I have another hero that I can add to my list
I have another hero that I can add to my list of hero's...My grand daughter tops the list though.... A big KUDO to you for giving your all so that I can live free...From one Vet to another I STAND AND SALUTE YOU FOR ALL YOU GAVE.

Restrict access to profiles

Captcha is broken in Google Chrome?
I have a Pro account. Yet I am forced to fill the captcha multiple times a day. The problem is that sometimes the captcha does not appear. Batch uploads halt in the middle because the service requires me to prove that I am a human but the captcha popup does not appear at all. Right now is a good example. No matter which screen I use, the image does not upload. Stuck with a pending message.
I am on latest Chrome Beta right now. I have seen this behavior in the past on Stable and Dev builds too. As a result I moved to a desktop app (ShareX) for my uploads. I tried using the web uploader today after reading about the new enhancement (failed uploads are automatically retried) but apparently it is still broken.

Is there any way to just copy an image on imgur to your own account without uploading it and wasting precious disk space?

Feedback problem: After leaving a feedback there's no place to go
The result? When you are done entering a feedback item, you are looking at a page with your new feedback, only.
There is no "Back to Albums".
There is no "Send additional Feedback"
The only option is the browser "Back" button, which goes back what the user thinks is 5 pages (certainly about 5 actions -- at least it seems like that.)

Single uploads in backend are not appearing without a reload
This has started happening from earlier today. I thought it was Chrome Dev Channel build released earlier today but it's happening in Firefox too.
PS. This happens on single uploads done through Copy/Paste feature.

Comment Question p.2

Properly attribute images sideloaded from Flickr

No voting option?

details are missing

don't like new changes

bulk uploader:

Hey Imgur
So recently I've been posting some pictures to the new gallery and they have been getting very positive attention (Here is the album if you'd like to see as well http://imgur.com/a/aiyTs#0 ) and even a few fans. My idea would be to have a feature to subscribe/follow another users activity and lets you choose what about a certain user you would like to be updated about such as updating an album, posting a comment, achieving a new rank, gallery posts etc so my "fans" can be updated about a new picture I've created and uploaded. Thank you in advance for any consideration you give to this idea and good luck with the site been using it for a while and enjoy it every day :)

Embed imgur uploader/plugin into a website
Hello, is there a way to embed imgur uploader into a website?
For example, add <iframe> or some other plugin to forum posting page, so users can upload images when they write posts and copy the image link to their post.

Can't seem to edit pictures since last week.

hyperdesktop has a win 32 trojan, is this what I am to expect from your website? I am a new user and will wait for your response. I am at khransdell@hotmail.com. KHR
Please advise as to what you know of this. I download all the time and this is the very first time Immunet has caught a trojan for me.

This is my scan report: http://i.imgur.com/kd0F2.png

Usernames / Points / Notifications
3 things:
1. Is there a way to make people have a uniqiue ID? That way even if someone changes their username you can still get to their page?
2. Can we have some more categories above Glorious?
3. Is there anyway to make a notification if someone says @username "Insert Comment." Maybe a pop-up on your page, etc.
If you want me to upload these all seperately, I can.

london boy one is NOT display
First of all GREAT pictures!!! The one with Ann Frank really hit home to me. (I'm Jewish. My Rabbi's father was a holocaust survivor.)
I would like to point out the picture of the boy from the bombing of London is not appearing but instead the same picture of Lincoln.
Take care,

Upload image to imgur from another URL
Hi folks,
I am writing app in C# which should provide to user imgur link of picture which already exists on some other URL (so, not from local machine). I have implemented app so far (dummy) that app downloads image from its original URL and then local copy of image is being uploaded to imgur server and I get my imgur URL. I set image property in this way:
{ "image", Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(localFileName)) }
So, basically, I read image locally from machine and pass that byte stream converted to base string in my request.
My question is: Is there a way not to do that, but to send URL where image is located and that I become imgur URL of that image without saving it locally on machine before making request to imgur server?
Many thanks in advance for any kind of answer.
Best regards.

Is there any reason why I can't add new albums?

Edited image shows the edit through my account but the link doesn't show the edit.

Why did the Reddit source get removed from the sidebar?
On the right, it would say Submitted # hours/days/years ago. Then it said some bandwidth stuff, but it also had the View Source on Reddit which linked to the reddit post's comments. Why did this get removed with the most recent update?

Pixelated image thumbails
Image thumbails in albums looks very pixelated. This looks very bad.
I can see that you are resizing 90x90 thumbnail to 135x135 box. That is the reason it looks so bad. Please fix it. Either generate bigger image or make that thumbnail smaller. But don't stretch this small image to fill bigger box.

How to find duplicate images?
I've uploaded so many images to my account that I can't easily see if I've added duplicate images, although I'm sure they exist. Is there a way to find duplicates in an imgur album/collection? Thanks in advance for any suggestions, and kudos on all the obvious hard work that's gone into this site.

No, we do not have the ability to know the contents of the image, only the URL.

Please come down hard on goonrushing other sites or real people.
While I understand this is a text scam, posting anyone's real info and encouraging harassment should be bannable. Do you have mods who regularly handle reports but also proactively view comments?
This isn't 4chan or SA, please don't allow behavior like this.
Also ban people who make stupid comments like this: I think that the number is actually 1(716)754-4775 Also, as a Freshman in College who plans to find a women. FUCK HER!

Please help.
I'm absolutely sure I am not running Tor on my PC and I can't find a way to upload images any more.

Please make sure that your browser is fully updated, you have javascript turned on and you may want to disable add-ons/extensions. You could also try it from another computer or browser. The uploader seems to be working normally from this end.

Imgur timing out
Randomly, just as quickly as the problem appeared, the issues goes away. I can access imgur.com and browse reddit just as easily as I should be able to. Then, I can't access imgur anymore and the problem persists like a vicious cycle.
Is there anything I can do? I'd really appreciate any help. Nothing that has been archived has seemed to help.

Image highlight not on right image

i am actually very curious as to why my completely sfw link was deleted.
my sfw picture was removed. i would like an explanation (at the very least), since my girlfriend and i expected to have a judgment free holiday

It may have been downvoted. Images downvoted to -6 are automatically removed from the gallery.

Mobile site still substituting NSFW/gory images for galleries
The problem cited by Kimberly Macdonald below has the status fixed, but I still encounter the same issue regarding galleries with the same ending URL on the mobile site. Example:
Gallery: http://imgur.com/gallery/NHq19
Image: http://imgur.com/NHq19 (<- Warning, NSFW)

All my images are GONE! What happened to them?

Spam links
For the spam links, could you take the URLS from reported comments and create a filter to block any account that tries to post a comment with a item from the filter list?

Hotkey S (stats) should ignore Ctrl+S, which saves the page

Any chance we can specify a background image (from our account) to display our albums images against?

Please reconsider a LIGHT or WHITE theme
It's not that I don't like black, infact I love black SO much that I have my entire screen on "invert colors" just so I can view every damn site in black. But on imgur it fails and I have to use pesky css hacks.
I know this is probably not a good enough reason, but consider that the entire web is "light", so obviously folks like it.
Please reconsider :)

Fix the blog to have proper title tags?
Your blog currently have a generic title for all individual posts.

Can you folks fix the problem where you force pages
I have to get around it by changing the "m" to an "i" in the address, and then appending the address with ".jpg". This usually works (but I guess not all images are jpgs), but not always.

Imgur is great and has been working fine. But a few days I can't see my images - they upload all right. Bu I can't view them.What's the problem?

Are thumbnails for animated GIFs going to be static images from now on?
Hi Guys --
Once upon a time, certain thumbnails of animated GIFs were themselves animated. For example, this file and its "h" thumbnail are both animated:
Original, animated:

I would like to be inside an album and upload new images directly into that album (rather than into a giant image pot first). I would like to do this using IE9.
To simplify uploading, it would be sweet to open an album, and have an "upload more" window that will allow new photos to be uploaded DIRECTLY into an album. The newly added images could also, at the same time, be added to the giant collection of all images. BUT, the uploading of new photos would be simplified if they could go directly into an album, rather than need to be put into the image holding folder and THEN moved into an album. That image holding folder is eventually going to become HUGE. THANKS

.tif files actually unsupported

I think you have a bug on the notifications page.
When I went to check my reply notifications, I saw a new reply, and I upvoted it. After upvoting it the points on the reply went from 1 -> 12. Reloading confirmed that the real number of points was in fact 2. I think you have string concatenation going on when it should be numeric addition.

The image size doesn't change anymore depending on the size chosen.

Let me know if you have any more suggestions!

Have you changed the code used to fetch images in the backend?
I have a Pro account with mmm very large number of images. And this had become a problem. Backend simply would not load the images unless i cleared the cache and reloaded the page multiple times. I was in fact considering switching to a brand new account to resolve this problem at my end.
But in the last 2-3 days I have seen that this problem has largely disappeared. Images load fine after a slight delay. Funny enough, this behavior started when I renewed my Pro account.
Just wanted to see if you had changed something in the code that was used to fetch the existing images for display in the backend!

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