vincent Tyler fa 12 anys updated by Sarah fa 12 anys 0

I think you should have a "Top Commenters" list for witty users somewhere. It would rank users via reputation points in particular time frames. Similar to "Today's Best Comments" but more in depth. Divide them up between "Daily/Weekly/Monthly/All-time." It would list the most witty users with recent comments and then possibly add subscriptions as an option to follow them. Then your reputation points would actually give you reputation. And add visibility to every imgurians awesomeness!

I think this would add to the interactivity(?) of the site. Just a thought. 


Make album information API available for anonymous usage

Esteban Feldman fa 13 anys updated by Wojtek fa 10 anys 3
Would be nice to query on Album info as the Image info without the need of authentication. I'm working on a library 'thornbed' oEmbed based, and it's not possible to ask for auth. Thanks 
Not a bug

still having to continually re-login

archer rehcra fa 13 anys updated by Sarah fa 13 anys 3
every time i close my browser, and even sometimes when computer sleeps, i have to re-login, even though i have selected "keep me logged in"
Sarah fa 13 anys
We're not having any similar problems on this end. Please make sure that your browser is fully updated, you have javascript turned on and you may want to disable add-ons/extensions. You could also try it from another computer or browser to see if you have the same problem.

Embed Code generator for multiple images!

Sushubh fa 14 anys updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) fa 13 anys 5
Still waiting for the feature to make it easy to get bbcode/html embed codes for multiple images from the account
Hey guys, this is officially planned and will be released within the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

EDIT: Done! http://imgur.com/blog/2011/02/12/new-account-managment/

Not a fan of the new presentation:

Chris Cancelliere fa 12 anys updated by Sarah fa 12 anys 0

I feel like the quality of the images as well as the amount of views/comments an image receives have gone down overall as a result of the new layout. I've always wanted to upload images directly to the gallery, but now that I see it being done, I feel like what's being posted isn't all that interesting at all. The whole sorting system seems flawed to me. I liked just being able to hit 'newest' because I felt like I was catching up on everything that had been posted. Now I feel like I'm missing out on images. I'm not trying to sound like one of those people that says "Bring back the old Imgur!" but I don't think it changed for the better.

Sarah fa 12 anys

What you used to know as new is now hottest sorted by time. It's exactly the same as the old gallery. The new new section is not meant to be the best content, it is meant to be completely new content that is totally vulnerable to our community's feedback. I think both sections of the site offer something to some people, but no areas or functionalities have been taken away from what has always existed on the site. 


Can't sign in with my Google account

Marta Drela fa 12 anys updated by rld. wizz fa 10 anys 1

I registered yesterday via Google account and everything worked perfectly fine, until today. I tried to sign in, but the log in page just refreshes after I pick to sign in with Google. I use updated Mozilla Firefox.


I find the new layout less smooth than the previous one. It would be great if there was an option to use the old one.

Krzysztof Skrzydel fa 12 anys updated by Sarah fa 12 anys 1

 I find the new layout less smooth than the previous one. It would be great if there was an option to use the old one.

Sarah fa 12 anys

Sorry, there won't be an option to go back. If you have any questions about the new one feel free to ask so we can help you get used to it. 


Can we get Imgur demographics?

Justin Kerns fa 12 anys 0

With all the politics talk, it would be great to know what percentage of users are from the US, EU, etc.

Under review

Add MPO image file support

Jordan Pt fa 13 anys updated by Sarah fa 13 anys 0
The MPO file format is simply a 3D container for JPEG images. The container holds Two Images, one for the Left-Eye and one for the Right-Eye. Thus creating a 3D image on compatible viewers. However, MPO files also have fallback support for 2D viewing. You can embed an MPO on a Website and a Webbrowser will treat it just like a normal 2D JPEG and only display the Left Image. 3D capable devices(like the 3DS) can open the MPO images embeded on a site and display them in 3D with no issue.

So essentially you wouldn't need to do anything other than allow MPO file uploads. You may have to block Image editing because a normal image editor will probably only export a 2D JPEG instead of the whole MPO. However, other than that, there is no reason you can't add support for MPO.

I right news articales and reviews on a 3D image forum and use Imgur for all my 2D image hosting(I pay for Pro) but I have to use my Dropbox to host my 3D images since no Image sharer supports MPO files. Using my Dropbox like this is far from desirable. So I would be very happy if I could upload my 3D images on Imgur as well.
Sarah fa 13 anys
I have added it to our suggestions list.

I love this site!

Anònim fa 14 anys updated by Alan Schaaf (Founder) fa 13 anys 0
I discovered it two months ago and now I use it every single day. Thanks imgur.
Under review

The thumbnail for animated gif should bear a movie icon.

Caloonese fa 13 anys updated by Sarah fa 13 anys 0
Most of the thumbnails of animated gif file are not representative of its contents. They are usually not very interesting looking. If the users are scanning for interesting material solely based on the look of the thumbnails, many of these animated gif will not be picked. Adding a movie icon/watermark on the thumbnail will help alot.
Sarah fa 13 anys
Thanks for the suggestion. 

Delete my picture from an imgur link

Balkazzaar fa 12 anys updated by Sarah fa 12 anys 0

I sincerely apologize for asking newbie questions. Rest assured, i have referred the FAQ section before posting my query below.

I have been trying to get in touch with imgur support for a while to delete an image from a link. I had even emailed this concern via email to support@imgur.com, but received no response or reply.

I even sent a PM hoping for some response from the administrators.

I had uploaded this image to my account and after uploading it, i deleted the image from my account. But it still shows up in the link. I cannot post the link here for privacy reasons. The Request deletion link does not accept links ending in .picture-extension format

I would like to have my image deleted from the link ASAP due to privacy reasons. I would be truly grateful if you could delete this permanently from the link.

Please reply if you would like me to post the link or email the link to you.

I would be truly grateful if you could help me resolve the issue as early as possible

Thank you.

Sarah fa 12 anys

This happens because our CDN, Edgecast, gets backed up and does not remove images. The images have likely been removed from the Imgur server, but not from the CDN. The only thing we can do is continue to pressure them. http://imgur.com/removalrequest accepts URLs in picture extension format and is the best way to get your image removed. 


I can't see any images in the gallery.

Cynthia Honeycutt fa 13 anys updated by agenbolakaki fa 10 anys 3
I can't see any images in the gallery. This is the second day this has happened. They are black boxes with the little image symbol in the center.
Sarah fa 13 anys
Should be fixed, if not please write to support@imgur.com

Images not loading even after DNS change

SuperChocobo fa 13 anys updated by lucywill fa 11 anys 3
I'm getting this image loading problem on all browsers, and all computers connected to my network, even after a DNS change.

I have no idea what is going on.

Update: Yesterday imgur was working fine but today it isn't. Images that were uploaded before it started going wrong all work fine, even if I clear my history.I can also see the images fine if I access them from a proxy.

There are some issues with people not being able to load images, specifically in Europe and The Netherlands. I've contacted Edgecast (the network used to display the images) and they're aware of what's happening and are working to get it fixed.

Sorry for the trouble, but it looks like things are out of my hands at this point. However, Edgecast is usually really on top of things, so I expect this should be resolved soon.


I can see a picture load but then it goes black instead of being fully loaded. Only some pics. Not sure what the pattern is.

Sue fa 11 anys updated by Hanne fa 10 anys 2

I'm browsing reddit and use RES's preview to see a pic linked to imgur. 

Normally, if it's high-res I guess, it loads revealing the pic from top to bottom. I can see the top, the middle, etc. while the rest of the unloaded photo is blank or black. Then the entire photo loads, refreshes(?) and I can see the photo! Great.

I've been having this problem where certain pics (can't figure out the pattern) load from top, to top-middle, to almost-middle, to middle-after then it just goes black. I just saw at least half of the photo, but it just goes black. 

I click on the imgur link and the same phenomenon happens. There's just a black thing instead of the photo I almost saw.

Except- this doesn't happen to all photos! I just wanna figure out what's going on. : (

Does anyone else have this problem? I've tried "imgur" "load" "black" and other keywords but I haven't been able to find anyone with the same problem.

I am on a Mac using Safari. 

Can I please stay signed in??

Daniel Jordan fa 13 anys 0
I'm tired of having to log back in every 5 minutes. I have time to waste, but YOU'RE NOT LETTING ME DO IT!!!!!!

IMGUR has broken for me

nicholas mullen fa 13 anys 0
Half the time I look at pictures, and everytime I look at galleries, the picture only shows up for a split second, and them dissapears, making imgur impossible to view for me. This has been happening to me for the past 2 weeks.  I have tried using different bowsers and clearing cookies and cache. Please help, because I love imgur and have been using it since I first saw a redditor post it as a small project he was working on. Without it, reddit would not be what it is today, which it just is not for my case anymore because of this problem.
Searching answer

Plus/minus keys (+/-) for upvote/downvote not working in Firefox 15

evilmishie fa 12 anys updated by Sarah fa 12 anys 0

Hi, has anyone noticed a bug where the +/- for upvote/downvote doesn't work on Firefox 15? I don't have another machine with Firefox 15 installed so I don't know for certain it's a bug, but I tried running Firefox in Safe Mode and the functionality was still gone. It works in Google Chrome and IE on my computer, so I don't think it's my computer. If you could take a look at it, it'd be great, thank you! imgur love <3

Not a bug

Imgur won't let me sign on with facebook :(

Angela Keeley fa 12 anys updated by Sarah fa 12 anys 0

I use facebook to sign on to Imgur and yesterday it was working fine at school, but when I came home and tried signing on it redirected me to a facebook sign in page which short-circuits and won't load my profile. Help! I need to upvote things and share imgur with the world!

Sarah fa 12 anys

This is an error on Facebook's side. Please email support@imgur.com to have your account dissociated from FB. 

Under review

Clear way to move images to different albums

Firstname Lastname fa 13 anys updated by Sarah fa 13 anys 0
I love imgur and recommend it to everyone because it is so easy to use and intuitive.

The only thing that isn't easy is moving images to albums.  I always have to search around for that screen where it shows All images, Album Images, Non-Album images.

I'd love to see a simple page to organize pictures, in a place that a newb could find.

TIRED OF "Image failed to upload" for last 24 hours error. BUT I can upload via email

Зигизмунд fa 13 anys updated by Brian Oliver fa 13 anys 1
TIRED OF "Image failed to upload" for last 24 hours error. BUT I can upload via email


please stop using Cloudflare it does strange things with Java clients when they try to upload something like minecraft skins

John Fox fa 12 anys 0

please stop using Cloudflare it does strange things with Java clients when they try to upload something like minecraft skins


order captions by upvotes, and display # of upvotes, downvotes and total score on each caption, to reduce downvoting

Chris Phillips fa 13 anys 0
People downvote everyone else so that their comment bubbles to the top. So, instead of ordering captions by their total score, instead they could be ordered by the number of upvotes they received. That way, the only way someone could influence the order that the captions are in would be to upvote captions.

Each caption would still display the number of upvotes, downvotes, and total score it's received, and if the total score is negative, then they can still be put into the 'bad comments' section (and of course people's overall reputation will still take downvotes into account) - so downvoting would still serve a purpose.

This way, captions that receive a lot of praise get to the top, and not just captions that get the least downvotes. As the image gets older and the number of votes the captions receive goes from 10s to 1000s, it seems people start mindlessly upvoting captions at the top of the list and downvoting captions that are at the bottom without reading them, so it's important to get the balance right at the start when an image is new and most of the captions only have a few votes each.
Under review


am111 fa 13 anys updated by Sarah fa 13 anys 2
Recently users of the Gallery have been abusing the voting system to try and achieve the top comment. It seems there is a minority of users that will downvote all other comments to give their comment a more prominent position. One idea to combat this was to limit the number of downvotes a user has per image.
Under review

Download entire album in .zip and more

Morgester fa 13 anys updated by Sarah fa 13 anys 0
imgur should allow for users to download entire albums in a variety of formats (.zip being one of them)

Can imgur add an option "PayPal checkout" to go pro ?

Nb Nbhd fa 13 anys updated by Sushubh Mittal fa 11 anys 4

Can imgur add an option "PayPal checkout" to go pro ?

"PayPal subscribe" is not suitable for users who have not a credit card, I am the one.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sarah fa 13 anys
The pro subscription is a yearly recurring credit card charge, so you must have a credit card on file. We are working on other ways, but for now Pay Pal is the only option. 

Middle clicking on links on front page opens upload dialog

Jon Bergli Heier fa 12 anys 0

When I browse the front page I prefer middle-clicking on images to open them in new tabs. Since the last update (where the gallery was moved to the front page) this also opens up the upload dialog, which forces me to middle click twice per image (to close the dialog). This happens for any link on the front page when using Google Chrome (25.0.1323.1 dev). With Firefox 16 I don't seem to get the upload dialog at all.

Not a bug

Upvotes not staying

notmyname fa 12 anys updated by Sarah fa 12 anys 0

 Every single upvote I give does not stay. I've tried clearing my cache, giving upvote then refreshing (gone), giving upvote then waiting a minute before viewing the next pic and returning (gone), tried several upvotes on an image's comments (all gone when I return), tried only one or two upvotes on an image's comments (gone when I return or refresh)... The ONLY time I can get an upvote to stick is to upvote and refresh and repeat until it stays. This is getting tiresome. Tried Chrome, but I can't test there since I can't log in via FB.

Using FF (v16.0.2) with Adblock Plus

Sarah fa 12 anys

It takes 10ish seconds for a vote to register after its been given.